Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 964 Return to the True Self

After all, Lin Yun has truly upgraded his strength to the level of the Great Emperor.

Therefore, in this state, its perception of the surrounding world is naturally completely different.

With his eyes closed at this time, he could feel that there seemed to be floating spiritual energy around him, moving closer to him, trying to merge into a part of his body.

This feeling is of course very magical for Lin Yun.

The old man also stood beside Lin Yun with a solemn expression. Looking at the young man in front of him, it was obvious that Lin Yun's breakthrough this time was not that simple.

It's best if everything goes well.

I'm afraid that if any detail problem occurs during this process, Lin Yun may fall into a situation of eternal disaster.

Although it is the second time to break through to the true state, this time it is obviously more dangerous than the last time.

"The so-called sword cultivation is the creation that conquers the world."

"For ordinary practitioners to reach the state of returning to true nature, what they have to do is to control the power of rules between heaven and earth."

"But even so, it only falls within the category of borrowing."

"But sword cultivators are completely different. They are the true creations of the way to seize the heavens and go against the heavens. The swords in their hands can cut into pieces the origin of all the ways of heaven!"

Listening to the old man's explanation, Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh.

When I first broke through to this realm, it was all due to my own efforts.

Therefore, the understanding of the surrounding spiritual energy and realm is still far from enough.

But now the old man's explanation also made Lin Yun understand the essence of the matter, and now he understands why the realm of Guizhen that he broke through was so powerfully oppressed.

What Lin Yun has to do now is to fight against the law of heaven.

Seize the original power.

If he succeeds, then he can enter the state of return to true nature.

In this state, Lin Yun's level of strength was completely different from before.

Even if he faces a strong man who claims the throne, he is still qualified to fight.

Even if Lin Yun had really reached the state of returning to his true form before, facing a strong man of that level, I am afraid that just one look could kill him.

But now Lin Yun is confident, even if he cannot defeat those great emperors.

But if he wants to leave, those people can only make him injured, but if he wants to stay alive, it can be said to be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

At this time, Lin Yun came to his Xinghai Dantian.

At this time, the entire star sea was completely different from before, and life was actually born on one of the planets.

It's like a small world here.

The spiritual energy from outside is continuously injected into Xinghai Dantian.

At the same time, it not only increases the scale of the place, but also creates a perfect balance here.

Ingest spiritual energy and transform it into part of the energy needed in the sea of ​​stars.

Then this energy was transformed into the power Lin Yun needed.

Normally, there would be a lot of such powerful power accumulated in the sea of ​​stars, and when Lin Yun needed it, he could release it together.

This is the power of Xinghai Dantian. Even Lin Yun is not just sighing about this.

And this time, Lin Yun broke through to the true state.

Not only is the Xinghai Dantian expanding, but other life forms are also appearing inside.

Lin Yun still didn't know what surprises these life forms could bring to him.

But with this

With the appearance of these little guys, Lin Yun could feel that the whole world had become more spiritually energetic.

This is definitely a good thing for Lin Yun now. If he grasps it firmly, he may be able to completely change his destiny.

"I never thought that one day I would encounter such a good thing."

Lin Yun murmured in a low voice, feeling incredible about what was happening to him now.

Where was such a bold idea once upon a time?

A few days passed like this. When Lin Yun opened his eyes again, he felt as if there was a steady stream of power surging out of his body.

This feeling is also quite mysterious, completely different from the previous state of returning to true nature.

It seems that he has successfully broken through the realm of returning to his true nature, but at the same time he has also mastered some other methods.

And there was no interruption during the entire process.

This was a valuable experience for Lin Yun.

No matter what, keep these happenings firmly in your mind.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior. If it weren't for Zero, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to break through so quickly."

Although Lin Yun was able to achieve twice the result with half the effort during the reconstruction process, many things fell into place naturally.

But one's own perception of the surrounding world is also very important. Lin Yun is obviously at a disadvantage in this regard.

If the old man in front of him hadn't taken action, we still don't know what his final outcome would have been in the future.

The old man just smiled casually when he saw that Lin Yun had successfully broken through to the state of return to true nature.

"There is absolutely no need to take it to heart. Everyone is practicing swordsmanship at the same time.

, it is natural to help each other. "

Although the old man said this, he never needed Lin Yun to help him. Everything was just in accordance with his requirements.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly asked.

"Senior, have you ever thought about leaving here?"

"The junior is not talented, but the current strength may be able to help the senior get out of here and return to the Shenhua Realm."

As soon as these words came out, the old man fell silent for a moment.

Return to the world of Shenhua? This is indeed an idea I had long ago.

When I was trapped here, I had always hoped that one day I could return to the Shenhua Realm to control more powerful power.

But it is a pity that these things are easy to say, but the difficulty of actually taking action can be said to be a hundred times more difficult than they thought.

Even though the old man tried many times without success, he still felt very resentful about all this.

But he probably didn't expect that one day these words would be spoken by a young man who spread rumors.

The old man thought for a moment and shook his head.

"The past is in the past after all, and now I don't know what it is like outside."

"Maybe I still want to go out, but I understand better that staying here may be my best choice at this time."

The old man said, and then handed Lin Yun a jade pendant.

"This is the token of my Tianyan Sword Sect."

"Holding this thing may still have some effect, but don't do it easily, lest you get into trouble."

"Maybe when the time is right, I will leave here on my own."

Only then did Lin Yun realize that it was not that the old man had no way to leave, but that he simply had no way to leave.

There are ways to let go of your obsessions.

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