Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 825 I Have Not Forgotten

Although Ye Xuanming was at the headquarters, he was already extremely busy.

He didn't know exactly what happened.

But in just one day, something unexpected happened to him in all the areas controlled by the Night Watch Division.

Ye Xuanming knew that there must be someone behind all this, but he still didn't know what this person's true purpose was until now.

But through many means, it has now caused a lot of trouble to Ye Xuanming.

If this rate continues, it won't be long before Ye Xuanming's side will be under greater pressure.

"Is there still no news from other bosses?"

Ye Xuanming glanced at the subordinate next to him.

"Director General, we have already contacted you."

"Currently, all the bosses are in trouble. Boss Jiang just received news that he met a strong man fishing when he went out."

"The other party beat him up because he frightened Yu'er. He is now bedridden. It will probably take half a month to recover."

Ye Xuanming: "..."

"Where's Ji Binning?"

The man continued: "A large whirlpool appeared in the Wuwu Sea. It seems that the previously suppressed Hai Clan rebelled."

"They seem to have received funding from someone, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced. Chief Ji is suppressing them."

Problems arose on one site after another.

Ye Xuanming was completely desperate. He knew that if he still wanted to deal with the sinners in Bailuo Domain, he could only rely on the strength of the headquarters.

But you don’t dare to act rashly. You have to know that the headquarters of the Night Watch Division is crucial to the entire Night Watch Division.

If he mobilizes all the power here.

That means they

The edge was deserted and highly likely to be attacked by any attack.

With the strange ability of the opponent he is currently facing, Ye Xuanming simply does not dare to do this now.

If this guy really chooses to attack the Night Watch Division headquarters, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Damn it, at such a critical moment, everyone is actually in trouble."

Ye Xuanming had to admit that he understood that there was someone secretly controlling all of this. How could this series of things happen so coincidentally?

It's just that he doesn't understand what the purpose of this mastermind is?

The Night Watch Division has stood firm in the entire Shenhua Realm for so many years. If the other party really wants to subvert the entire Night Watch Division, it can be said to be a daydream.

Even at this stage, no one would dare to have such delusions.

"Assign a few people to go out and investigate in person. I must know what happened on the Tianduan Prairie."

"Everything is detailed. I hope to get all the important information."

Ye Xuanming was very angry, but there was nothing he could do at this moment.

On the other hand, Lin Yun naturally also learned about the Night Watch Division's recent situation, but he didn't mean to be happy.

"Their current situation is indeed not very good, but that alone is not enough to change the current situation of the Night Watch Division."

Lin Yun glanced at Guan Yuanming who was standing next to him.

The latter was whispered.

"It is not suitable for us to act in such a hurry, otherwise we may expose ourselves."

Others guessing that you are a murderer and you proving that you are a murderer are two completely different concepts.

This time the Night Patrol Division suffered heavy losses in the Tianduan Prairie. Naturally, many people speculated that these things that happened in the Tianduan Prairie were related to Lin Yun.

After all, there is someone who has nothing to do and is willing to break the seal of the entire Tiandu Prairie.

Releasing these sinners in the Bailuo Realm will have an irreversible impact on the entire Shenhua Realm.

However, because Guan Yuanming has been very prosperous in the entire Shenhua world recently, so what if the Night Patrol Division has this idea?

Unless Guan Yuanming takes the initiative to expose very obvious flaws, the Night Watch Division can only swallow this breath in its stomach.

Of course, if he kisses behind his back, he will definitely continue to cause trouble for Guan Yuanming.

However, with Guan Yuanming's current methods, there is no need to worry. These Shitian Alliance have already become an indispensable part of the Shenhua world.

After returning to Sky Island again, Lin Yun also met his brothers who were once in Heavenly Prison.

Guan Yuanming said: "The reason why this incident happened until now is that no one has taken the initiative to stand up and hold people accountable."

"It's also because of the help of good brothers like you."

It can be said that before taking action, Guan Yuanming had already calculated everyone, not only himself, but also Lin Yun and other relatives and friends.

Everyone is playing their part in the position they should be in.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yun and others made such a big noise and came to the Night Watch Division to be so stunned that they did not even dare to fart.

You must know that the big shots in the Shenhua world haven't said a word yet, so what can you, a small night watchman, do at this moment?

If you really make these people unhappy, then even if you kiss them

There is nothing to say if it is destroyed.

Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh at this moment. Only with the help of these people could he gradually stabilize the situation in this process.

"I, Lin Yun, would like to thank you all again."

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it would be very difficult to stabilize the situation this time."

King Che Chi smiled and waved his hand.

"Brother, you are alienating us."

"If we were not the eldest brother, we would have no way to leave the hell."

"It was my eldest brother who gave us a second life, so what does it mean to do something for you?"

Others also responded and nodded.

"Brother, that's right."

"The lives of us all belong to you."

Lin Yun was still a little moved when he saw these people. Although they were extremely vicious people, they were also loyal brothers.

"Don't worry, I will never let go of what I promised you."

"I will tear off the hypocritical mask of the Shenhua world and let everyone know that the so-called rules are just a means for them to restrain the people below."

Everyone Lin Yun was talking about raised their hands and shouted at this moment. It seemed that Lin Yun had not forgotten his original intention.

In fact, many people have begun to worry about Lin Yun after returning this time, and they may have long forgotten what he said at the beginning.

The purpose of their willingness to follow Lin Yun is to one day overthrow the so-called fair rules of the Shenhua world.

And if even Lin Yun had forgotten, they really couldn't think of anyone else who could help them.

But now that they heard Lin Yun say these words, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that even after so long

Even though the time passed, Lin Yun still did not forget the things he had promised.

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