With Qin Xiyan's help, things naturally became much simpler.

After a while, the top leadership of the coalition forces sent various logistics officers one after another to bring all these people into the coalition camp step by step.

Chu Yuanlong and Zhou Sinian came to Lin Yun's side.

"Senior, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would not have been able to reach the coalition camp with such low casualties."

Lin Yun just smiled and shook his head.

"We are all from the human race. I can only say that you are very lucky. You happened to meet me when I returned to Qianlong Continent, and I just did a trivial thing."

For Lin Yun, there is no need to praise what he has done.

At this time, Qin Xiyan unexpectedly discovered that Lin Yun's strength was something that even she couldn't see through.

Being able to reach this point only shows that Lin Yun's current strength has at least reached the yin and yang realm.

"Senior Brother Lin, could it be that you have already..."

Lin Yun nodded.

"When I was fighting against several saints from the ancient remnant clan, I got a lucky break!"

Only now did Qin Xiyan finally understand why the ancient survivors chose to retreat suddenly.

It turned out to be because Lin Yun had killed everyone in their rear area without leaving any trace behind.

No wonder these guys leave the battlefield at breakneck speed.

After all, no matter how much I delay, my base camp may have to change its appearance.

"I didn't expect that senior brother's strength would have reached this level."

"Single-handedly affecting the situation on the entire battlefield."

"If the two seniors knew about it, they would definitely be happy."

Lin Yun shook his head: "I want to meet them!"

The coalition forces pay tribute to all those who sacrificed their lives in this war.

Soldiers made cenotaphs. After all, when they actually go to the battlefield, many people may have nothing left.

When Lin Yun came to the cemetery, he couldn't help but be silent when he saw the endless cemetery.

The cultivation world of Qianlong Continent was prosperous before the arrival of these ancient relics.

But so many practitioners have died in just a few years, and now the human race can only shrink.

If Lin Yun does not come back, I am afraid that it will only take a few more years for the ancient relics to completely destroy all the races in Qianlong Continent.

Never underestimate the power of these ancient relics.

Even though they have different ideas internally, they are still the strongest when facing the human race.

Lin Yun came to the tombs of Shen Miaokong and Deng Pengzu.

"Elder Deng, although I have always called you elder, you have actually given me a lot of guidance in my practice."

If it hadn't been for Deng Pengzu's guidance, Lin Yun still doesn't know what he would have been like now.

"It's a pity that I came back too late after all."

"But you can rest assured that the human race in Qianlong Continent will not be wiped out."

"I will take them to a wider world."

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and then he came to Shen Miaokong's tomb.

To this day, he can still recall the many help Shen Miaokong brought to him.

After a few years, things will change and everything will completely change.

Qin Xiyan stood behind Lin Yun. In just a few years, the human race had experienced great ups and downs.

To this day, no one knows where their path lies.

Even Qin Xiyan didn't know clearly, during the war with the ancient survivors, who were they?

Is there any possibility of victory?

It wasn't until the moment she saw Lin Yun today that she realized that maybe they still had a chance.

Lin Yun remembered them in the cemetery for a long time. If he could have returned to Qianlong Continent earlier, perhaps none of these people would have died.

It's just that there is no regret medicine in this world. Now Lin Yun can only spread all his resentment on Shenhua Realm.

The reason is ultimately because the Shenhua Realm completely banned the entire Qianlong Continent, which led to the current results.

If it were not for these things, Qianlong Continent would not be like this now.

But to this day, it is meaningless to say more about this.

"Senior Brother Lin, what are you going to do next?"

"Now that you are back, I am ready to hand over the command of the entire coalition army to you."

"After all, you know the ancient relics best, and your current strength should be stronger than that of your senior brother."

Lin Yun shook his head and refused.

"I don't know much about the situation in Qianlong Continent."

"So rash command will only make the problem more serious. It's better to just follow your arrangements."

Lin Yun also knew that he couldn't do these things now.

What's more, when he came back this time, Lin Yun had more things to do than he thought.

His current goal is not just what he sees in front of him.

"Senior Brother Lin, do you have other plans?"

Lin Yun nodded.

"About the situation in Qianlong Continent, we only have a partial understanding."

"I got away with it this time."

"Thus I saw the wider world outside and understood some reasons, so

What is more critical for us now is not to decide the outcome with the ancient survivors, but to lead everyone in Qianlong Continent to find their own freedom! "

Qin Xiyan's eyes widened when she heard what Lin Yun said, even though she had heard these rumors a long time ago.

But at that time, they didn't take these situations to heart at all, thinking that it was just some people's nonsense.

Although these things sound like they are true.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand that the possibility of this happening is really low.

Now when Lin Yun talks about these words, she can't help but think of the past.

"Senior brother, do you want to negotiate with the ancient survivors?"

Qin Xiyan saw that Lin Yun, with Lin Yun's current strength, might really be able to do this, and use his powerful power to force the ancient survivors to cease fighting with them.

This is not a difficult matter.

But Lin Yun must also use enough power to make these guys dormant, so that he can have other options.

"This is the best way at the moment. After all, what we have to face is not just what we see in front of us."

Does Lin Yun know what they will face after they leave Qianlong Continent?

It is absolutely impossible for those guys in Shenhua Realm to let people like Qianlong Continent leave here.

Qin Xiyan looked at Lin Yun and realized that she didn't know much about what Lin Yun was saying.

It's just that you can see deep worry in Lin Yun's eyes. You must know that Lin Yun has now reached the yin and yang realm, and can be regarded as the strongest in this aspect.

Even Lin Yun was so nervous about this matter, which is enough to show that he will

What will we encounter?

After leaving the cemetery, Lin Yun immediately came to the coalition base camp.

At this time, he also saw many familiar faces.

"Elder Shangguan."

Lin Yun was also quite surprised when he saw Shangguan Wan.

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