The high priest looked at Lin Yun and was silent for a long time. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't expect Lin Yun to refuse, or because of other reasons.

But his expression did become particularly complicated at this time.

"To be honest, I thought seniors wouldn't care too much about this issue."

"For you, many things are worth sacrificing in order to achieve your goals."

Lin Yun looked at the expression on the high priest's face and gradually became more serious.

"I don't know where your conclusion comes from."

"But now I want you to take back your opinion of me."

"These people are very important partners to me. Many of them have even helped me before. Therefore, no matter from any angle, I can never hurt them."

The difference from before was that Lin Yun knew better than anyone else what he should do in the current situation.

Even if the person in front of him told him that as long as he killed everyone present, the matter would be resolved.

But in Lin Yun's heart, he still didn't believe this fallacy.

Even if the price he has to pay is very heavy and even makes it difficult for him to leave here, Lin Yun will still stick to his opinion.

The high priest thought that Lin Yun would soon change his understanding of this matter.

But looking at Lin Yun's firm eyes at this moment, he also understood that he had misunderstood this young man after all.

"It turns out that senior has already made preparations."

"In this case, I won't force it anymore, but if senior wants to leave here, you must at least know who will

Are you stuck here? "

After the high priest finished speaking, he looked at him with a smile.

Even if the high priest didn't say anything, Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing knew that they were being forcibly trapped here.

But before that, they thought that the two people were innocent and got involved in this trouble.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

Everything here seemed to have been carefully designed, and they were probably the ones being taken care of. When the real target came to mind, Lin Yun naturally felt a little nervous.

Although he had many enemies in the Shenhua Realm, he really could not imagine that in a place like the Savage Land, anyone would be so free to set up traps for him.

Even Situ Yunjing's eyes changed when he looked at Lin Yun.

"The two of us are trapped here with blank faces, and now you ask us how we can find out who wants to trap us here forever."

"That's a coincidence. This is also a question I really want to ask you."

Lin Yun shrugged his shoulders. From now on, he really knew nothing about this matter and had no idea what the key to the answer was.

Situ Yunjing also sighed. They only knew what music they heard at the last moment.

Mirror Girl.


Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yun's mind.

At this time, he was looking at the high priest in front of him.

"This is... the world of mirrors?"

Lin Yun's voice trembled.

They had previously thought that it was just the Mirror Girl who attacked them, but now it seems that the situation has gone a bit too far.

Situ Yunjing said before that the Mirror Girl was easy to deal with, as long as he could

If you subdue them in advance, you don't need to worry about these guys possessing your powerful power.

But now I really want to slap myself twice.

Sure enough, in a place like the Wilderness, even the simplest seemingly trivial thing may have a huge impact on you.

The high priest did not give Lin Yun a positive answer.

"Senior has his own conclusion in mind."

"So now you should know how to get out of here."

Just like Lin Yun broke the seal before, since he used force to trap them here.

So at this moment, Lin Yun only needs to exert the same powerful force, and he can naturally break free from the shackles of this world.

But if this happens, the world will most likely be shattered.

This is why the high priest said before that if Lin Yun wanted to leave here, he would kill all the residents here.

"It's a closed loop."

"It seems that you are the mirror girl's true form?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yun also gradually calmed down. He was not in a hurry until now.

The high priest nodded.

"Originally I didn't want to get involved in this matter."

"Senior will naturally find a solution to this matter."

"But now I want to see if that person is really that powerful? And am I really unable to control my own destiny?"

The high priest said a lot. Although Lin Yun didn't understand, when he looked at the high priest, he finally discovered this guy's faceplate.

[Name]: Gou Jingjing

[Realm]: None

[Fate]: None

【Fate】: None

【ending】:? ?

[Recent turning point]: It was originally a cultivation skill

The spiritual treasure can freely transform into human form, but for some reasons it is bound to the wild land and cannot leave. Later, it was forcibly controlled by the replica, and its body was forever sealed in the mirror world, and it cycled for endless years for a village.

Lin Yun was silent.

"who is he?"

Lin Yun looked at the high priest, and now a terrible idea was forming in his mind.

All the problems with replicas lie in this so-called replica.

But Lin Yun was very curious, what exactly was copied?

Everyone agrees that the most dangerous thing about the Mirror Girl is the constant copying.

And after they copy it, they will inevitably hurt others.

But now when Lin Yun saw the high priest, he suddenly realized a problem. This situation might not be what he thought.

The high priest's body can indeed copy many living beings.

But maybe he never meant to hurt other people, and there are naturally some misunderstandings in these things.

Otherwise, how could your ability have allowed everyone in this village to survive here for so many years?

"Actually, senior already has mist in his mind."

"Like you, he has almost all the means you have. The only difference is that you two have different ideas about one thing."

"Because of the weaknesses that senior has, he can be unrestrained."

"The future belongs to him."

Situ Yunjing looked at Lin Yun beside him with wide eyes. He didn't know what happened during this process. Could it be that Lin Yun's clone was successful so quickly?

Lin Yun, on the other hand, sat directly on the ground and couldn't take a breath for a long time.

I guessed and followed myself

It has been confirmed that it is a completely different concept.

This thing can be said to be very scary.

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