Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 69 Spaceship Under The Lake! 【Ask For Full Confirmation】

Chu Mu felt that he had reached the limit of holding his breath.

Coupled with a violent emotional response.

He could only quickly break through the loose rocks above him, drilled out of the lake to take a breath, and before he had time to slow down, he dived again.

no way.

The things found under the water are really amazing~ah.

Originally, I was looking for treasure... No, I was going to accept brother Zhang Zheng's property.

In the end, I didn't expect that although the property was indeed found...but it didn't seem to belong to the octopus monster, and it might not even belong to this earth!

such a situation.

Whoever came probably couldn't stabilize his mind.

Chu Mu didn't have the mind to rest at all, he wanted to dive down to see if he had held his breath for too long, which caused him to have absurd hallucinations.

How could it not be absurd.

That's a flying saucer, right?

The dead bodies in there are aliens, right?

The emergence of such things.

The shocking power brought to a person who believes that human beings are definitely not unique in the starry sky, but never thought that he would encounter aliens is simply indescribable!

" incredible!"

Chu Mu returned to the bottom of the lake again.

As he pushed hard against the rock and soil covering the hatch, the wrapped soil and rock were cracked immediately, and then fell off piece by piece, exposing the dark metal inside.

"It really is an alien spaceship."

Chu Mu looked at the flying saucer-shaped spaceship that revealed a part of its appearance.

Look at the text around the hatch that doesn't belong at all.

He was confused.

It also felt very absurd.

It's not an illusion.

This huge flying saucer-shaped alien spaceship was lying quietly on the bottom of this lake, and there was indeed such a damaged corpse in the broken hatch.

Chu Mu couldn't help but entered the hatch.


Strange things happen.

He just passed through the broken hatch, but suddenly found that the lake water around him disappeared the moment he passed through the hatch.

The space inside the hatch is completely isolated from the lake outside!

"What kind of black technology is this!?"

Chu Mu's mood at this time is already in a state of being confused under the tree.

If the hatch is not broken.

This spaceship can isolate the external lake water, he may be able to accept it after being surprised. After all, it is not difficult to see similar plots in many film and television works in the old days.


The hatch of the spaceship is obviously in a broken state, it should have been broken... This spaceship can still maintain such a strange state?

Was the act of going up to take a breath before a bit redundant? Chu Mu just complained briefly in his mind, and was more inexplicably shocked by the state of the spaceship.

Although I don't know how long the spacecraft has been lying on the bottom of this lake.

But looking at the dirt and rocks adsorbed around the spacecraft, the time will definitely not be too short.

Maybe... hundreds of years?

I don't know why.

Chu Mu inexplicably felt the abnormal changes of the earth.

It is likely to have something to do with this downed spaceship!

Perhaps the owner of this spaceship discovered the Earth, a planet of life, and crashed here due to some accident during the process of injecting vitality into the Earth?

A guess popped up in Chu Mu's mind.


He also knew that the possibility of such a guess was not great, if there really was such a powerful existence of the miraculous substance that allowed the entire planet to produce vitality.

So why is it impossible to die because of the crash? Of course, although this speculation is unlikely to be the truth, perhaps Yuan Qi is really related to aliens.

Chu Mu had never seen actual evidence of the existence of aliens before.

And now that the evidence is in front of us.

He couldn't help but think about it.

It is impossible for the vitality of the earth to appear inexplicably.

To know.

The history of the existence of the earth is counted in billions of years.

If vitality is a product of the earth itself, why did it only appear in the human era? Why didn't vitality appear when dinosaurs occupied the earth for so many years?

If the earth is really able to generate vitality by itself, there is no guarantee that it will bring about a qualitative change in the age of dinosaurs, such as the birth of the black king eating the world tree, the white king's rebellion and suppression, and the twins sitting on the throne. It only belongs to the era of dragon clan headed by giant dragons.

think about

Even very common animals in the human era became ferocious beasts after gaining the enhancement of vitality. What a spectacular miracle it would be if dinosaurs gained vitality?


