It can be said that Ren Changze was the most desperate when he heard this.

I thought I could take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

They are even ready to change their appearance and give their life a new lease of life.

But Fang Xiuji's words made Ren Changze completely despair.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"I think it's more than that, since it can make so many practitioners flock here."

"If there is nothing else prepared here, I really don't want to believe it."

Lin Yun stared at Fang Xiuji, although what this guy just said did have some credibility.

But Lin Yun now has a different view. In his opinion, there are definitely other connotative reasons for this matter.

It's just that they haven't found any clues yet.

Of course Fang Xiuji knew what Lin Yun was talking about, so he continued to answer at this time.

"I don't know what they're going to do, but it's said to be before that."

"Some creatures in Manzang Valley have also left here. Their mission is to spread the news that there are treasures here."

Now Lin Yun finally understood that everything that had happened here so far was just a huge scam.

After struggling for a long time, their purpose was just to attract more practitioners here.

"I really thought I could find some treasure here."

Lin Yun shook his head with emotion, but thinking about it, he did find some good things after coming here.

However, being able to find these things was entirely due to Lin Yun's strength.

If it were another person, there would be no such thing

What good luck.

Now that the cause and effect here have been investigated clearly, there is naturally nothing more to say.

"It seems that this place is really not suitable for me. If that's the case, I'll leave Manzang Valley after a while."

Lin Yun didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

Even if he knew that a huge conspiracy was brewing here in Wanzang Valley.

But Lin Yun was not prepared to stop anything at all. After all, for the sake of his own peace, the Shenhua Realm completely gave up on the Bailuo Realm.

Now that Lin Yun was just giving Wanzang Valley a chance to show his spear, he naturally wouldn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

The Shenhua Realm naively thought that after completely sealing the Bailuo Realm, they would be able to achieve complete peace on their side.

But where can there be any so-called peace in this world?

It's just that one side's fist is a little bigger than the other's.

Fang Xiuji looked at Lin Yun and thought that after he truthfully explained these things, Lin Yun would choose to stop him immediately.

But who would have thought that this boy would sit down right in front of him and start to regain his strength.

"Aren't you going to stop it, senior? If you want, I can take you to the cemetery."

"The guys sealed there seem to be able to devour practitioners to gradually revive themselves."

Lin Yun looked at Fang Xiuji curiously and continued to ask.

"These guys must have been here for a long time, right?"

Although this is a burial ground.

But those guys have a special identity, and they may be resurrected even if they die.

Originally, according to these guys' plans, it might take a long time for a complete recovery.


I don't know what happened during this process that made them suddenly advance their recovery time.

So there was a series of things that happened later. They used various means to summon all the practitioners from the entire Shenhua world here.

Just two groups of practitioners went down to Wanzang Valley and all of them died here.

And Lin Yun and the others are probably the luckiest third batch.

The so-called good luck is just a joke.

There is nothing valuable here at all.

Most of the people who can leave Wanzang Valley alive are also people from Wanzang Valley.

The purpose of their leaving here is to spread the word that there are a lot of treasures here, and ultimately attract more practitioners to come here.

The most terrifying thing is that because of the rules here, even if the high-ranking big shots know about it, they can't do anything about it.

We can't force those saint-level experts into this place.

"I thought these guys knew what it meant to make a fortune under false pretenses."

"As a result, if you show everything you have so clearly now, doesn't it mean that you will never have a chance again in the future?"

Lin Yun shook his head with emotion on his face.

"They are very strong and are not at the same level as us."

"Even the seniors may not be opponents of these guys, but they haven't fully recovered yet."

"If senior wants to stop it, this time is the most appropriate."

Fang Xiuji was like a Huang Xiejun now, he couldn't wait for Lin Yun to take action to stop those guys.

Even Lin Yun felt very strange.

what's the situation? It stands to reason that Fang Xiuji is on the same page as these talents.

Only on the line.

Why do you want to kill these guys first?

With this question, Lin Yun directly chose to refuse.

"Sorry, I don't have any interest in these things."

"For me, I just need to wait quietly for time to pass and then leave this ghost place. Don't come to me for other things."

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, Fang Xiuji didn't know what to say now. He originally thought Lin Yun would choose to stop him.

After all, don’t all the so-called practitioners save someone to practice Dao for Heaven?

But Lin Yun was an existence that he had never seen before.

Knowing that this matter may eventually turn into a disaster for the entire Shenhua world.

But now he can still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai without any panic.

Fang Xiuji thought he could see through Lin Yun's thoughts.

But after struggling for a long time, he finally chose to give up. He couldn't understand what this young man was thinking.

What was originally a great opportunity was directly given up by Lin Yun.

In this way, in the next few days, Lin Yun kept understanding the situation here through Fang Xiuji.

And through these details, Lin Yun probably understood.

The monsters that are preparing to resurrect in Manzang Valley seem to have been sealed here a long time ago.

The person who imposed the seal on them was none other than the powerful men of Bailuo Domain.

It's just that what these reasons are, it has been impossible to say until now.

Therefore, no one in Shenhua Realm knew that there was such a sealed place in Tianduan Prairie.

Otherwise, according to their character, they would have dispatched strong men long ago, and they would definitely

Be prepared to suppress everything here by force.

It's a pity that so many years have passed, and they probably have long since lost this opportunity.

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