Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 743: Can this thing be eaten?

To be honest, Lin Yun was a little shocked by this scene.

He originally thought that the black mist was a very dangerous thing, and if he was not careful, he might die without a burial place.

But Lin Yun would never have thought that his body could absorb it.

Fortunately, the surrounding environment was very dark, so Ren Changze did not notice the special changes in Lin Yun.

This feeling of falling lasted for a long time.

Gradually, several people began to feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, after falling for a long time, no one would be able to withstand such pressure. Only Lin Yun could remain calm for the time being.

But he gritted his teeth. This time the rift was really more dangerous than they thought.

They must remain absolutely calm during the entire process, otherwise the challenge alone would be enough to drive them crazy.

After an unknown amount of time passed, several people felt as if they had fallen onto a piece of cotton.

There are three people on Lin Yun's side.

Ren Changze's team consisted of seven people.

The strength of several of them is pretty good, and most of them are wandering around the realm of Wanfa.

It can be regarded as a very powerful mainstream team. It is no wonder that they dare to attack others at will on the Tiandu Prairie.

Indeed, with the strength of their team, there is no need to worry about other enemies, and they are still capable of challenging them.

But this time they found themselves an iron plate.

Lin Yun's attention was not on these things at all, but he was looking at the surrounding stone walls curiously.

Even when they came to the depths of the rift valley.

But this place still makes them feel extremely mysterious.

At this time, Lin Yun did not continue to smoke.

He collected the black mist. He absorbed a lot of black mist along the way.

However, it seems that these black mists have no way to operate for the time being, and are only absorbed into the Dantian Xinghai by Lin Yun.

It seems that I need to find an opportunity to refine it in the future, maybe these black objects can be used by myself.

"It should be right here."

The next moment Lin Yun saw Ren Changze opening a map, then looking around and pointing into the distance.

"We're heading that way."

After saying that, he took the lead in leading the team and walked forward.

Although Ren Changze made no movement, Lin Yun felt someone following them behind him.

It seems that these people should be here just for Ren Changze.

Carrying crowdsourcing on his person actually got so many people's attention. It seems that the trouble Ren Changze caused this time was not simple.

Although the situation seems to be nothing to worry about at this time.

But Lin Yun knew these seemingly simple guys.

It may cause them a lot of trouble at any time.

Ren Changze must also know about these followers who are following behind him, but he is afraid even if he doesn't say it now, because of this reason, he will scare away Lin Yun and others.

At this time, Gu Santong was already leaning next to Lin Yun.

"Boy, I think your arrangement this time must have your own purpose."

"Some people came with us just after we came down. Is their target us?"

Gu Santong still has a keen awareness of the surrounding situation. He also knows that someone is following them, but he is unable to determine the other party's purpose now.

After all, Lin Yun is still a big trouble for the Night Watch Department. It is very likely that the people from the Night Watch Department are watching their every move.


So Gu Santong didn't dare to act rashly now, but after hearing this answer, Lin Yun just smiled and shook his head.

"Senior, you can rest assured that these guys are not here for us, their purpose is for that person."

Lin Yun pointed at Ren Changze in the distance and said.

Gu Santong nodded blankly: "It's strange to say that I always feel that there is something abnormal about this kid. Why should we cooperate with him?"

Ren Changze usually looks like a harmless person.

But if you look closely, you will understand that working with this guy is definitely not a wise choice.

Because you can never be sure how he will deal with you next moment.

It is very likely that you will die without a burial place.

If it weren't for Lin Yun this time, Gu Santong would never have acted with him.

"Senior, have you forgotten where this place is?"

"We don't know much about this place, so now instead of slowly pondering it ourselves, it's better to place all our hopes on others."

"This guy won't attack us in a short time."

Lin Yun said with confidence, precisely because his panel could see everyone's every move.

Because of this, he has a complete grasp of the current situation.

No matter what these people want to do next, everything is under Lin Yun's control.

He doesn't need to worry about the subsequent situation and any unexpected changes that may occur.

After hearing Lin Yun's confident answer, Gu Santong felt relieved.


"I knew that you, a weird boy, must have other reasons for doing this. This time it all depends on your arrangement."

"No matter what these guys want to do, as long as they dare to stand against me, I will use my own way to eliminate it."

Gu Santong is still quite confident, and his strength should be considered the most powerful among these people.

Only Lin Yun can suppress him for the time being.

Although Gu Santong did not practice any skills.

But his own physical strength is no longer something that ordinary people can handle.

At such a close distance, no matter how strong Ren Changze is, he will be instantly killed by Gu Santong.

This is the strength of being a swordsman, and it is also the foundation of Gu Santong's current position.

"It's just how do we arrange the guys behind us? We can't let them follow us all the time, right?"

Lin Yun thought for a while and was not prepared to pay attention to these people. Anyway, they would not dare to act rashly in a short time.

I still have to follow Ren Changze to see if there are any problems next.

Moreover, Lin Yun's attention was still on the surrounding rocks.

Strangely enough, he really couldn't feel any black mist inside the stone at this time.

But his intuition told him that there was definitely a large amount of black mist stored inside the stones deep in the rift valley, and it was extremely pure.

It's just that although Lin Yun can absorb it now, he hasn't found a way to use it yet.

So he couldn't be anxious for a while, otherwise he would have taken action to absorb it.

Ren Changze didn't even realize that Lin Yun also had an opportunity.

His attention at the moment is all focused on the depths of the rift valley, which may be possible at any time.

any changes that may occur.

After all, the black mist disappeared earlier than before.

Lin Yun did think this was an ominous sign before.

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