Such a situation has never happened.

In the age of dinosaurs, there was no vitality. In the age of humans, vitality also appeared suddenly. Now that we have witnessed the alien spaceship, forbidden grazing will naturally have imagination.

Vitality may come from an alien planet!

Although this guess is unbelievable, it is also very logical!

It is precisely because it may be a foreign object that it appears so suddenly!

Chu Mu was frightened by his conjecture. He knew very well that if this conjecture is true, it can definitely be regarded as the most important discovery in the history of the new era of mankind.

Maybe he will go down in history because of it?

Chu Mu is not a person who cares much about fame, but he is really curious about the real origin of vitality.

Is it because of this crashed alien spacecraft?

Chu Mu hesitated for a moment.

He still decided to investigate carefully—even if he couldn't find the secret of vitality, the spaceship itself would definitely be a priceless treasure.

I am afraid that it is more precious than any treasure on earth.

Don't say anything else.

Falling to the bottom of the lake for so long.

It's still working.

Just energy.

It is definitely enough to make scientists all over the world crazy about it, and there is also a black technology that can shield the lake outside and provide a breathing environment for life.

There will definitely be no shortage of technology on this spaceship that surpasses the Earth era.

Chu Mu is not a scientist.

There is definitely no way to study the technology tree of the spaceship clearly, but he only needs to bring back a few things that can be taken away, so he doesn't have to worry about training resources in the future.

Whether it is sold.

Or hand it over to the academy in exchange for academy points.

What he can reap will definitely be an astronomical sum. Well, maybe reporting the position of the spaceship can also get a generous reward from the academy.

As for taking this treasure alone... Chu Mu is not unimpressed by this.

But he also understands.

Such appalling and inestimable value, not to mention that he is just a small martial artist, even if he is Wu Zong, it is estimated that it is impossible for him to hold it privately.

It is impossible to hold quietly all the time.

The spaceship is lying at the bottom of this lake, and if Chu Mu wants to study its technology, either Chu Mu himself becomes a scientist, or Chu Mu has to find a scientist to study it.

The former will affect Chu Mu's development speed in the martial arts.

the latter.

When a thing is known by a second person, it is difficult to keep the secret of this matter.

It is impossible for Chu Mu to enslave a group of scientists, right?

Leaving aside the status of a scientist, or inferior to a martial artist, just talking about the means of enslavement... Chu Mu has never even heard of such a martial art.

However, some people's natural abilities may have similar effects.

Chu Mu knew very well that enslavement would not work, so if he wanted to ensure the existence of the spaceship from being discovered by others, he had to become a scientist himself. That would take up a lot of training time, and even if Chu Mu had the golden finger of the system, it would be difficult not to be affected by the speed of training.


Continuously come up with black can it not attract the attention of others? If it is investigated and tracked, it will be difficult to keep the secrets of the spaceship.

Chu Mu didn't want to be murdered because of "the crime of carrying Bi".

His current thinking is very simple.

That is to look at the cheap ones on the spaceship, pick up the cheap ones that can be of great benefit to you, and then report the swept-up spaceship to the academy.

something like this.

It cannot be held privately by any one person.

Only one big force holds it.

Only then can it be guaranteed that it will not be taken away by the pretenders——Chu Mu thinks his plan is very good. If the academy researches some technology from the spaceship, he, as the hero who reported the position of the spaceship, will be able to use it for a while. discounts or benefits?

Wouldn't this be better than hiding it and researching it privately?

Chu Mu was thinking about the future.

This doesn't mean he dares to be too distracted inside the spaceship.

In this unknown area, Chu Mu is still full of vigilance. After all, God knows if there will be any defenses in the spacecraft.

Since the "internal environment stabilization" function of the spacecraft can still operate.

There's no reason the defenses would fail.

Chu Mu has to be very careful.

If there is a means of defense against intruders inside this spaceship, and if he accidentally triggers it, a good adventure will probably turn sour soon.

