Some of the people in the stronghold still didn't know what happened, but some people already understood what the situation was.

Some people have already begun to worry about what kind of results will be waiting for them in this situation.

But some people still showed the same indifferent attitude as before.

Especially since Xia Zhiping has reached the point where he is today, the enemy knocking on his door is enough to make them realize the seriousness of the problem.

But this guy still behaved as completely disdainful as before.

This also made Qin Shutong a little helpless at this time, even if he wanted to solve these problems.

But the final result is likely to be a completely different concept than what they thought.

After all, the enemy's strength is beyond their imagination now, and the final result will be much more difficult than they thought.

"These guys dare to take the initiative to come to the door, which means that they are now completely crazy. Taking this opportunity, we can just grasp everything and completely eliminate them."

Xia Zhiping stood up and spoke loudly for the first time.

But this time Qin Shutong was not in a hurry to refute.

Just like what they said before, Lin Yun must have had his own ideas when he took the initiative to come to the door this time, and it was by no means as simple as he thought before.

Therefore, they must of course be more cautious on this issue.

Once there is a slight mistake, their original plan may completely fail.

Of course they don't want to see this happen for such a long time, and they will definitely do everything possible to prevent this situation as much as possible.

"These guys are prepared in advance

, it is not that easy for us to deal with. "

"Of course they can easily find our location, but this time we have to be more careful and not let them take advantage of us."

Seeing that these people are a little too arrogant now, Qin Shutong naturally stepped forward to calm them down.

Of course, this matter is not that complicated, and they can still find a solution.

But absolutely not. I naively think that it is really that simple to deal with Shi Tianmeng now.

If everything could be done so easily, they wouldn't be forced to this point.

"Everyone needs to understand one thing. We are trapped here to buy ourselves time and wait for support from the headquarters. We are not trying to fight to the death with Shi Tianmeng now."

The Night Watch Division had already had this choice before, but the Shitian Alliance was far more powerful than they imagined.

In particular, the terrifying twelve constellations of ghosts are a nightmare for many people.

They originally thought that with their own strength, they could buy themselves some time.

But they never thought that when they faced such terrifying enemies as the Twelve Star Ghosts, their previous so-called pride would be meaningless.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big and cannot be solved in a short while.

Not to mention that the situation afterwards may be much more difficult than they imagined.

"Qin Shutong wants me to tell you to stop being like this, although these guys are indeed a little smarter than we think."

"But the night watchman has been doing this for so many years

Does the layout of the entire Shenhua world really have no meaning? You don’t think that these guys’ abilities can uproot us, do you? "

Seeing that Qin Shutong was still so cautious, Xia Zhiping was really unhappy that he had finally waited for such an opportunity.

If we can take advantage of this opportunity, the entire Shitian Alliance will suffer heavy losses.

Then the situation of the Night Watch Division in the Eastern Region will be eased a lot in the future, which is a great good thing for the headquarters.

Qin Shutong glanced at Xia Zhiping and felt helpless, only to realize that this guy was a complete loser who was obsessed with success.

Even at this moment, I didn't realize how terrible this matter was, and I naively thought that I could solve these problems with my own abilities.

You know, if Guan Yuanming really wants to deal with them, it is not just an option to enter the mountains. With this guy's intelligence, there are even other ways.

But under the current circumstances, how does this guy arrange it?

It was enough to prove that he was determined to win this time into the mountains, which was why Qin Shutong was so nervous at this time.

He has been a close friend of Guan Yuanming for a long time, and he also understands how terrifying this guy is.

Because of this, no matter what his position was, Qin Shutong did not want to become opponents with people like them at this time.

But there is no way to reverse the war between the Shitian League and the Night Watch Division, and as the leader of these people, on this issue.

It was absolutely impossible for him to sit idly by at this time. No matter what, he had to

Solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, you two should stop arguing. Now is the most critical moment. If we are still like this internally, how can we deal with them?"

Just then someone rushed in.

"Something bad has happened. People from the Shitian Alliance have broken into our formation."

"However, all the formation traps on our road have failed. These guys seem to know the situation inside us and come straight to the stronghold."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present turned very ugly.

It's not much different from what they guessed.

On this issue, Lin Yun had already made complete preparations, but at this moment, it was more like they had been completely kidnapped.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the man next to them.

Qin Shutong just sighed helplessly at this time. He also knew what was going on. He had to step forward now, otherwise it would be completely unimaginable what the situation of these people would be like.

"I believe that only at this time can you finally understand what position you are in."

"The methods these people have here are completely beyond our imagination. Because of this, our attitude on this issue should also change."

Qin Shutong's cold eyes swept across the people present. At this time, he was able to relax completely.

Now that Lin Yun has taken the initiative to knock on the door, it proves that they are ready.

On the other side, Lin Yun certainly stepped into the trap set by these people, but he just smiled lightly.

"These guys are really

Interesting, do you think these methods of yours can really pose a threat to me? "

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