Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 876 White-robed Female Cultivator

The expressions on the faces of Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing suddenly became extremely serious.

The moment they heard the laughter, they realized that something might be approaching.

But they couldn't do anything to counterattack in a short period of time, they could only look around.

"Don't worry for now, we are still on the flying boat."

"Even if these guys keep an eye on us for a while, we don't have any particularly good methods."

Situ Yunjing whispered.

At least on this flying boat, they have the protection of the formation and can cover their own aura, so they don't have to worry about any problems at all.

Lin Yun didn't answer, he just looked into the distance and glanced at his own panel at the same time.

【Name】: Lin Yun

[Realm]: The ninth level of ten thousand laws

[Fate]: Sword Saint (gold)

[Fate]: Immaculate Sword Body (Gold), Shura (Purple), Pure Sword Heart (Gold), Dantian Xinghai (Purple)

【ending】:? ?

[Recent turning point]: You successfully entered the Great Wusen in the wilderness, and met a young woman dressed in white here. After his guidance, you thought you had found a safe place, but you never thought that they had already This process is said to copy your abilities. As long as they kill you, they can transform into you and leave here.

Copy me?

When he saw the prompt on the panel, Lin Yun also frowned, with a black line on his face.

The panel was naturally not joking, but Lin Yun, the woman in white who suddenly appeared, had not yet been seen.

But this guy is able to copy himself, and this ability alone is incredible enough.

Could it be that she can copy all her powers?

Although there is one

Somewhat incredible.

But for Lin Yun, he didn't believe this.

After all, Lin Yun controls the Mysterious Fire. He knows how powerful the Mysterious Fire is.

If they really copied their own power, could these guys control this power?

Lin Yun told Situ Yunjing about this matter.

After all, Situ Yunjing has been in the Shenhua world for so many years and must be well-informed. He has a general understanding of the situation in the Shenhua world, which is completely different from Lin Yun, a layman.

As expected, after hearing what Lin Yun said, Situ Yunjing's expression gradually calmed down.

"I thought it would be a difficult opponent, but now it seems that the situation is within our control."

"This guy should be the rumored Mirror Girl!"

"It is said that their body is derived from a mirror, so their natural ability is to copy everything about others."

"It's just that after the first copy, they are not that strong and can be easily wiped out by you."

"But if you choose to kill all these clones, they will be resurrected one after another, and each resurrection will be more powerful than before. Until they fully master your power, they will choose to kill you, thus Instead."

Just listening to this kind of thing makes me feel quite weird.

And in the history of the Shenhua world, there were indeed people who were copied.

It is said that this person almost caused the destruction of a city because he was copied.

Fortunately, there was still a pseudo-emperor in charge at that time, otherwise the city would have been destroyed.

It is the long river of history that has been wiped out.

It's enough to show how difficult these guys are.

"Then this is very strange. We can neither kill these guys nor prevent them from replicating. Once we are within their range, we will have no secrets."

"There's really no way to stop copying, but you do have the option not to kill these guys."

"As long as they don't die, they won't become stronger, and naturally they won't be able to do anything to you."

"And after they become like you, of course they will have the same desire as you. Although they are copied, they will be exactly the same as you."

"So when they are trapped here forever and cannot leave, they will naturally choose to commit suicide."

The Mirror Girls originally had no memories of their own, and no thoughts of their own. For them, as long as they could copy others, it was their mission.

So when Lin Yun was able to get rid of these guys, because they had memories of the outside world, they naturally couldn't accept what was happening now.

So after Lin Yun left, most of these guys would choose to commit suicide directly.

Hearing Situ Yunjing's explanation, Lin Yun felt a lot more relieved. Otherwise, if he could create a copy of himself at will and then continue to become stronger, it would be difficult for anyone to deal with this situation.

"Now that we know the weaknesses of these guys, it's a lot easier."

"It's easy to control them with my abilities."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

It was because he didn’t know the details of these guys before, and coupled with his current situation, Lin Yun certainly wanted to

Consider carefully from many aspects.

But now that he knows what their weaknesses are, Lin Yun will of course feel a lot more relaxed about the subsequent problems.

"Although it is not difficult to deal with the mirror girl, we still need to be cautious at this moment."

"The Mirror Girl race itself is not powerful, just because its abilities are too weird, so ordinary practitioners are the least willing to encounter them."

"But now it seems that since we have been targeted, it should be difficult to escape from here."

Situ Yunjing said, then he put away his flying boat and jumped out.

And Lin Yun followed closely behind.

The sound got closer and closer, and even evolved into a melodious singing voice.

Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing were in a daze for a moment as they listened.

They vaguely saw a white figure rushing over at extremely fast speeds.

Then there was a breeze blowing on my face.

Lin Yun knew that this was abnormal, but he had no control over it now.

I can only watch my consciousness fall into a deep sleep, and everything around me becomes completely irrelevant.

Lin Yun only remembered.

The moment he closed his eyes, what appeared in front of him was a delicate face, and other than that, everything else disappeared.

In his sleep, he was in an endless black space.

What I felt again was that I was constantly falling.

It's like entering a bottomless pit.

This went on for a long, long time.

Lin Yun felt hot all over his body, as if he had been thrown into a big furnace.

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared directly in front of a mirror, and in the mirror

A shadow of himself is reflected in the child.

The two looked at each other, and the shadows smiled...

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