I originally thought that this incident was only related to Situ Yunjing, but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this in the end.

Lin Yun naturally has no way of knowing what will happen next, but he is still actively trying every means to solve these problems.

Under the leadership of Yu Nian'an, they quickly passed through the maze.

But behind the maze, the world in front of them suddenly changed dramatically.

Inside the cave, an ancient city that had been dilapidated for an unknown number of years appeared.

While Lin Yun was walking in this ancient city, he also saw familiar words here.

One thing that is certain now is that this place must have had some connection with the Shenhua World.

I just don’t know why I ended up in a place like this.

The group of people soon arrived at the eastern part of the ancient city.

Here there is a very tall stone building.

The door below is closed.

However, the surroundings are not as dilapidated as other places in the ancient city. It seems that this place should be for help, and it is very likely that it is the high priest.

Lin Yun is now becoming more and more curious about the identity of this high priest?

Yu Nian'an did not rush forward to knock on the door, but knelt down with his hands on the ground.

"The high priest is here."

"Two strangers came to the village recently. In order to ask for instructions from the high priest, I personally brought them to see you today, old man."

There is no sound.

Lin Yun frowned.

"Pretend to be a ghost. If he still doesn't come out later, just punch him in."

Situ Yunjing just snorted coldly.

He didn't care about himself at all for this high priest he had never met before.

After all, he is also a saint-level

Other strong men, if this guy really dares to do anything, they will be killed directly.

"Senior, you should be more careful. After all, with your strength, you cannot leave here easily. It is enough to show that there should be other conspiracies in this space."

"We have to negotiate with them after all."

Lin Yun was also worried that Situ Yunjing would lose control of his emotions.

In this case, they really can't be careless at all.

Situ Yunjing smiled: "Don't worry, of course I won't easily cause trouble for them."

"Now we want to see what kind of medicine these guys are selling in their gourds."

Yu Nianan called the door for a long time, but still didn't get any response.

So he could only turn around helplessly.

"Xiao Linzi."

"It seems that the high priest is still not ready to see you, so I'm sorry, I can only let you go back today."

Of course, Yu Nianan also hopes that Lin Yun and others can see the high priest, so that he can ask the high priest for instructions on how to arrange the two people next.

But he didn't expect that the high priest would choose to stay behind closed doors, so he could only drive them away now.

Lin Yun raised his head and looked at the tall tower in front of him. He felt a little sorry if he left him so easily.

Everyone is already here. If they don't go in and meet the high priest, wouldn't it mean that all their previous efforts were in vain?

What's more, it is absolutely necessary to leave this village and meet with the high priest.

Even Situ Yunjing, who was standing next to Lin Yun, was already ready for this.

"When things have reached this stage, naturally there is nothing more to say."


If the guy is not cheap, then we will break in by ourselves. "

Situ Yunjing received spiritual consciousness.

Just when Situ Yunjing decided to force his way in, a man's voice sounded above their heads.

"Since you are here, please invite the two distinguished guests to come in by yourself."

"Just take them and leave first. I will naturally send these two distinguished guests back."

Yu Nian'an was stunned for a moment when he heard the high priest's voice, and then glanced at Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing again.

I don’t know why the high priest chose to summon the two of them alone, but I still feel a little worried.

However, after some thought, he decided to listen to the high priest's arrangements first. As for what other things he needed help with later, he would leave it alone.

Lin Yun watched Yu Nian'an and others leave, and then the door of the tall tower in front of him slowly opened.

The high priest's voice was like an echo in the corridors.

"Since the two distinguished guests are already here, don't be so reserved and come in to meet us."

"Perhaps the answers you want can be found here."

Lin Yun glanced at Situ Yunjing beside him, and then was the first to step forward, with Situ Yunjing following closely behind.

What made the two of them find it unbelievable was that not a single thing could be seen inside the tower, except that everything around them was as smooth and bright as a mirror.

In front of them, there was a man in white sitting with his back to them.

"There have been no outsiders in this village for many years."

"I haven't asked your names yet."

The man in white should be the high priest of the village, but at this time he still did not turn around, but turned his back to Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing.

After the two introduced themselves, Bai

The man in clothes was silent for a moment.

Then he continued.

"You came here today probably to find a way to leave the village."

"What if I tell you that there is no way for you to leave this village?"

After hearing what the high priest said, Situ Yunjing immediately raised his head and laughed loudly.

"A mere small village actually wants to trap me?"

"If you don't want me to leave here, then I will destroy your world. I want to see what kind of abilities you have."

The high priest was silent for a moment after hearing what Situ Yunjing said.

But he actually laughed afterward.

"Senior's strength may really make it this far, but don't underestimate the energy of this world."

"What's more, destroying an entire village is such a huge cause and effect. Do you think you can bear it, senior?"

This question does hit the point.

Situ Yunjing is indeed powerful, and such a small world may not be able to trap him.

If Situ Yunjing really goes all out, it will only be a matter of time before this space collapses.

But the crux of the question is who will bear the cause and effect of the destruction of this world?

If it were Situ Yunjing, with his current means, could he be able to carry this banner?

After hearing this question, Situ Yunjing fell into silence for a while, not knowing how to answer.

He really didn't expect that the other party's inquiry would be so tricky, but at this time, thousands of thoughts were flashing through his mind.

"According to what you said, for this so-called cause and effect, do you want me to be trapped here for a longer time?"

"I am not here just to be left behind.

here. "

Lin Yun also nodded.

"Neither this senior nor I can stay in the village forever."

"There are more important things waiting for us outside."

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