Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 47 "Squeeze Out" By Classmates? 【Seek Evaluation Ticket】

"Everyone concentrate on looking at the blackboard, Lu Xiaofei, where are your eyes staring, I tell you to read the poem I wrote on the blackboard, it is the only surviving crystallization of ancient civilization."

"Today we are going to introduce the unique beast in India and Africa - the deformed nine-headed worm. As the name suggests, it has nine heads, and each head has an independent thinking."

"According to the Pythagorean theorem, it can be known that the road chosen by this warrior is a full 2,000 kilometers, and he can't get back home before the beast kills his family."

The school day is the same as always.

After a morning of culture classes, the whole afternoon was arranged for practical classes.

Although the Martial Arts Academy's admissions assessment has ended, the real college entrance examination has not yet come. It's just that the Martial Arts Academy has used its admissions privileges.

Those students who do not intend to apply for the Martial Arts Academy, and those who are not qualified or have been confirmed as monstrous, still need to work hard to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Because everyone is a student in the second semester of the third year of high school, the actual combat class will not talk too much. Usually, the students will be divided into groups to compete.


Then Luo Hong, the teacher of the practical class, gave pointers and instructions to the students on the spot.

Put it in the past.

Students like Chu Mu who have excellent foundations and are not very powerful in combat are opponents that everyone will scramble for, but today's situation is a bit weird.

None of the students would like to be in the same group as Chu Mu, because they all have the same ideas. We are here to sharpen, not to enjoy being one-sidedly tortured by the boss.

Since Chu Mu became a blockbuster yesterday, the students all knew how exaggerated Chu Mu's strength was, and they felt that Chu Mu was probably playing with them in the past.

But now that the boss has liberated himself, and then go to compete with the boss in the same group, who knows whether the boss will continue to play with them or beat them into pigs?

"Seeing that I have no back, it's because I was slapped by Chu Mu."

In addition, Lu Xiaofei, a bitch, also showed off his black back.

Ever since.

After learning that Chu Mu had only taken dragon blood yesterday and could not control his own strength today, the students who were still hesitant did not want to be with Chu Mu anymore.


Luo Hong, the teacher of the practical class, was also very helpless.

He can't force other students to get beaten, can he?

There is one thing to say, yesterday he watched Chu Mu's actual combat all the way, and he knew that ordinary students were probably no better than quail in front of Chu Mu.

Although he also wondered why Chu Mu did not show such strength before, but after being brainwashed by other teachers in the office, he still accepted the statement that Chu Mu was hiding his clumsiness before.


Luo Hong also wondered whether Chu Mu would still be able to "guide others" and lower his strength to compete with his classmates as before.


After Luo Hong approved Chu Mu's previous low-key statement.

He felt that Chu Mu deliberately pretended to be 50/50 with everyone in the past, but he was actually helping his classmates grow up. He admired that such a genius can have such a friendship.

"How about... the teacher will discuss with you?"

Luo Hong saw that Chu Mu really couldn't match his opponent, so he asked a question tentatively. The surrounding students immediately booed.

"Teacher, you are a high-level martial artist...I am a junior martial artist."

Chu Mu rolled his eyes directly, showing a helpless expression on his face.

Others don't want to be abused by him, and he doesn't want to be abused by a senior martial artist either.

A senior martial artist is not like a king of martial arts, who says he can control his strength if he says he can control his strength... If the teacher misses, it may be his turn to become a pig.

Or go to the Martial Arts Academy in a wheelchair? If it's a real battle, you must go forward bravely, no matter what kind of enemy you face, you can't shrink back, but it's just an actual combat lesson to train your combat awareness. Chu Mu feels that he doesn't have to sacrifice so much.

Wouldn't it be nice to be tortured and killed by clones in the mysterious space?

Increased fighting awareness.

Not really hurt yet.

"Ahem, I still have my weight."

Luo Hong, the teacher of the combat class, said something with a guilty conscience.

How should I put it, if it was another junior martial artist, he felt that he could still grasp the measure.

But if it's Chu Mu in front of me...

Don't forget that at such a young age, you already have a few micro-level martial arts skills, which are even more powerful than this martial artist.

In this way.

How much strength should be used to fight Chu Mu?

Luo Hong looked at the student in front of him who might be the best student he had ever taught in his life, and he didn't know how to educate Chu Mu for a while.

Heaven can learn from it.


He also only has a subtle movement technique...

Compare Chu Mu.

He seems to be just a little higher level.

It's a sad story indeed.

No wonder I was absolutely unable to break through to become King Wu by my former university teacher.

At this moment, Luo Hong only felt a sigh.

"Teacher!! Yesterday, classmate Jiang Yuan said that he would compete with classmate Chu Mu! Why don't we let them form a team, they are also junior warriors."

At this time, a little clever ghost yelled in the crowd.


The other students who didn't mind watching the excitement followed suit one after another. This wave made the whole class happy, but suffered from the poor kid in the class, Jiang Yuan.

"Can it be the same! Can junior warriors and junior warriors be the same!"

Jiang Yuan tried his best to shout loudly, without saving any face for himself, "I only have a fist strength of more than 1,000 kilograms. Do you want to see me being punched into a meatloaf by Chu Mu?"

There is one thing to say.

He couldn't beat Chu Mu in the first place.

Now Chu Mu is also taking dragon blood.

Think Chu Mu probably has at least 4000kg punch.

Jiang Yuan felt that every cell in his body was terrified, and he didn't want to face such an opponent at all.

Even at the expense of self-deprecation.

People are different.

The same is true between junior warriors and junior warriors. Some junior warriors are very standard junior warriors, while some junior warriors are as ferocious as if they took a potion of rage.

no doubt.

In Jiang Yuan's eyes.

Chu Mu belonged to that kind of ferocious fake junior warrior.

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