Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 816 Reaching a consensus

At the beginning, Shengzi refused to cooperate with Lin Yun.

However, my strength is not as good as his, so I can only choose to cooperate with Lin Yun on many issues for the time being.

Not to mention that under the current situation, Lin Yun also has absolute initiative.

Now that he heard Lin Yun talk about the Shenhua Realm, the Holy Son gradually understood why Lin Yun chose to cease war with them at this time.

"According to what you said, there is a wider world outside Qianlong Continent, which is big enough to accommodate all of us."

"If this world really exists, I'm afraid we need to do something to get there."

Lin Yun nodded.

"You and all the human races in Qianlong Continent are just trapped in this prison."

"Even if we fight for tens of millions of years, time will never tell a winner."

"I'm afraid this is the result they want, to keep you and the human race in constant dispute."

"In this way, by the time you come to your senses, their strength will already be too strong to add anything to it."

"Even if you really occupy the entire Qianlong Continent one day, and then break the seal and return to the Shenhua Realm, you will still not be their opponent."

It can be said that the superiors in the Shenhua Realm are indeed smart and have solved many big troubles through this method.

But Lin Yun was a variable that no one expected.

If Shenhua Realm had used a gentler approach to solve this problem, I'm afraid Lin Yun wouldn't be as angry as he is now.

But after he saw the true face of the Shenhua Realm, he naturally had a different view of these hypocrites.

Now if these guys are not solved

Jue Lin Yun always couldn't accept this.

The Holy Son slowly understood what Lin Yun wanted to say.

"They are also your enemies, so you know that the humans in Qianlong Continent cannot defeat them, and you are thinking of using these guys to suppress me?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Do you think you still have a choice? If there is a winner in Qianlong Continent, I will rely on you to come one thousand to ten thousand. As long as I don't die, I will one day kill you all."

"I really want to see how long the ancient survivors can wait."

There is no doubt that Lin Yun's words have touched upon their pain point.

For such a long time, the ancient survivors have only wanted to seek freedom.

But unfortunately everything they want to get is so difficult.

And now that they encountered a evil star like Lin Yun, it was even worse for them.

Lin Yun was right. As long as he was still alive, no matter how the ancient relics attacked Qianlong Continent, the final result would be difficult to change.

In Lin Yun's eyes, the so-called sage was no better than a pig or a dog.

And under the rules of the Qianlong Continent, they simply cannot send more powerful beings to come.

This will lead to an endless loop, and Lin Yun will most likely find a way to seal them before long.

By that time, all the ancient remnants will continue to wait for tens of millions of years or even longer.

They cannot bear this pressure, but at this moment, they have no way to solve their current situation.

"You're right."

"If this kind of war continues, it will not be a good outcome for both of us."


Until now, the Holy Son had to admit that he seemed to be on the cusp of the storm.

"The ancient survivors can choose to cooperate with you."

"But only if we see the benefits."

Lin Yun shook his head calmly.

"Even if I can give you a lot of guarantees, but the final result cannot be realized, what can you do?"

“Many things can only be achieved through hard work.”

For Lin Yun, all he had to do was convince the ancient survivors to cooperate.

Then use other methods to suppress these so-called strong men in Qianlong Continent.

Everything that follows will be resolved smoothly.

The Holy Son looked at Lin Yun, although he still had many doubts in his heart.

But at this time, he had to admit that the things Lin Yun proposed were quite tempting to him.

Cooperation between the two parties will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages to the future.

"Whether you agree to what I do or not, it's all your business."

"But now that I have given my utmost sincerity, it is up to you to decide what to do next."

The Holy Son was silent for a moment, and it was still difficult to make a decision.

"I need to go back and think about this matter carefully."

"Give me three days."

Lin Yun nodded.

"Okay, just three days. No matter what choice you make, I have nothing to say."

Lin Yun knew that even though the Holy Son looked at him, he still seemed a little worried.

But in fact, where does he have any choice?

Everything has been doomed for this three-thirds of the Qianlong Continent, if the Holy Son continues to fight here.

Then Lin Yun's trouble must be solved, but how can he still have this ability now?

After both parties left,

Lin Yun returned to the coalition's base camp at an extremely fast speed.

After getting the news, Qin Xiyan came to find him immediately.

"Senior Brother Lin, how is the situation?"

Lin Yun shook his head.

"So far, we haven't been able to get any specific information from the ancient survivors."

"But according to my observations, these guys shouldn't invade us again in a short time."

Today's situation is different from before.

After seeing Lin Yun's strength, I believe that the Holy Son will seriously consider his next choice.

"This is the best outcome."

"In recent times, the ancient survivors have become much more honest than before. It seems that they have not taken any advantage in the hands of Senior Brother Lin."

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, Qin Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

I was still worried about other changes in the situation.

But now I can finally feel relieved. With Lin Yun participating in this operation, it is basically unlikely that any other accidents will occur.

"Once the ancient survivors agree to our request, the follow-up will be much simpler."

Now Lin Yun believes that the ancient survivors already know the seriousness of the matter.

Qin Xiyan had been worried about Lin Yun before, and this decision might not be realized.

As a result, they didn't expect that the ancient survivors were more honest than they thought.

It seems that these guys also understand what the general trend is.

After realizing that they were completely unable to suppress Lin Yun, the only choice for the ancient survivors was to cooperate with Lin Yun.

Only in this way can we find a glimmer of hope in this process.

I have to say, these guys are relatively smart.


There are still many people on the coalition side who have different opinions on this ceasefire.

But just when they were making a fuss, news from the ancient survivors also came through.

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