After Lin Yun came out, he naturally didn't know what the situation was like outside.

It is only vaguely possible to feel that there is still some powerful chilling meaning in this Wuwu Sea.

It seems that the strong men from all sides are not ready to let anything go. They are still waiting for a suitable time to take action again.

Although Lin Yun didn't know what they were fighting for.

But for itself, this is a huge threat, and naturally it is impossible to continue to be involved.

So of course Lin Yun must try every means to distance himself from these guys.

He glanced at his panel.

【Name】: Lin Yun

【Realm】:Return to True Realm

[Fate]: Sword Dao Realm (Gold)

[Fate]: Immaculate Sword Body (gold), Shura (gold), Pure Sword Heart (gold), Dantian Xinghai (purple)

【ending】:? ?

[Recent Turning]: You successfully left the Tianyan Sword Sect’s ancient forbidden area, and the first time you came to Wuwu Sea, you noticed that someone around you seemed to be following you. This guy is very good at hiding, but he still can't escape your eyes. But he doesn't seem to have much hostility towards you.

Lin Yun: "..."

What did I find, what did I find?

Lin Yun didn't even notice that there was someone following him around him. Although he felt that there was something strange here for the first time after arriving at Wuwu Sea, Lin Yun didn't think too much about it at that time.

Now after hearing the prompt from the panel, Lin Yun realized that he was actually being followed.

It's just that the guy who was following him was too clever, and Lin Yun couldn't find any flaws.

At this time, Mu Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark,

Even so, it was just a contemptuous smile.

He has been waiting here for some time.

Not long ago, powerful energy fluctuations were continuously released here, attracting the attention of many powerful people.

Although Mu Tianzong is not a strong man, he is certainly very curious about all the things happening here.

So I rushed here as soon as possible, hoping to see if I could win any treasures.

However, he came here several times and still found nothing. Instead, the powerful aura that was constantly being released made him feel that he might be buried here at any time.

Sure enough, not everyone can successfully grasp this unique place of opportunity.

Lin Yun couldn't help but be speechless looking at the guy in front of him.

But for Lin Yun, this is a suitable opportunity to get more key clues from this kid. Why not?

"Since your Excellency is here, stop hiding in the dark. You might as well come out and talk things out. This will actually be better for each other."

Lin Yun looked around and said with a smile, while Mu Tianzong, who was hiding now, felt cold sweat breaking out all over his body.

For some reason, he felt that this young man was not joking with him.

But for such a long time, he has always been very sensitive in controlling his own energy, ensuring that there is absolutely no possibility of him being exposed.

In this case, how did Lin Yun discover its existence? Can he be found without any clues?

With this thought in his mind, he didn't dare to act rashly. He thought that what Lin Yun had just done was just yelling at him. If he messed up now, he would end up like Lin Yun.

Lin Yun

Seeing that the other party has been unwilling to come forward for a long time, I also understand what he is thinking.

If it were before, Lin Yun really didn't have any particularly good way to deal with a guy like this who was hiding.

But Lin Yun is different now.

"I have given you the opportunity to come forward, so that maybe we can have a good talk, but if you have been hiding and unwilling to meet me, then the nature is different."

As Lin Yun spoke, he raised the Chaoyang Sword in his hand high, and the terrifying power instantly swept around, making people tremble with fear.

Mu Tianzong, who was hiding in the dark, his eyes widened for a moment, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Although it was unclear what Lin Yun was going to do next, this kind of covering attack was quite fatal to Mu.

No matter how powerful he has shown before, facing such an offensive, there will definitely not be any good results.

"Is this kid crazy? Although this kind of covering attack can definitely hit me, it will also cause death for myself."

This was really the first time he had encountered such an opponent, and he felt a little helpless in his heart. He was unwilling to let Lin Yun know of his existence.

But in this situation, if you don't come forward, you may really be dead.

After thinking of this, Mu Tianzong was helpless and took the initiative to stand up.

"Why do you need to be so aggressive? I'm just passing through here and I don't have any wrong thoughts about you."

Mu Tianzong looked at Lin Yun's serious expression.

Lin Yun laughed out loud.

"Are you too scared, Your Excellency? I also never

I never thought you were following me all the time. "

Seeing Lin Yun's provocative smile, Mu Tianzong was naturally unhappy.

But there was nothing he could do against the young man in front of him. The strength between the two parties was not on the same level.

Even if he really wanted to deal with Lin Yun, he was not qualified at all and could only watch Lin Yun laugh at him.

After thinking of this, Mu Tianzong stepped forward: "I don't support the arrival of senior. This has indeed caused some misunderstandings."

"But senior, you can rest assured. The reason why this junior is here is not because he wants to do anything to senior, but because there have been some big battles here before."

"So this junior is wondering if I can find some loopholes nearby."

Of course, Mu Tianzong would not tell everything he knew whether these words were true or false.

But the reason why he was able to come here was indeed because there was a big battle before here.

He has been staying here these days just to see if he can get any benefits from here.

Unexpectedly, before he found the benefit, he found a guy who almost killed him.

After hearing Mu Tianzong's answer, Lin Yun first frowned and then fell into deep thought.

Obviously, what Mu Tianzong just said was not a joke.

It's just that he didn't understand how powerful people would fight here before.

After thinking of this, Lin Yun also thought about it seriously.

"Tell me what exactly happened here?"

Mu Tianzong looked at Lin Yun and muttered a little.

Do you want to tell the whole story?

After all, in front of me

Lin Yun doesn't look like a good person.

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