Lin Yun's face was still as calm as usual.

He was not nervous in front of these people. As long as he knew what they were thinking, he could handle it with ease.

Bai Zhanji said lightly while pouring water.

"My friend, if you have anything else to ask, just say it, and I will tell you everything I know."

Lin Yun glanced at Su Ye Ning, and it was obvious that he was a little afraid of Su Ye Ning's presence here.

Bai Zhanji just smiled at this.

"Su Ye Ning is the son of an old friend, and he is like my own child to me. Don't worry about it. If you have any questions, just say it now."

Lin Yun sneered in his heart but didn't point it out.

"I want to know what exactly you asked me to take this time?"

"You say it's simple, it seems to be some kind of treasure suppressed here."

"But in my opinion, this matter is not as easy as you say, right?"

Bai Zhanji and Su Ye Ning frowned at the same time, probably because they didn't expect Lin Yun to know something.

However, the two people were not really scared by Lin Yun's current state.

Anyway, for them, the current situation is still under their control.

"My friend, you are really a wonderful person."

"Have you got the thing?"

Lin Yun did not hesitate and took out the green gem directly.

The rich life force immediately lingered in the entire cave.

Bai Zhanji's face changed, and the next moment he raised his hand without hesitation to cast a barrier here, covering their breath here.

Although Bai Zhanji tried hard to calm himself down, he couldn't help but get a little excited when he saw the object in Lin Yun's hand.

For so long, they have tried various means, just hoping that they can get such a certainty one day.

Now that they finally see it, how can they be so calm?

He looked at Lin Yun with surprise, although he knew that this young man would succeed before.

But he didn't expect all this to come so quickly.

"My friend, you really didn't disappoint me."

"If it were someone else, they wouldn't be able to do this so easily, but you can do it easily, which is really admirable."

Lin Yun just smiled casually.

"Compared to you, my strength is still a lot worse."

"I still know my ability very well."

Lin Yun shrugged and said with a smile, and this was not a joke.

Bai Zhanji looked at Lin Yun like this.

Not arrogant or impatient, he is fully confident of his own situation. The young man in front of him is really not simple. Others don't have such ability.

But just this is not enough to make him feel any fear of Lin Yun.

For Bai Zhanji and others, the power of authority must be obtained. No matter what means Lin Yun uses, he can't snatch this opportunity from his hands.

"These things are not good things for you and me, the human race."

"But under the current situation, it is the only way to give us a chance to break through the heavy siege."

After Bai Zhanji finished speaking, he actually took out another piece of debris in front of Lin Yun.

And when Lin Yun felt the existence of this fragment.

He could feel a strong will in his body, constantly urging him to rush forward and firmly control this power in his hands.

That is to say, Lin Yun's willpower is strong enough to withstand such an impact at this time.

Otherwise, he would really rush forward and snatch all of this.

Lin Yun knew that he was now seeking the skin of a tiger, so he must be more cautious when doing things.

Once these guys in front of him caught the handle, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In this process, Su Ye Ning and Bai Zhan Ji looked at Lin Yun intentionally or unintentionally.

However, their ideas were very simple, nothing more than hoping to get the power fragment in Lin Yun's hand.

At this time, Lin Yun was also secretly calculating in his heart.

At present, this person is a strong man at the level of Saint Venerable. Even with Lin Yun's current strength, he is not sure that he can deal with this person.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Yun will be like this, cautious, and not easy to shoot.

But now the opportunity is in front of him, and it is obviously not realistic for Lin Yun to give up like this.

"My friend, this is the object we have escorted all the way here."

"We came here a few years ago, hoping to collect this thing and completely transform it back to its original form."

"But I didn't expect that I was spotted by the demon tribe halfway, so there was a big battle and I was trapped here."

"But for us now, it has been regarded as the best way to solve the problem. My friend, please give me the other fragment."

"After the fusion, we can leave here. At that time, we will naturally not forget your kindness."

Lin Yun still had a smile on his face at this time.

If you want to deal with these guys in front of you, you must be very alert.

Because you can never be sure when they will kill you.

When Lin Yun came here this time, he knew that these guys would never let him go.

And with Lin Yun's current means, he is not sure that he can escape successfully.

Fortunately, Lin Yun had released a large number of soul-devouring beasts before this, and there should be other strong people on this island.

But ordinary people have almost no resistance to soul-devouring beasts.

So Lin Yun is confident that through the power of soul-devouring beasts, he can temporarily create a situation that can keep himself safe.

Just after Bai Zhanji finished speaking, Lin Yun did not hesitate to put away the whole handle fragment.

"In theory, I should indeed give this thing to you."

"But you said so much, it's nothing more than standing on your own standpoint, but I fought hard to get it, why should I give it to you so easily?"

"What's more, you can use these things, I believe I have the ability to do so."

The two looked at Lin Yun, probably because they didn't expect that this kid would actually resist at such a critical moment.

But they didn't take it to heart.

At this time in this cave, Lin Yun was like a fish on a chopping board, how could he have the qualifications to resist.

Bai Zhanji looked at Lin Yun.

"So you are not going to hand this thing over to us now?"

"Instead, you think you can resist us with your subtle means?"

Bai Zhanji no longer looked kind as before.

And this guy's behavior was also within Lin Yun's expectations.

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