Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 982 You are such a good person

But what surprised Lin Yun was that he originally thought it would take a long time for him to absorb this kind of power.

What I didn't expect was that everything went much smoother than I thought.

It seems like there is some help from God.

The tree man was completely dumbfounded.

He was just impressed by Lin Yun's strength before, but now he was almost frightened when he saw Lin Yun's appearance.

It actually happened.

The human in front of me not only absorbed the power of authority, but was also the fastest.

This left several people wondering what to say for a while.

But having tried it myself, of course I understand how difficult it is.

It takes a long time to absorb the power of authority.

Unless you can resonate with the power of authority.

But think about it, this is the treasure of the demon clan. How could a mere human being do this now?

But just at the moment when the idea of ​​​​Shuren flashed across his mind, he felt the emotion of 'joy' coming from the authority.


After meeting Lin Yun, this guy became humane and happy.

It was something he had never thought about.

The next moment, he saw the power of the fist handle merging with Lin Yun at an extremely fast speed.

No one can explain exactly what happened.

Even with his understanding he couldn't explain it.

"It's been so long, but I still haven't seen him."

"Is it possible that you encountered some danger inside?"

Su Yening glanced at the white-faced scholar beside her and whispered.

The white-faced scholar just shook his head.

"The guys we sent in before did not

What hope, but this kid is different. "

"I'm more inclined to think that this battle is over. He needs to adjust his breathing inside for a while before he can come out."

The white-faced scholar is still unhurried. In his opinion, the situation in front of him requires him to be calm and must not expose any flaws, so as not to ruin the plan.

Su Yening nodded after hearing this.

It's just that he vaguely felt in his heart that there were still many things that were unreasonable about this matter.

It's a pity that even the white-faced scholar didn't take it to heart. Naturally, it's hard for her to continue to bring this up now.

We can only wait for time to pass and see if there will be any unexpected changes.

Just when they couldn't wait any longer, Lin Yun finally walked out slowly.

I saw hundreds of wounds, large and small, on Lin Yun's body, and he looked quite tired.

He walked with a limp and his breathing was uneven.

This change can be easily seen. Both the white-faced scholar and Su Yening were sure that Lin Yun was seriously injured at the first moment.

Even after some breath adjustment, I'm afraid it won't be able to return to its original state.

Su Yening rushed to Lin Yun as soon as possible.

"Senior, how are you?"

I saw Su Yening supporting Lin Yun with one hand, and then asked with concern.

After seeing that it was Su Yening, Lin Yun's body weight completely fell on this woman's body, and he almost fell to the ground.

"You have never told me that this guy inside is so powerful. I almost died in their hands."

"Including luckily, I managed to get the things."

Lin Yun said with a smile

Said: "But I need to recover now."

After hearing that Lin Yun successfully got the things, Su Yening was naturally very happy.

Of course they would not doubt that Lin Yun had transformed authority into a part of his body.

After all, the tree man has just made it very clear that this thing is not simple for humans.

If humans want to forcibly absorb the power of authority, they must make more preparations.

Lin Yun is just an extremely rare case and has no adaptability.

Therefore, Lin Yun was also sure that Su Yening and the others would not be able to directly absorb the power of authority.

Of course, there is no doubt that he has taken the power of authority into his own hands at this time.

In this way, the subsequent negotiations will be easier.

As expected, after hearing that Lin Yun was injured, Su Yening was very attentive.

"Go and get the healing medicine."

"Senior, let me assist you in treating your injuries first."

Lin Yun just nodded and said nothing more.

However, Su Yening didn't notice that the way Lin Yun looked at her was no longer as innocent as before.

Sure enough, they all have different secrets.

Soon I saw several men coming with various healing medicines.

"These are the things we brought here specifically for recovery during the battle. Seniors can use them with confidence."

"We will wait until your strength recovers. We are not in a hurry now."

Even though Su Yening was dying of anxiety, she still had to pretend to be calm and calm at this moment.

He didn't dare to say anything at all, and his appearance was even more funny in Lin Yun's eyes.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are they pretending to be a fairy tale?

But Lin Yun

He didn't point it out, but glanced at the so-called healing medicine in front of him.

Sure enough, these things could indeed help Lin Yun recover from his injuries, but they could also push him into an abyss.

Just think about it, how could these guys easily restore Lin Yun to his peak condition.

He simply wanted to use this method to control Lin Yun and ensure that he could successfully obtain power in the future.

It's a pity that if it were someone else, there would be no way to deal with this method, but for Lin Yun, it is quite simple.

He didn't hesitate and swallowed these Liao healing medicines directly.

But what no one noticed was that the moment Lin Yun ate it, there was mysterious fire burning in his mouth.

This thing can be said to be the antidote to all poisons. No matter what special means you have, if you burn it completely, you can't leave any problems, right?

Su Yening was actually very nervous, thinking that Lin Yun might be a little apprehensive.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun was completely cooperative and swallowed the healing medicine so easily without even thinking of saying a word during the whole process.

"Is it true that I'm overthinking it? This kid fought very hard inside and is now seriously injured. He can't wait to recover. He doesn't doubt us at all?"

Su Yening thought that she had not shown much hostility towards Lin Yun before, so Lin Yun's current behavior was reasonable.

After thinking of this, Su Yening finally felt relieved. It seemed that all his efforts for so long were not in vain.

Soon, Lin Yun closed his eyes and began to regulate his breathing to regain his strength.

Su Yening was watching quietly from the side, only

If the time is right, everything can be over.

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