Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 753: Showing off his prowess

It's a pity that several people present are really naive. Even if they have reached this point today, they still fail to see the facts clearly.

Perhaps in their eyes, the current situation may be really dangerous, but they can still clear an obstacle.

Only Lin Yun shook his head helplessly at this moment.

Sometimes things can be easily solved.

But there are also times when no matter how hard they try, they still can't get things resolved.

Lin Yun just looked at Shan Changxin with contempt. This guy did have a lot of tricks up his sleeve, but it was easy for him to reverse the situation by just relying on this method.

On the contrary, many people around me are full of confidence in Shan Changxin.

Shan Changxin himself seemed to be unable to see the reality at all, and was still feeling complacent at this moment.

Lin Yun saw all this without saying anything, and even had no idea of ​​stepping forward to help at this time.

Originally, Ren Changze was somewhat confident about this situation, but when he glanced at Lin Yun beside him, his expression instantly became embarrassed.

Before, they thought that by using this good person to take action, they would not have to worry about any unexpected situations that would happen in the future.

But unfortunately, looking at Lin Yun like this, even if Ren Changze is really a fool, he understands that what happens next will only be much more serious than they thought, and there is absolutely no chance of any easy changes.

"That's not true. I know very well how powerful the exorcist family is."

"Even if you look at the entire Shenhua World, it is a very famous existence. How is it possible that you can't even subdue such a female ghost?"

In Ren Changze's heart

Still don't want to believe this.

No matter what, they all know how powerful the person in front of them is.

Now it is impossible for him to believe that this guy can never reverse the facts.

On the battlefield, Shan Changxin also became more and more successful.

"It just depends on your conduct. Even if I give you a few more decades, you still won't be my opponent."

"If you don't want to be wiped out in ashes, just stop and kneel down and surrender right now, and I might even spare your life."

Shan Changxin looked at the female ghost coldly, with his head held high and his face proud.

At this moment, it seemed to him that he had an absolute chance of winning.

But only Lin Yun understood that this matter seemed very easy, but the current situation was more complicated than they thought.

Zhou Damao walked forward and muttered softly.

"Junior brother Lin and these guys seem to be more powerful than we thought."

Lin Yun nodded, but did not deny this issue.

It is not easy to achieve what they are today.

It's just that this guy is still inferior to me in many aspects.

"In terms of strength alone, he is really good."

"But unfortunately, this battle is not just about personal strength, but also a lot of complicated things."

Lin Yun looked at Shan Changxin in the distance with a faint smile on his lips.

Shan Changxin now seems to have firmly grasped the initiative.

But Lin Yun knew that it was just Liu Mengqi gathering strength.

Lin Yun didn't think Liu Mengqi would be so easy to deal with.

Anyone who underestimates Liu Mengqi in this process will suffer a big loss.

This point has been reflected in Ren Changze and others before.

Incisively and vividly.

Zhou Damao half understood what he heard.

But for now, it seems that things are not that complicated.


A terrifying wave of energy surged out.

Liu Mengqi's entire body became torn into pieces, and then flew out, hitting the rock wall heavily on the side.

Her current appearance also looks quite miserable, and in the eyes of others, she even seems to be in a certain death situation.

After all, he was facing the famous exorcist clan.

So it is unimaginable that the final result of this battle may not be much different.

"See, I've said it before, there's no suspense about Shan Changxin taking action."

"After all, this is a clan of exorcists, and they have an absolute advantage in dealing with these ghosts and elves."

Several people nearby said with a smile, as if Shan Changxin had won now.

Only Lin Yun still had an ugly expression on his face at this time.

Something is wrong.

It stands to reason that Liu Mengqi's strength is more than what they see now.

But the problem now is that Shan Changxin seems to be really suppressing Liu Mengqi at this time.

"Junior Brother Lin, do you have any questions?"

Zhou Damao asked curiously, unable to understand at all. This scene was too strange for him.

Before, they had seen Ren Changze and several others being packed away by Liu Mengqi and unable to find the north, south, east or west.

But now Shan Changxin has completely suppressed Ren Changze. Is this normal?

At least for now, this is very abnormal.

If Ren Changze's previous combat prowess is true, then he should be even stronger at this moment, not as strong as he is now.

So completely pressed.

The moment this idea flashed in his mind, Lin Yun knew that the next situation would be very different.

At this time, Shan Changxin did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

In his opinion, Liu Mengqi has been completely suppressed by him at this moment, and the next thing will naturally be decided by him.

"I've told you before, you're just a bastard."

"If I want to kill you, it will be effortless."

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Liu Mengqi, the contempt in his eyes clearly evident.

At this time, Liu Mengqi was still roaring on the ground.

It was obvious that this made him quite angry.

The guy in front of him may be really powerful in the eyes of other practitioners, but to Liu Mengqi, it is nothing at all.

It is quite difficult to achieve such achievements.

Naturally, Liu Mengqi would not let him go easily.

At this time, Shan Changxin was still immersed in his own joy. In his opinion, victory was now within his grasp and there was no need to worry about anything anymore.

But as time goes by, the situation is changing rapidly.

Liu Mengqi, who had lost his fighting power, slowly stood up for some reason, and there was a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

Obviously, Liu Mengqi is developing in an out-of-control direction.

But now Shan Changxin doesn't realize this at all, and this guy even naively thinks that he can suppress the current changes with his own ability.

Only Lin Yun's expression became extremely solemn at this moment.

Although he didn't know much about the current battle, he could still learn from these details.

See something different.

Although Liu Mengqi's current condition seems to be very bad on the surface, if you observe carefully, you can find that black energy is constantly flowing into Liu Mengqi's body.

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