The inner demons who were full of confidence began to doubt life after seeing Lin Yun's many methods. One thing that was originally planned could be completed smoothly.

But who could have imagined that it would turn out like this at the last moment, and he never thought that Lin Yun would perform like this in this battle.

Now the inner demon even regrets his choice to challenge Lin Yun.

If some more powerful monsters were sent, Lin Yun might have died here by now.

But judging from his appearance, it is very likely that he is from before.

And Lin Yun also knew that the current inner demon had begun to think about quitting.

It can be seen from his eyes that he is not completely sure about the upcoming battle.

He even naively believed that Lin Yun could continue to win this war.

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief today. What he was most worried about was that the inner demon in front of him was biting the player, which would make the situation of this battle more serious.

However, with Lin Yun's methods, he has really suppressed his inner demons.

As time passes, the situation of the inner demon becomes more and more dangerous.

He never thought that he would become like this.

According to the original plan, even if Situ Yunjing did come here, he would be involved in a greater disaster.

But looking at Situ Yunjing, nothing happened at all. On the contrary, he had no way to escape now.

The young man in front of him, who looks unattractive in appearance, is able to maximize his combat effectiveness.

For the inner demon, such an opponent is too dangerous, and they can't even imagine what will be waiting for them in the future.

And Lin Yun

He was still waving the Chaoyang Sword in his hand, and the attacks fell again and again, making the inner demon unable to move at all.

As a sword cultivator, Lin Yun's combat power is quite unique. Coupled with the bonus of Xuanming Fire in various aspects, it seems to have completely controlled the initiative in this battle.

Even though the inner demon has tried very hard to reverse the situation, he has to admit that the gap between himself and Lin Yun is so huge.

When Situ Yunjing on the other side saw this side in front of him, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I was really worried about something going wrong in the battle between the two of them before, but now it seems that everything is still in their plan and there is no big trouble.

Finally after persisting for half an hour.

My inner demons are a bit unbearable.

If he continues like this, he will soon be completely burned by the mysterious fire, so now he can only choose to leave this damn place as soon as possible.

After thinking of this, the inner demon turned around and prepared to escape without any hesitation.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and looked at the inner demon.

You want to escape now, are you kidding me?

"Senior, this guy is ready to escape."

The moment Lin Yun finished speaking, he heard Situ Yunjing behind him snort, and then a burst of white light lit up on the ground, and then enveloped everything around him.

"You escaped just now, but I won't give you the chance this time. I even checked and found that there are no teleportation arrays nearby."

Situ Yunjing's voice rang in the inner demon's ears.

At this time, the inner demon gradually calmed down, precisely because it was an aggregation of extremely evil things.

Thus, in

At the most critical moments of many things, there is absolutely no way to stay calm, and naturally some wrong decisions will be made.

So now even if he wanted to reverse the situation, it was too late.

"This is all in your plan."

"You deliberately used this method to stimulate my successor, and I completely lost my mind. In this way, I will step into your trap step by step and be better controlled by you."

At this moment, the inner demon looked at Lin Yun and probably realized what his situation was, but even so, he still had no way to change it.

"After all, it's still your own problem. If you could see all this clearly earlier, why would you let me lead you by the nose?"

"Face the reality, there is no way you can leave here today."

Lin Yun held the sword in one hand and walked forward step by step.

At this time, the inner demon who was completely trapped here could not move at all, and the mysterious fire also contaminated the entire ground in an instant.

Refining inner demons, let’s begin!

Although this inner demon is cunning, Lin Yun only used some small tricks to completely see through all his methods. The final result can naturally be imagined.

After getting rid of their inner demons by all means, Lin Yun and Situ Yunjing found a safe place to start refining their inner demons.

The process is not complicated.

It only took one day to complete.

During this process, Situ Yunjing was also slowly recovering his strength.

"I have never fought against anyone in these years. I didn't expect that this time I would almost give up this old bone.

I can't hold it any longer. "

Situ Yunjing said with a smile.

As the ancestor of the Situ family, he is naturally highly regarded by many people, and no one wants to ask their ancestor to come forward to solve any problem.

Generally, only very serious events would get the turn of extremely high-level ancestors like them to come forward.

And probably hundreds of years have passed since the last time he took action.

"Now that senior's matter has been settled, we can return to the Eastern Region."

Situ Yunjing looked at Lin Yun.

"You should have said before that all the sword cultivators in the entire Shenhua Realm seem to have disappeared."

"But right now I do have a place that might interest you."

For unknown reasons at the beginning, the entire Shenhua world was extremely repulsive to sword cultivators, which eventually led to the sword cultivators completely disappearing from this world.

Many of the so-called sword cultivation methods currently available to humans have only been optimized by later generations.

This kind of thing is no different from ordinary skills, and it is far less powerful than the ancient sword cultivation skills.

Lin Yun thought that the news Situ Yunjing brought to him this time was probably just an ordinary exercise book. This might be able to fool others, but it was meaningless to Lin Yun.

It can be said that he is returning home now. I just want to go back and see if I can find more clues about Dashang.

This time, it took Situ Yunjing half a month to bring Lin Yun to a mountain.

Lin Yun didn't know where Situ Yunjing was taking him.

But when he followed Situ Yunjing to a cave, his mood immediately became excited.

stand up.

It's a familiar feeling.

The walls of the entire cave are scratched and scratched by the sword energy.

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