"Although Tianduan Prairie is dangerous, as long as you abide by the rules here, it won't be difficult to make it alive."

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at Ren Changze.

Now that he knows what the purpose of this guy's coming here is, he is too lazy to pay attention to the guy in front of him now.

He just wants to transfer all the disasters to himself.

But Ren Changze was still too naive after all.

He didn't realize what Lin Yun was thinking at all, and thought his plan was seamless.

This place is not within the control of Shenhua Realm.

Here, as long as you are strong enough, you will be the strongest.

Of course, Tiandu Prairie also has its own rules.

A strong person above the realm of yin and yang cannot come here.

So although the changes in Tianduan Prairie are great this time, we still haven't seen those high-ranking figures appearing here. This is the reason.

Therefore, the strong are only in the realm of yin and yang, and they will come here.

But strong men of this level are already rare.

The Wanfa realm like Lin Yun and Ren Changze are the mainstream here.

Ren Changze saw through that Lin Yun's cultivation level was almost the same as his own, so he took the initiative at this time.

Before that, he had killed a group of people and snatched a secret treasure from those people.

There shouldn't be any big problems on the way.

But who knew that when he came to the ribs, he unexpectedly found that someone was paying attention to his every move.

At this moment, Ren Changze realized that someone was eyeing the treasure in his hand.

I don’t know how this news leaked out, but now we have to do it in advance

Good countermeasures.

So Ren Changze began to arrange all this.

After seeing Lin Yun, he thought of this way of diverting trouble to the east. Maybe the two guys in front of him could help him provide a cover.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed more powerful than we thought."

"Only three people can pass through the Tiandu Prairie. I'm afraid that among the many people present, no one can compare to you."

Ren Changze also sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He knew exactly how much trouble he had encountered along the way, even though he was strong enough.

But their team still made some losses, and then they came to Tiandu Prairie.

Lin Yun was able to get through this smoothly with just these three people, which shows that they also have their own abilities.

This is also in line with Ren Changze's next arrangement. Only the truly strong are qualified to be used by him.

Since Lin Yun and others are so desperate, we can definitely cooperate with them now.

"Fellow Taoist, you also know that this is not a place where ordinary people can be honest and clear."

"Now that we have arrived at the Rift Valley of Tianduan Prairie, we cannot just return empty-handed."

"If fellow Taoists don't mind it, I'll be willing to cooperate with you when the time comes."

Lin Yun knew what this guy was thinking, so he grinned at this moment.

"This is not good."

"We met by chance. I'm afraid you won't be able to trust us. Wouldn't it be troublesome if we were really taken advantage of?"

When Lin Yun saw Ren Changze, he also made plans in his heart.

They will definitely get into this trouble next, so be prepared in advance

Preparation is for sure.

Although Lin Yun can see the changes on the panel, he still needs a guinea pig to help him experiment.

Originally, it was quite difficult to find these little white mice, but unexpectedly at this juncture, this guy in front of me actually came to my door.

In this way, Lin Yun would naturally not miss this opportunity, although it was still unclear what was waiting for him next.

But for now, everything is under Lin Yun's control.

With Ren Changze's calculating methods, he was no match for Lin Yun. He was played around by Lin Yun, and he probably didn't even know that he was betrayed by Lin Yun.

At this time, Ren Changze still looked confident, thinking of using Lin Yun to get himself out of trouble completely.

As long as they can get into the ribs, all the rest will be up to them to solve.

"We are all practitioners in the Shenhua Realm. Even if we meet for the first time, it doesn't matter, right?"

"If your Excellency is worried, we can make an oath again and never betray."

Ren Changze said with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Huang Zema."

Seeing Ren Changze directing and acting here, Lin Yun also sneered in his heart.

This guy is really shameless. He didn't even introduce his name correctly, but he dared to say that he would make a vow to himself.

However, Lin Yun was not ready to expose it at all now. He just smiled and shook his head.

"We all know how dangerous it is here, so we don't dare to let our guard down on this matter."

"No matter what the final result is, you must be fully prepared at this time.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will be a disaster. "

"I see that your team still has a large number of people. There will definitely be a lot of trouble and even a lot of conflicts when you cooperate with us."

"In order to avoid such conflicts between the two parties, it is best to act on your own."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

When Ren Changze saw this, he immediately gathered together. You must know that they had not found other people along the way.

But after these people saw Ren Changze and others, they immediately stood vigilantly and stayed away.

After all, there is almost no one in these cultivation circles in Shenhua World who does not know what the rules are outside.

Never trust any stranger. After all, in such a dangerous place, there is no protection from the rules of the Shenhua Realm.

Even if they just push you, you may die without a burial place.

Ren Changze was also targeting Lin Yun and others, so he probably didn't understand the situation in the Shenhua Realm at all.

In other words, they are not deeply involved in the world, so they came here so persistently this time, hoping to cooperate with Lin Yun.

In the final analysis, it is because they have no other choice now.

I originally thought that Lin Yun would quickly agree to my request, but I never expected that at this juncture, I would be rejected by Lin Yun.

Therefore, Ren Changze can only step up to the pole now and ask Lin Yun to change his attitude.


"The Rift Valley of the Tiandu Prairie cannot be challenged by three people. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers."

"If you just go in, you may not only be damaged inside, but you may even undo all your previous efforts."

Ren Changze is also here

Bean tried his best to dissuade him.

In the end, thanks to his efforts, Lin Yun did have some changes in his attitude.

This also gave Ren Changze a glimmer of hope.

There's a show!

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