Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 781 Complete Submission

This is what makes Lin Yun so powerful now.

With just one pill, you can easily gain people's hearts.

To say that Fang Xiuji's power is indeed very powerful.

Although he is not yet able to master this strange ability, his future upper limit is still very high.

What's more, Lin Yun still has such powerful elixirs in his hands. In the future, he only needs to keep using the elixirs to improve their natural abilities to make these guys even more powerful.

For Fang Xiuji, after such a strong impact, it was impossible to endure it anymore.

Before they met, relying on time and delay to improve his strength was too slow for him.

That's why now he spares no effort to stand on the same front as Lin Yun. Only in this way can he truly grow up.

Fang Xiuji, who is extremely sensitive to this, has no other unnecessary thoughts at all.

Although Lin Yun knew that Fang Xiuji would definitely be attracted to this power.

But I didn't expect that this guy would be impressed by me so easily.

But now all this is the result that Lin Yun wants to see most, after mastering this power.

This will allow Lin Yun to play a great role in the battlefield of Bailuo Territory, and may even reverse some situations.

Lin Yun had already guessed the use of the Soul-Eating Beast on the battlefield.

Now as long as it can be successfully recovered, the subsequent situation will be much better.

Lin Yun no longer hesitated and immediately started signing a contract with Fang Xiuji.

"Since you have no problem, then you and I will sign a master-servant contract here today."

Lin Yun said this, and then inspired himself

The essence and blood began to forge a contract.

He does not need to establish contracts with all the soul-eating beasts, he only needs to be able to control Fang Xiuji.

Now Fang Xiuji naturally had no intention of resisting, but instead cooperated with Lin Yun as much as possible.

Originally, this was supposed to be an extremely smooth thing, but Lin Yun had already begun to think about subduing him.

Fang Xiuji was also ready to cooperate with Lin Yun.

This was the moment when the contract between the two was established, and Lin Yun immediately felt a strong sense of crisis.

It felt like I was suddenly being watched by someone.

Even Lin Yun, who had seen some big scenes, couldn't help but frown at this time.

However, although this scene was strange, Lin Yun, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, did not show too much fear at this time.

Fang Xiuji seemed to think of something when he looked at Lin Yun.


"We are actually all the playthings conquered by those sleeping guys."

"So there's a good chance they'll still have the means to control us."

After hearing this answer, Lin Yun finally knew why he had such a strong feeling.

It turns out that everything was because these sleeping guys were also involved in this matter.

It's just that Fang Xiuji didn't know this before.

Only after establishing a contract with Lin Yun did he realize it immediately, so he told Lin Yun the news without hesitation.

Lin Yun was not angry at all, but smiled helplessly at this moment. It seemed that all the problems in the world had been connected.

If I want to help Bailuoyu, I need to suppress the abnormal movements here for the time being.

"It doesn't matter. I originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but now it seems I can't."

"Since we have to compete with these guys, let's take a good look and see who can have the last laugh."

Lin Yun was not incapable before.

I just don't want to get too entangled with these guys on these issues.

But now it seems that this situation is completely out of control, so it is understandable to use other methods to solve the problem.

For Lin Yun, there are many ways to deal with these guys. Under the current situation, there is no need to take these so-called opponents to heart.

Fang Xiuji originally thought that Lin Yun would be very angry after knowing what happened.

When the time comes, I will try my best to explain this issue clearly to Lin Yun.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Yun seemed to be completely indifferent to this situation, which could be seen from his eyes.

It seemed that he had already prepared for what was going to happen next.

"Master has no other ideas, so I'm relieved."

Fang Xiuji smiled awkwardly and said.

If Lin Yun really misunderstood, they would be in trouble if they had planned it in advance.

Hideyoshi had no other thoughts on this issue.

But he didn't expect that he had been controlled a long time ago.

At this time, Chongqingniao said angrily.

"Why would you bother these guys?"

"They have just noticed your existence now. I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything to you in a short time."

"If you are really planning to leave the Shenhua Realm, what can they do to you?"


Yun Yixiang seemed to think this was indeed the case.

As for taking away Fang Xiuji and others, it should be because they had no help from the contract, so it was difficult for them to do this.

But if Lin Yun takes action, that's another matter.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun immediately took action.

"Now that you and I have established a contract, there is no need to worry about other people causing trouble for you."

"Even if they really have this idea, they won't have the ability in a short time, so you can rest assured."

"Just follow me and leave here."

After experiencing so many things, Lin Yun was finally able to relax.

Although there are still a lot of troubles waiting for you to deal with.

But for Lin Yun right now, everything is still under control.

And Ren Changze and others now admire Lin Yun beyond measure.

It can be seen from Lin Yun's various abilities that his strength is far above his own.

There is no way Ren Changze and others can compete with such a master.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, we didn't handle some things kindly enough before. I hope you won't take it to heart."

Originally he wanted to cause trouble for Lin Yun, but after discovering that Lin Yun was too strong, Ren Changze immediately changed his mind.

He also knew that if he continued to find problems with Lin Yun now as before, he would probably be the first to die.

Therefore, his attitude immediately improved a lot at this moment, and he started discussing with Lin Yun in a good voice.

Lin Yun couldn't help but sneer when he saw this guy's performance. This is the benefit of having strong strength.

even if

An arrogant guy like Ren Changze still needs to change his attitude.

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