At this time, the Sky Burying Ghost began to doubt whether he really made the right choice.

You must know that Lin Yun looks like he has no intention of taking the next battle seriously.

"Boss, shouldn't we calm down and adjust our condition at this time?"

"Although you performed really well in the previous battle."

"But no matter what, what you have to deal with this time, but this guy Wu Hu is definitely not that easy to defeat."

"So I still suggest that you adjust your condition well to ensure that you find a chance to defeat him in the next few days."

The Sky Burial Ghost placed all its hopes on Lin Yun.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun's side was different from what he thought.

The Sky Burial Ghost took this matter very seriously, but Lin Yun acted too relaxed.

It didn’t even occur to me that something unexpected might happen later.

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations for Wuhu."

"Now you have to follow me to Dongpo Mountain to find a baby."

"After the things are found, it's only a matter of time to solve the problem."

Lin Yun said it easily, but the two of them looked at each other, not knowing what this guy was thinking.

At this time, shouldn't it be time to increase one's strength to the extreme? Only in this way can one defeat truly powerful enemies.

So what if Lin Yun can really find some treasure?

What he was facing was Wu Hu, who was so powerful that Lin Yun could not change the outcome of the battle with the help of foreign objects.

But since I have chosen to go with Lin Yun,

If we don't move, then now we can only choose to cooperate.

"Since the boss has mentioned this, I can only believe the boss."

The Sky Burial Ghost sighed.

Lishuang, on the other hand, had no idea what the so-called Dongpo Mountain was.

So Lin Yun arranged for Li Shuang to have a few people enter Purgatory City first, and then help him collect information about Wu Hu during this period.

Lin Yun himself took the Sky Burying Ghost to Dongpo Mountain.

"Boss, don't you want to take a rest now?"

Seeing Lin Yun heading towards Dongpo Mountain non-stop, even the Sky Burial Ghost was very surprised.

You must know that the two of them must be quite exhausted now after going through the previous battle.

I could have found a good opportunity to take a good rest, and then I might be able to change my destiny later.

But now Lin Yun had no intention of resting at all. Instead, he was even more anxious than the Sky Burial Ghost.

"Defeating Wuhu is not that easy. I have lost my weapon now."

"In battle, you are always under the control of others."

"So I have to find a handy weapon to ensure that I can defeat my opponent in the subsequent battles. You don't want to watch me lose to Wu Hu, right?"

After hearing Lin Yun's answer, the Sky Burial Ghost finally understood.

It turned out that Lin Yun had gone through so much trouble just to find a weapon that was handy.

It's just that he didn't understand how he could find a weapon in the wilderness in Dongpo Mountain?

If Lin Yun really wanted to search, he should go to other places.

Soon the two people arrived at Dongpo Mountain.

This is also a very special place in Heavenly Prison.

Although Heavenly Prison is just a prison

Prison, but there are also some very dangerous restricted areas. Most people will basically die after coming here.

Dongpo Mountain is one of them.

A long time ago, many people entered Dongpo Mountain by mistake.

But in the end no one can come out alive, and those trapped inside will suffer to death.

It was because of going to Dongpo Mountain that Wu Hu was able to fully establish his name and eventually became the master of Purgatory City.

If Dongpo Mountain hadn't happened, probably not many people would know much about Wuhu.

After hearing what the Sky Burying Ghost said, Lin Yun became even more excited.

If you want to defeat Wu Hu, you must break through Dongpo Mountain.

"Sky Burying Ghost, have you been to this place before?"

The Sky Burial Ghost smiled awkwardly.

"Boss, you still praise me too much."

"Although my strength is not inferior to the top ten villains, I am only on par with them after all."

"Wu Hu's strength has already reached the level of the Four Heavenly Kings."

When he heard about the burial, Lin Yun curled his lips disdainfully.

"It's just one of the Four Heavenly Kings. What's there to be proud of? If you really want to deal with him, you have plenty of ways to deal with him."

"I really want to know what kind of complacent means this guy has to make him so arrogant."

Lin Yun is also fully confident about the current situation. Of course, he knows that these guys are difficult to deal with.

But now it is not a good thing to gain other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige.

The Sky Burial Ghost didn't say anything more, but he was still quite afraid of Dongpo Mountain.

The only people who followed Lin Yun were the Sky Burial Ghosts.


The others were temporarily placed in Purgatory City by Lin Yun, and now he has not completely broken up with Wu Hu.

So Wuhu probably won't do anything to these people, everything is considered safe.

Lin Yun's current ability is enough to protect these people.

No problems will be encountered in a short period of time.

As for what will happen next, Lin Yun is not sure yet. He can only try his best to solve everything as soon as possible.

After all, Lin Yun still needs to quickly refine the power of these people's bloodline.

Soon Lin Yun came to the so-called Dongpo Mountain. When he looked at the wilderness in front of him, he was also a little curious.

"To be honest, this place looks really ordinary, nothing special."

"Normally, no one would choose to come to a place like this."

Lin Yun said angrily, and then swaggered towards Dongpo Mountain.

The Sky Burying Ghost had just come to his senses, and when he saw Lin Yun walking forward, it was already too late even if he wanted to remind him.

There are traps everywhere in Dongpo Mountain. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out.

The Sky Burying Ghost originally thought that Lin Yun would restrain himself after arriving here.

It wouldn't be as lush as before, but who would have thought that the situation would be completely different from what he thought?

In this guy's eyes, it seemed as if there was no threat at all in the world.

Even now, he doesn't take the situation here to heart at all.

"Boss, be careful you step on a trap."

The Sky Burial Ghost almost roared loudly.

He didn't know what was wrong with Lin Yun that he dared to be so moved.

But now everything is

It's too late, the danger in Dongpo Mountain is something that even a tiger in vain has to be afraid of.

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