Not only the members of the ancient relics were shocked by the spiritually satisfying world in front of them.

Even the strong men like Bailuoyu who were mentally prepared in advance could not imagine it for a while.

Does such a beautiful world really exist in this world?

Qin Xiyan came to Lin Yun's side immediately and held his arm with one hand.

"Brother Yun, how are you?"

Lin Yun shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, I just consumed too much force power and now I need to recover."

"Now that the seal of this world has been broken, we should meet those guys from the Night Watch Department soon."

Qin Xiyan nodded.

"We'll do the rest."

Before this, Qin Xiyan had heard Lin Yun talk a lot about the situation in the Shenhua Realm.

So I have a general understanding of the situation here, according to what Lin Yun said before.

Once they from the Bailuo Realm come to the Shenhua Realm, they will inevitably become mortal enemies with the Night Watch Division.

Under normal circumstances, if only a very few people come to the Shenhua Realm.

As long as you carefully avoid the search by the Night Patrol Department, or use other means to offset your sins.

Then you can choose to stay in Shenhua Realm and live your own life.

But now Lin Yun has single-handedly broken the barrier between the Bailuo Realm and the Shenhua Realm.

The consequences of this incident are unimaginable to many people.

The original Bailuo Realm's spiritual energy is exhausted, and it is already difficult for practitioners to improve after reaching the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm. After the Yin and Yang Realm, there is no hope at all.

But what now?

Lin Yun successfully opened the seal between the two worlds, the most direct of which was the spiritual energy instant in the Shenhua Realm.

If you enter the realm of divine flowers.

This weakened the aura of Shenhua Realm to a certain extent.

Of course, with the world's ability to repair the world of Shenhua Realm, it won't take long for it to recover.

And these auras can naturally change the future situation of Bailuo Domain.

At least, for ordinary people, their living environment will be restored.

However, now Lin Yun and his army of nearly one million are gathering at the border.

It would be unjustifiable without a little conflict.

Just when everyone was about to move forward, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Sinners of Bailuo Realm."

"Now retreat to the world behind you, otherwise we will completely destroy you."

The sound comes from above.

The huge arks were as huge as stars, covering the entire sky.

The surrounding spiritual energy is also being absorbed by Ark at an extremely fast speed.

Next, is the most terrifying part of War Machine.

A city will be completely destroyed in an instant...

Yunluokong Island:

Night Watch Division Headquarters:

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Ye Xuanming had not called the other bosses when he got the news.

They can only choose remote meetings.

On the huge shadow, the figures of several bosses appeared.

There is no doubt that the expressions on their faces are not as relaxed as before.

Although they heard Ye Xuanming talk about this incident, most people didn't think that this kind of thing could happen.

Lin Yun is indeed very powerful, but the possibility of relying on his power to provoke a war between the entire Bailuo Realm and the Shenhua Realm is too low.

But who could have imagined that such an impossible thing would happen.


I believe everyone present knows what happened. "

"The seal between the Bailuo Realm and the Shenhua Realm has been completely severed. This should have been our binding mission, but unfortunately we failed."

"It's still unclear who is holding court in Bailuo Territory, but the top priority is to suppress the escaped criminals in Bailuo Territory."

"The Night Watch Division troops stationed near Tiangu City have already rushed to the front line."

When they heard Ye Xuanming's words, several other people breathed a sigh of relief.

Guarding Tiangu City are the elite troops of the Night Watch Division.

Their original target was naturally Wanzang Valley, but they didn't expect to encounter the escape of criminals from Bailuo Domain.

However, with the strength of that unit, even if it faced an enemy a hundred times more numerous than itself, it would still not lose the war.

In their eyes, the so-called practitioners in Bailuo Domain are like a group of barbarians.

Sora has a lot of power, but he doesn't know how to use it.

And the Ark war machine in their hands will become a nightmare for all practitioners.

This thing, by accumulating energy, can destroy a city with one shot.

Even if there were millions of monks in front of him, they would not be able to stop this terrifying attack.

"Since elite troops are stationed there, there is no chance that the current situation will worsen."

One of the men said with a smile.

As people from the Night Watch Division, they knew very well how terrifying the Night Watch Division was.

An ark can destroy a city in an instant.

As for Tiangu City, there should be three arks now.

With such fighting power, looking at the entire Shenhua world, it would be difficult for any force to

Confront them head on.

Ye Xuanming was temporarily relieved for this reason.

However, it is very likely that these sinners from the Bailuo Realm will continue to sneak into the Shenhua Realm through chaos.

Therefore, they must seize the time to take action, and they must not allow these guys to continue like this.

"No matter what, this thing has happened, and the negative impact it has had on nuclear energy is something none of us want to see."

"So the top priority is to get everyone to take action. We must prevent this from happening no matter what."

Soon Ye Xuanming issued all the orders one after another. No matter what the final result was, the top priority was that they must solve the major problem of Bailuoyu.

Although at present, the Night Watch Division has an absolute advantage.

But for some reason, Ye Xuanming couldn't be happy at all.

He thought of the previous prophecy.

According to reports, this will be a terrible disaster sweeping the entire Shenhua world.

If it can really be suppressed successfully with just a few arks, why is there such a prophecy?

So in his mind, the danger level of this time has been increased more than a hundred times.

It's a pity that I can't personally attend the scene, otherwise there will be some opportunities to break the curse.

But the current situation is enough to temporarily suppress the opponent's progress.

The Night Watch Division will instantly mobilize all available troops to surround the place.

This is used to determine that in the following process, they can still have a chance of winning.

This is also the best they can do after a period of time.

Good thing now.

Not to mention that Ye Xuanming was worried about other changes happening on the Tianduan Prairie.

After all, there are not only sinners from the Bailuo Domain there.

There are also monsters from Manzang Valley.

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