In the next few days, several people continued to move forward, looking for places with humans.

But it's a pity.

Several days passed.

Lin Yun didn't find any human clues. All they saw were ruins everywhere.

Some monsters are entrenched in the original territory of humans.

And when they sensed that Lin Yun and others were approaching, they would attack instinctively.

But the final result can be imagined. Lin Yun could easily kill these guys with just a thought.

But the price they would have to pay if they wanted to hurt Lin Yun would be even heavier.

Although the current situation has barely been stabilized.

But Lin Yun also knew that if time continued to drag on like this, the coalition forces might not be able to withstand the attack of the ancient survivors.

These monster beasts mobilized by the ancient remnants are too powerful.

And they are constantly evolving themselves through fighting.

If you give them some more time, these guys will become a major problem for the entire coalition.

"Chongqingniao, do you know where we are now?"

Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Dafeng Dynasty."

Chongqingniao also answered quickly, after learning about it recently.

It is probably certain that their current location should be the rumored Dafeng Dynasty.

The distance between the Dafeng Dynasty and them is still very far, one is in the far east and the other is in the far west.

Lin Yun originally thought that the situation on the western side of the Qianlong Continent should be the most stable.

But through Zhou Da Trading, I realized that something was not quite right.

Today's main battlefield has already moved from the Daye Dynasty to the entire Qianlong Continent.


The main power of the monsters is also in the east.

But this does not mean that human practitioners are completely unknown to the situation here.

At this time, it was Zhou Damao who said in shock.

"This is completely impossible."

"Based on what we know about the situation here in the entire West, there is no place where humans can survive."

"At the beginning, as the front of the entire cultivation world alliance shrank, we also protected all survivors in various places."

"So according to normal logic, the situation in the entire west should be completely cleared."

"But the humans we met before clearly looked like they had just appeared here."

It's been so long, and there is still a city to defend. This is really terrible.

Lin Yun didn't say much, although the coalition forces were shrinking their front.

But this does not mean that it can easily control changes in the entire world.

There are still people left here, which is not a very strange thing.

But Lin Yun couldn't imagine how they persisted for so long.

Facing these ancient remnants who are more powerful than themselves, all humans can do is despair.

"No matter what happened before, I can't turn a blind eye to this matter."

"Hurry up and find them no matter what method you use."


The endless mountains and forests.

There is a group of people moving at a very fast speed.

Looking at them, they looked more like refugees from a certain city.

The clothes on their bodies are in tatters, and most of the practitioners protecting them around them are also wearing various kinds of clothes.


It can be seen that this group of people must have encountered a lot of trouble on the road.

But even so, these practitioners never meant to back down, but instead protected them with unswerving determination.

Zhou Sinian is one of these practitioners, and his strength is not very strong.

However, because he stands out among these people, he is considered the most core existence among the guards.

Although they have successfully resolved some catch-up requirements in recent times.

But as time goes by, they will face stronger demands.

If they can't leave here as soon as possible, there will probably be big trouble waiting for them.

Among the people they protect behind them are the old, weak, sick and disabled, as well as some ordinary people who cannot practice.

Zhou Sinian had long heard that a mysterious country had been established in the far east and was confronting the ancient relics.

Although I had only heard about it before, I only really understood it many years later.

It turns out that they had a very powerful treasure that could cover the entire city and make them completely disappear from the world.

But some people are not willing to live such a comfortable life. In their opinion, continuing like this will not change their destiny.

Even they didn't believe what the city lord said, thinking that the outside world was not that dangerous at all.

But it was just the city lord who wanted to control them, so he used this method to forcibly restrain them.

The final result can be imagined. More and more people want to go to the outside world for so-called freedom.

But if they want to do this, they need to lift all the city's original protections.

Besides this

Some people, and others also understand what it would mean if their information is exposed.

Originally, they completely disappeared from this map.

Even the ancient survivors don't know enough about them, so they can take this opportunity to protect themselves.

But under the current situation, it is no longer possible to do this.

As someone successfully solved the treasure, the original effect, they were finally exposed on the territory of the ancient remnants.

Originally, nothing happened at the beginning.

This also further strengthened the idea in the hearts of this group of people, thinking that the so-called monster invasion was simply fake.

This world is still in a peaceful and safe state.

But soon the appearance of the void rift made them completely understand that they had no chance of winning in this world.

Facing those powerful monsters, all they could do was run away.

Now the number of people who survived is no more than half of the original number, which is enough to show how many people they died along the way.

However, it is gratifying that the other people in these teams have gradually become honest.

They also slowly realized that they have been completely involved in this war.

It is too late to stay out of it later, and they can only seek the possibility of survival.

"Everyone, hold on, as long as we get to the front, we can find a place to rest well."

The leader looked at the people behind him and said with a smile.

At this time, Zhou Sinian just shook his head and followed.

Although their current situation did not seem to be particularly dangerous.

But only

Zhou Sinian knew that they did not have much time to hold on.

If they did not find a safe place to settle down, they would never be able to return to normal after the energy of the magic weapon was exhausted.

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