I built a tomb for Brother Octopus, and then I buried myself?

Such a bridge.

Chu Mu didn't want to put on a show.

He looked around very carefully.

Chu Mu was also very vigilant about the corpse not far from him at the inner passage of the cabin door. After all, it was the corpse of an alien.


Definitely aliens.

Just on the ground of the passageway inside the hatch, a corpse with a body that is definitely not human can have, lying there extremely quietly in a crystallized color.

Like a work of art.

That's right, the corpse of the alien didn't escape.

As for why the alien's corpse becomes crystallized.

Chu Mu is unknown.

All he can know is what he can see.

The body of the corpse has been broken.

Spars with faint white halos were scattered around the broken body, showing the same color as the crystallized body. It can be seen that those crystals should be the same substance as the crystal incarnation of the giant corpse.


this crystal.

It is estimated that it is the crystal used by the octopus monster to feed the beast.

Chu Mu is very sure about this.

As for how to determine this.

very simple.

Just a little closer will do.

The strong fragrance was at the moment Chu Mu approached the corpse.

It made Chu Mu feel extremely longing.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to Chu Mu at all, he had experienced it when he was outside the lake, it is absolutely unforgettable in his life, it comes from the desire to be in the cell.

"Crystal of Life!"

Chu Mu not only recognized it by himself, after approaching the corpse, his system also gave feedback, reminding him what these crystals were.

[The absorbable life crystal was detected, which can greatly strengthen the life level of the host. 】

[The absorbable life crystal was detected, which can greatly strengthen the life level of the host. 】

[The absorbable life crystal was detected, which can greatly strengthen the life level of the host. 】

Each pick up a piece of crystal.

Chu Mu can receive the identification information given by the system.

Let him 100% confirm the identities of these substances in front of him——can improve the level of life, and the so-called life crystals are actually the body remains of aliens!?

At this moment, Chu Mu's mind was in chaos.

Not only was he shocked by the essence of life crystallization, but he also felt infinite horror at the corpse of this alien.

Chu Mu is not surprised that the corpse of a high-level strong man can strengthen the life of a low-level man, just like eating the meat of a high-level beast will benefit a warrior. Humans are essentially animals. Presumably, the flesh and blood of high-level warriors would have the same effect as the flesh of ferocious beasts.

It's just that cannibalism is appalling after all, and few people think about it.


It may have happened in some corners of the world that some people ate the ears of high-level warriors, but this kind of thing will definitely not be known to the public. It can only be that people with active thinking can realize this situation, and it is possible that it does exist.

Chu Mu is the kind of person with active thinking.


He was not particularly surprised that the corpse of a strong man could improve the life level of a person.

And the reason why he felt infinite shock.

It's all because the effect of this life crystallization is too heaven-defying.

hard to imagine.

What level of powerhouse must be.

body after death.

Can one create a life of the peak Martial King level? Chu Mu roughly evaluated the corpse in front of him, and a crystal was at most the size of a baby's fist. And a full five or six meters high

, a corpse more than two meters wide... at least it can create thousands, even tens of thousands of peak martial kings!

What is this concept?

Humans currently have not so many Martial Kings!

Not to mention the peak Martial King!

Just a dead body... can create achievements beyond a century of human beings!

Just think about it.

Chu Mu couldn't help but gasped several times.

I just want to call it terrifying.

"Perhaps the Wu Zong level powerhouse is only the most healthy existence in the starry sky?" Chu Mu felt awe of the corpse and the starry sky in front of him.

Not to mention the level of the corpse in front of him.

It is Wu Zong.

For a small high-level warrior like him, he can be regarded as a great figure, but Wu Zong is probably an ant in the starry sky.

Chu Mu felt his scalp tingling for a while.

Some inexplicable fear.

He was even a little rejoiced that the spaceship crashed, and the aliens inside died for unknown reasons... If not, I am afraid that the earth will not usher in a new era.

