Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 710 The deadline has expired

Lin Yun originally wanted to complete what he had done this time and return to Purgatory City as soon as possible, so that he could improve his strength faster.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter such a treasure on the way.

In desperation, he had no choice but to stay on Dongpo for refining and recovery.

Although such a choice would be slightly dangerous, it was not too troublesome for Lin Yun at the moment.

After setting up several formations in succession, Lin Yun began to make preparations. Of course, he did not pay attention to the Sky Burying Ghost beside him.

Although the Sky Burial Ghost is now on his side.

But in the process of refining Lin Yun, he was very weak and could become the target of the Sky Burial Ghost at any time.

He would not be so naive as to think that the guy in front of him would choose to believe in his own strength as before.

And by cooperating with him in many aspects, Lin Yun is more willing to believe that at the most critical moment, the Sky Burial Ghost will definitely choose to kill him.

But for the current burial, Lin Yun must have great value.

Therefore, due to various considerations, the Sky Burial Ghost would not kill Lin Yun at this time.

"Don't worry so much. It's okay if we don't return to Purgatory City."

"I will spend the next few days consolidating my strength here, and wait until I return to Purgatory City to scare them."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

Although this is a bit too crazy, for him it is also the best way to solve the problem at the moment.

He didn't expect that he would be in such big trouble this time. He could only do his best under the current situation.

Burial Ghost

He nodded aside, although what Lin Yun was doing now was a bit crazy.

But for him, this may be the best way to solve the current problem.

In this way, Lin Yun and the Sky Burying Ghost chose to stay in Dongpo Mountain, but the news did not reach Purgatory City.

After Lin Yun and the Sky Burying Ghost left, Li Shuang settled in Purgatory City and arranged some positions for everyone.

For them, the situation today is different from before.

What Lin Yun wants to do is to overturn the rule of the entire Shenhua world, and he admires such a big shot in his heart.

Compared with Wu Hu, what Lin Yun wants to do is really high-end and classy, ​​and it is worthy of their status.

Therefore, in their hearts, these people also admire Lin Yun for being such a powerful master.

But who would have thought that after so long a year passed, they still couldn't find any clues about Lin Yun.

Gradually, these people also became anxious.

So they found Li Shuang immediately.

"Miss Lishuang, do you want to give us an accurate answer? What exactly is this situation?"

Several people looked at Lishuang with confused expressions, not knowing what was happening at the moment.

And Li Shuang is just like them now, with a face full of confusion.

These people are some of the most powerful masters under him.

Their status is naturally quite important.

Originally, Li Shuang should have comforted them and made them believe that Lin Yun had not chosen to give up on them now.

But even Li Shuang herself couldn't believe it. What was the situation now?

Looking at them, Li Shuang could only smile awkwardly.

"You let go

Feel better. The current situation is not as dangerous as you think. The boss is just going out to do errands. "

"You all know that as the boss, he has a lot of things to do. Naturally, he cannot explain all the news to us clearly."

Under the current situation, Li Shuang could only try her best to make them understand that the current situation was not that dangerous.

But I watched helplessly as the five days were coming soon.

Now they still haven't found any clues about Lin Yun.

In this environment, no one could naively believe what Lin Yun said before.

Not to mention them, even Li Shuang started to worry.

Although he also knew that Lin Yun would never leave so easily.

But the Sky Burial Ghost has said before that Dongpo Mountain is very dangerous.

So now Lishuang could only think that Lin Yun probably encountered trouble on Dongpo and got injured.

If this is the case, the situation is quite complicated. Unfortunately, with his current ability, he can't help at all and can only watch helplessly.

"The battle with Wuhu is about to begin. At this time, Fan should concentrate on himself and do his best to defeat this powerful enemy."

"But at this juncture, the boss is not here. How can this make us feel relieved?"

"If something unexpected happens, we simply won't be able to handle it."

Everyone had different opinions at this time.

Although Lin Yun said something nice before, so far they have not been able to see Lin Yun in more completely different scenes.

look at these

Everyone was doubting Lin Yun's appearance.

At this time, the expression on Li Shuang's face became even more ugly.

"You were the ones who chose to follow the boss in the first place."

"So you should trust what the boss is doing on this issue. Since he has promised you, he will never joke with you."

"Now you people gathered here to doubt the boss, what do you mean?"

"If you really think you can do something with your own abilities, you can try your best?"

"The five days are coming soon, so what? Isn't it still the beginning?"

"As long as the boss comes back before starting, he naturally has his own considerations. How can it be that you people can understand."

Before leaving, Li Shuang definitely wouldn't have dared to speak like this.

But now there is no other way. With so many people surrounding him, he can only try to make his aura stronger as much as possible.

Otherwise, so many people would probably disband completely because they doubted Lin Yun.

Since these people finally stood on the same side as Lin Yun.

Then Lishuang needed to gather all these people together. They must have been quite suspicious of this situation.

But after hearing what Li Shuang said, she slowly felt relieved.

After all, they were all completely frightened by Li Shuang's angry look just now.

After all, the person in front of him had followed Lin Yun a long time ago.

Maybe it will play a very important role in the future. In any case, under such circumstances, we cannot offend such a big shot easily.

"Miss Lishuang, we

I came here just out of curiosity and have no other ideas. I hope you won't take it to heart. "

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