Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 714: The First Person in the World

Those who were still doubting Lin Yun before lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything, but they felt even more incredible in their hearts.

They had all heard about the danger level of Dongpo Mountain before. A human being could actually come out of Dongpo Mountain alive.

This is probably something that no one in the world dares to imagine.

Only the Sky Burying Ghost following Lin Yun looked proud.

Of course he knew that these guys had completely different ideas from his own. They naively thought that Lin Yun was coming from the best direction.

But the actual situation was completely different. Lin Yun not only passed through Dongpo Mountain.

And it still opened up a path that has never been seen before or since.

For this matter alone, Lin Yun can be said to be the best in history.

The Sky Burial Ghost admired him immensely.

Seeing Lin Yunzhen's arrogant and proud look, Wu Hu was naturally very angry inside.

However, there was nothing he could do against Lin Yun in a short period of time.

"Boy, you are indeed a very interesting guy for being able to come out of Dongpo Mountain alive."

"I have seen many people who thought they were powerful, but they still died in Dongpo Mountain. But you can change your destiny, which is really good."

"But there is still a world of difference between you and me. If you choose to give up at this time, I can still give you a way to live."

"Young people like you have good abilities and can stay under my hands and work for me."

Wu Hu stared at Lin Yun, his eyes focused on the sword behind Lin Yun.

If the guess is correct, this is the treasure he originally wanted.

I just don’t know why this sword changed its appearance when it was in Lin Yun’s hand.


"Hasn't the City Lord figured it out yet? What I said before was not a joke."

"The purpose of my coming here is to make you surrender to me."

"Either I will conquer you or die by your hands."

Lin Yun grinned and spoke rather contemptuously, as if he didn't care about the current situation at all.

After so many conversations, Wuhu has gradually lost his patience.

Wu Hu didn't know what Lin Yun was going to do, but he probably realized how powerful this young man's methods were.

It is not very common for people to come out of Dongpo Mountain alive.

So far, Wuhu has met only a few people.

But right now, Lin Yun and himself were on opposite sides, so of course he couldn't pursue Lin Yun's strength.

"I have given you many opportunities to choose. I have to say that I still love talents. It is a pity that you have chosen a dead end now."

Wuhu said as he slowly walked forward.

"In that case, let's start and let everyone see what powerful methods you have."

The battle began, and Wuhu's aura instantly became quite terrifying.

As someone who has been in power for so many years, Wuhu's aura must not be something that ordinary people can resist.

This has been one of the things he has believed in for many years.

When the aura completely exploded, many creatures had no idea of ​​continuing to resist in front of him.

They may even naturally choose to kneel on the ground to admit their mistakes and beg for mercy.

And this is not the first time Wuhu has seen this situation.

He even thought that when facing Lin Yun this time, such an aura could still give him

It brought a huge surprise and completely convinced this human being.

But what Wu Hu didn't expect was that Lin Yun was still standing there, looking at him with a smile.

"If you can withstand the pressure of my aura, it seems you are qualified to fight with me."

Lin Yun shook his head after hearing Wu Hu's answer.

"It's just a simple aura, it's not enough to make me so afraid."

Just like what he said, although Wuhu's aura is powerful, it only targets those with personal confidence, and is completely inferior to Lishuang's.

But for Lin Yun, it was the result of complete immunity.

Lin Yun knew a long time ago what he was going to face, and at the same time, his aura was definitely not something that ordinary people could bear.

Some people standing near Wuhu had no choice but to kneel on the ground.

Wuhu's aura is too powerful, and they can't resist such a terrifying force.

At this moment, Lin Yun took the initiative to take a step forward, and the murderous aura field fully unfolded.

A terrifying murderous aura broke out instantly.

Even Wu Hu's expression changed slightly, although he already knew that this guy might be much more powerful than he thought.

But he never expected that Lin Yun's aura would be so terrifying.

Even the well-informed Wuhu is now starting to worry about his situation.

"I didn't expect your aura to be so powerful."

He is indeed someone who can become his opponent. Even Wu Hu now has some recognition of Lin Yun.

It's not like Wu Hu has never seen a powerful person with great strength.

But people like Lin Yun are really rare.

Faced with Wu Hu's current statement, Lin Yun just ignored it.


"There are many enemies that I need to defeat, and in the process, I must ensure that my strength is at its peak at all times."

"So it might be a very rare thing for you, but it's a very normal thing for me."

Lin Yun was not joking when he said this.

Many of the enemies he faced had very cunning methods, and generally no one could deal with them.

So Lin Yun needed to become stronger than others, only in this way could he ensure that he had an absolute advantage, and this series of events happened later.

So for Wang Hu now, he had no way to understand.

But Lin Yun could handle it easily.

"What you said is not of much use to me. Now I am just thinking about how to completely wipe you out of this world."

Wang Hu's patience has gradually run out. Lin Yun is too dangerous for him.

If there is a suitable opportunity, he will choose to kill Lin Yun here without hesitation.

Facing Wang Hu's threat, Lin Yun was as calm as usual, and did not show any fear.

"Today's battle is a matter of life and death. No matter what, I will not choose to kill you. In this case, Master Chen can still rest assured."

Lin Yun said, and then drew out the sword.

After this period of refining, he also knew the name of this sword.

Rebirth Sword!

A very strange name, but his power should not be underestimated.

But his power is strong enough, and no one can underestimate him.

Even Lin Yun

extremely admires this sword.

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