Lin Yun naturally knew what these big demons were thinking.

A swordsman without weapons is like a lion without fangs.

For these guys, it really was the perfect fit.

But at this time, Lin Yun didn't care about this at all.

The scale of the Vientiane Sword Formation is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone within a hundred miles radius is involved in the terrifying sword formation.

Even Chu Ming looked serious at this time.

Indeed, judging from such battle scenes, Lin Yun's power can no longer be described in normal words.

What does this kid want to do with the help of the moment of breaking the tribulation?

No one present knew what he was thinking.

But just now, Lin Yun heard the big demon's voice again.

"Boy, if you want to become better, you might as well try this opportunity."

"You have a special physique. With the help of the heavenly tribulation, you can melt all the treasures and refine the natal divine weapon. That is a weapon that can become stronger as the master's strength increases!"

Lin Yun's spiritual thoughts moved, and his spiritual consciousness had arrived inside the Eight Realms Tower.

At this moment, the big demon looked at him calmly.

"Senior and I should be considered enemies. Why are you helping me now?"

He looked at the big demon curiously and asked in a low voice.

And the latter just smiled heartily.

"Enemy? With a little guy like you, your current strength is not enough to be my enemy."

"On the contrary, it's these ignorant juniors who make me very unhappy."

After hearing the big demon's answer, Lin Yun fell into silence for a while. He didn't know what the big demon meant now.

However, judging from the current situation, if he died, it would be completely harmful to the big demon.

So this guy mentioned

I think you might want to give it a try.

Lin Yun also heard about the legend of the natal divine weapon a long time ago.

The magical weapons refined in this way not only channel spirits, but can also amplify the user's power several times.

However, the process of sacrificial refining is extremely difficult.

Moreover, whether the person's side is strong or not also depends on the environment used in the process of sacrificial refining.

Lin Yun's current situation is indeed suitable.

But it also means he needs to endure greater tests.

After all, it is already quite difficult to step into the Yin-Yang realm from the realm of Wanfa.

If a divine weapon was added to this process, it would be even worse for Lin Yun.

So the big demon just gave him an idea, but the final decision was up to Lin Yun himself.

After hearing the big demon's answer, Lin Yun was silent for a long time, and his spiritual consciousness gradually withdrew from the Eight Realms Tower.

With his current strength, he is naturally invincible in the Bailuo Domain, but his opponents are not just these guys in the Bailuo Domain.

There will be more difficult opponents coming in the future.

Therefore, for Lin Yun, improving his own strength is definitely not a bad thing.

After thinking about this, Lin Yun also made up his mind to completely change himself through this time.

Even if the road ahead is bumpy, you will always have to be crazy once.

At the same time, thunder roared between heaven and earth.

The terrifying coercion suddenly poured down, and the Wanxiang Sword Formation seemed to sense something, and immediately turned into thousands of sword energy to meet it.


All the forces between heaven and earth were completely mixed together at this moment, colliding with each other, and entangled.

A terrifying energy

The wave spread instantly with the scorching air current.

The demonic beasts that were originally hiding here fled at extremely fast speeds, and those that ran slowly seemed to be burned into a handful of ashes by fire and dissipated instantly.

For a time, all the creatures on this land turned invisible in an instant.

Chu Ming stood up, and the terrifying power formed a barrier around him, completely enveloping him and Chongming Sheng.

"This kid can actually reach such a high level of power. It seems that I really underestimated this little guy before."

With the power of the barrier, they temporarily resisted this wave of attacks.

But in his heart, the threat of this young man has been infinitely increased.

Indeed, this was completely different from the guys I had met before.

The growth span of this young man is simply amazing.

He thought he had already seen through everything about Lin Yun.

But when I really saw this young man here, I realized how naive my previous thoughts were.

"You brat, I really do have you."

Looking at Lin Yun in the distance with a sigh of relief, Hinaming at this time really never thought that things would turn out like this.

Tongtian Shengjun glanced at the two people around him. Even though they had already fought for their lives at this moment, they were still a little behind.

"This guy's sword formation is so weird."

"Doesn't he want to live? He is about to go through a catastrophe, and now he still wants to put all his thoughts on us?"

When they realized that they couldn't do anything about the powerful Wanxiang Sword Formation, several saints were also dumbfounded.

No matter how powerful they are, if they can't even solve the sword formation, then it won't matter.

It's a waste of time.

Therefore, the several saint kings were naturally very nervous at this time.

But under the current situation, their ability seems to be insignificant.

I thought that Lin Yun had no intention of suppressing them at this moment, but I also thought that this kid seemed to be completely crazy.

Just looking at their current situation, it is indeed not much better.

"It is too late to care about so much now. Since this kid is so ignorant of life and death, what should we be afraid of?"

After all, even if this body is damaged here today, it is nothing to them. The key point is that Lin Yun must be killed here.

Otherwise, the future achievements of this young man will be quite terrifying.

The ancient survivors have been delayed on this battlefield for too long, and they naturally don't want to continue like this.

If this kid is allowed to leave here alive, it is very likely that he can reverse the situation of the war in the future.

It's a pity that if he loses today, the treasures on his body will also be left here.

But at this time, they didn't think so much.

I saw the three big monsters sitting down directly, and then dark red blood flowed from their bodies.


A gust of invisible wind was like a blade, drawing strange lines in front of them.

The three big monsters looked up at the young human who was overlooking the world in the sky and grinned.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that we would end up like this."

"Well, let's do one last thing for the ancient descendants!"

After saying that, blood was injected into the patterns on the ground at an extremely fast speed, and a red

array was formed.

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