But... the bloody slavery under the law of the dark forest? Chu Mu is not aware of the rules in the starry sky, but the famous law of the dark forest in the old days still makes him feel that the starry sky is full of dangers, aliens What, is also fraught with danger.

"How can I be involved in such an incident as a small high-level warrior." Chu Mu trembled a little, but it didn't mean that he would give up his plan because of this.

Cleaning still needs to be done first.

Although it is already known that the crystallization of life is actually the fragments of alien corpses.

But after all, this is a fetish that can create a peak Martial King level powerhouse.

A dead body is a dead body.

Alien corpses and human corpses.

There are some differences, more or less.


There's nothing wrong with treating aliens as beasts.

Chu Mu was naturally very moved by the huge pile of life crystals in front of him, and he didn't intend to let them go, but he also knew that he definitely couldn't take away so many life crystals.


He could only put as much as he could fit into his pockets, filling his pockets full of clothes, and by the way, he swam up to the lake to take down his bearskin wrap.

The tusks of wild boars, horns of ferocious beasts, and hollow spaces are all filled with life crystals.

Chu Mu tried his best to hide many life crystals.

Holding handfuls of life crystals, Chu Mu's heart trembled as he suppressed his longing.

Don't mention how excited I am.

It's as if a beggar suddenly discovered a large amount of treasure, and he could directly make himself the richest man in the world. This kind of shock is of course an unparalleled shock.

Chu Mu tried his best to stuff a lot of life crystals, and he was sure that even for Wu Zong, these life crystals might bring extraordinary benefits.

It is much stronger than all the known treasures of heaven, material and earth in the world. I am afraid that there are enough life crystals to allow Wu Zong to step into the mysterious realm above.

Chu Mu thought of this.

The action of pretending to be a life crystal was a little bit harder.


Rao can stuff as much as he can.

But compared to the huge alien corpse, this life crystal is nothing at all, at most it is just a small part taken away.

"Not as much as that octopus monster."

Chu Mu estimated.

The octopus monster squandered at least half of the life crystals of its arms.

And he only had a small half of his arm.

Because I really can't fit it.

He could only glance at the alien's corpse with regret, and then continue to carefully explore what other adventures there are in this alien spaceship.

Chu Mu also has no way to get more life crystals.

Naturally, he wanted to bypass this tall corpse that resembled a crystal.

Along the spacious passage, explore inside unimpeded all the way, to see if there is anything that can be useful to him, and can take away the hidden things.


Chu Mu slowly explored the interior along the passage, and he saw the wreckage of the spaceship on the ground—probably the octopus monster hit the spaceship hatch from the outside.


The broken wreckage of these external hatches all fell inside the spaceship, and it was still in a relatively deep place. The power of the octopus monster is not weak.

"The texture of the wreckage may not be simple either."

Chu Mu reached out and picked up a relatively large wreckage on the ground.

The wreckage was in hand.

He found something unusual.



The spaceship wreckage, which is only the size of an ordinary person's arm, makes Chu Mu, who has a strength of at least 7,000 kg, or even stronger, feel heavy!

Say something!

The density of this material really surprised Chu Mu, it definitely exceeds the material of most weapons on the earth, and I don’t know what kind of alien metal it is.

Chu Mu looked at the dark metal in his hand, and his heart moved.

Taking out the wreckage of the floating airship that accompanied me for several days was like conducting a two-phase collision experiment.


The results of the experiment were as expected.

The piece of fighting power with the fierce beasts is just a somewhat damaged floating airship wreckage, and it is simply vulnerable to this alien spaceship wreckage.

It was just a hard chop, and the wreckage of the floating airship was directly broken into two pieces, while the wreckage of the alien spaceship did not change at all.

Chu Mu unbelievingly wanted to use his strength to break the wreckage of the spaceship in his hand.


Even though he has used his vitality and doubled his strength as a warrior, the wreckage of the spaceship still hasn't changed or bent at all.

