Just when everyone's attention was on Wu Jinhou.

Lin Yun took the initiative to attack at this time.

Lin Yun was seen using his strange movements, and no one could see his movements clearly.

In an instant, Lin Yun seemed to have drawn hundreds of clones.

Wu Jinhou did not feel afraid after seeing this scene. On the contrary, a ferocious smile even appeared on his face.

"Well done."

Wu Jinhou only heard an angry roar, followed by Lin Yun who was chasing him.

Everyone nearby looked at the hurricane brought up by the two people, and they were filled with emotion for a while.

"This is too scary. Even though I have developed my ghost talent, I still don't have the upper hand in the battle with this human being."

"Compared to Wu Jinhou's ghost talent, I am more curious about the identity of this human being?"

Those who can gain a foothold in Heavenly Prison are all ruthless characters from all sides.

But when these ruthless characters saw the fight between Lin Yun and Wu Jinhou.

I am even more curious about where this human came from, and he is able to challenge Wujin Throat alone, not to mention such a terrifying opponent.

He was even able to remain invincible even when faced with Wu Jin Throat's complete madness.

This is a terrifying human being they have never seen before, and I am afraid they will never dare to challenge such a difficult opponent again.

"I have never seen such a strange human being in all these years in Heaven Prison, and the aura of this guy is also quite strange."

Everyone was discussing, and the fighting here was getting more and more crazy.

Every time Wu Jinhou swings his fist, he can cause the surrounding air to explode.

But Lin Yun was always able to dodge smoothly.

Wujin Throat, no one knows how he does every attack.

But in this battle, Lin Yun's situation is indeed becoming more perfect.

Probably Wu Jinhou was also aware of the gap between his fight and Lin Yun's.

He looked around, his eyes suddenly focusing on the gravel.

Wu Jinhou waved his hand.

Using his body to drive the hurricane, he actually rolled up the surrounding sand and rocks.

Then the sand and gravel shot toward Lin Yun at extremely fast speeds.

Although Lin Yun relied on his strange movement skills to create countless rumors at this time.

But the attack of Wu Jinhou's move can be said to be very intensive.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Yun would be injured under such an offensive, he did something unimaginable.

Lin Yun was seen holding the scabbard tightly with his left hand, and put the wooden sword into the scabbard.

The right hand is tightly grasped on the hilt of the sword.

Facing these stones that were shot towards him like bullets, his eyes were extremely firm.

At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, Lin Yun leaned forward and pressed down.

Like an athlete preparing to sprint.


Lin Yun only heard an angry roar, and a ten-meter-long gap instantly opened in the ground beneath his feet.

At the same time, Lin Yun rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

The long sword in his hand has already been unsheathed.

The sword wind caused by the terrifying power swing directly cut through the storm formed by the gravel.

All of this happened in a flash of lightning, so that Wu Jinhou could not react at all.

By the time he came to his senses, it was too late.

Under everyone's attention, countless sword marks erupted from Wu Jinhou's body.


These wounds also burst open instantly, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Such a scene made everyone stunned. Looking at their companions, they didn't know what to say for a moment.

They originally thought that Wu Jinhou, who had completely exploded the talent of his race, would win.

But who could have imagined that this battle would end so quickly.

Lin Yun made very few moves during the entire process.

But every time, he was able to resurrect his opponent just right, just like now, Wu Jinhou is still difficult to resist no matter how strong he is.

Wu Jin Throat stood on the spot, his body recovering at an extremely fast speed.

But the scary thing is that every time his body wants to recover, it will be injured again.

Wu Jinhou looked at Lin Yun with wide eyes, not knowing how this guy did it.

"You've already lost."

It was just a gesture attack that directly cut off Wujin's throat.

At the same time, Wu Jinhou was seriously injured.

Wu Jinhou, who had a proud face before, now has no temper at all.

He smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I thought I would win this battle."

"I didn't expect that Your Excellency only used one move to defeat all my offensives."

Although the people here in Heavenly Prison are all extremely vicious, their brains are also a little bit awkward.

But there is no doubt that they are all a group of people who admire the strong.

Especially now that Lin Yun suppressed Wu Jinhou at the first sight, it made many people completely change their view of this human being.

Some of the people who wanted to challenge Lin Yun before now have no idea at all.

"Your strength is indeed the strongest among humans that I have ever seen."

"It's your fault

I'm convinced by the hand. "

Wu Jinhou didn't say much and accepted his failure naturally.

Li Shuang, who was in the distance, couldn't wait to rush over and hugged Lin Yun directly.


"You are so powerful, you can end the battle so quickly."

No one could have thought of this.

When Lin Yun wanted to challenge the strongest man in Purgatory City, Li Shuang was a little afraid to imagine it, but she still did it.

Originally, it was thought that Lin Yun might die here during the challenge.

But who could have thought that Lin Yun actually won the first battle.

Now Li Shuang even really thought that Lin Yun might defeat all the enemies in this battle.

"For me, continuous fighting can make my strength stronger."

"I am also looking forward to what kind of surprises you guys can bring me next."

Lin Yun smiled and looked at the position of the city gate.

"Is there only one person in Purgatory City who dares to challenge me?"

Although Wu Jinmao's strength is very strong, it is not enough for Lin Yun to recognize.

The guards at the city gate looked at each other, and one of them ran into Purgatory City without looking back.

It seems that Lin Yun has completely made a name for himself this time.

Although Lin Yun defeated Wu Jinmao this time.

But he did not kill him.

Soon another guy who did not believe in evil took the initiative to stand up.

"You are indeed very strong."

"So I want to learn from you."

"If you can really defeat me, I will work like a cow or a horse for you, and I will never complain."

The man said, and then took out his weapon, a black battle axe.


Black Goldmaw was defeated quickly, he still had some confidence in himself.

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