Not only is it sharp and heavy, but its strength is also jaw-dropping. It is estimated that the octopus monster is the king beast, otherwise, I am afraid it will not be able to break through the hatch of the spaceship.

"If this wreckage is made into a weapon..."

Think about it.

Chu Mu felt very excited.

Chu Mu can be sure that if he uses the wreckage of the spaceship to forge weapons, then the weapons he makes can probably be called magical weapons for King Wu.

To know.

The materials used for the floating airship are already extraordinary, and the design requirement is to be able to withstand disaster-level beasts, and to be able to persist for a while in front of city-destroying beasts.

But the wreckage of such a material, in front of the wreckage of the alien spaceship, becomes as fragile as tofu. The metal of the wreckage of the alien spaceship must be a great treasure! Only a small amount of effort is needed to cut the material of the airship , which could drive anyone on earth crazy!

Even Wu would be moved!

The alien spaceship is indeed full of incredible things!

Chu Mu was filled with excitement. He quickly put away the wreckage of the spaceship in his hand, and prepared to use this piece of metal to make weapons when he went out in the future.

There is no way for the entire spaceship to be privately owned, but if you get some spaceship wreckage, the teacher of the academy should not say much. He has reported such a large spaceship to the academy.

After harvesting the crystallization of life and the wreckage of the spaceship, Chu Mu looks like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, her eyes looking at the road ahead are different.

The wreckage of the spaceship alone is already so powerful.

God knows how many treasures are still hidden inside the spacecraft.

Along the entryway, Chu Mu proceeded cautiously.

The interior of the spaceship, which has been dust-sealed for an unknown number of years, did not produce any dust or impurities.

At the end of the entryway.

There is a corner.

Go a little further around the corner.

Chu Mu found a brand new hatch.

The undamaged kind.

Presumably, it was because the space inside the spaceship was not so large, and the octopus monster didn't explore the inside, or maybe the corpse outside had already attracted all the attention of the octopus monster, so that the octopus monster didn't continue to explore the inside of the airship.

In short.

The hatch was not damaged in the slightest.

Chu Mu thought that he couldn't bend the wreckage of the spaceship just now, and knew that he definitely couldn't break through the hatch. Is this the end of the exploration of this airship?

Chu Mu was a little bit regretful, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he was just a low-level warrior, and he could only express that he had more than enough energy to face such an adventure.

"There are life crystals and a piece of wreckage. In fact, this time I have gained a lot. People can't be too greedy..." Chu Mu comforted himself in his heart.

There must still be some disappointment and unwillingness.

-0 for flowers...



There is no way.

Who limited his ability... The rest of the spaceship development work may only be handed over to the masters of the academy. I only hope that I can get more benefits in the future.

Chu Mu wasn't worried at all that the Martial Arts Academy would kill him just to keep his mouth shut.

Leaving aside the word-of-mouth accumulated by the Martial Arts Academy over the years, there is such a big thing that it is impossible to keep it from the outside world. The crystallization of life is something that can create a peak Martial King.

And once the Martial Arts Academy starts to use the discoveries in the spaceship, then the matter of the spaceship will definitely not be a secret anymore, at least it cannot be a secret in some circles.

If there is really a "Wu Wang mass production plan", so many mouths can't be sealed. There is absolutely no need for the Martial Arts Academy to murder a student with outstanding talents.

Just say that the kind of terrifying comprehension shown by Chu Mu is invincible to Chu Mu.

Freedom to limit.

This has no effect on Chu Mu at all.

He had made up his mind a long time ago that as long as he survived this crisis and his strength did not rise to the point where the Martial King would not leave the mountain, he would not participate in any martial arts certification.

The wilderness is too dangerous... He doesn't plan to set foot again until King Wu. With such a mind, Chu Mu wished that the Martial Arts Academy would not allow him to leave the academy.

"According to the consistent word-of-mouth and style of the Martial Arts Academy, it is still impossible to kill heroes." Chu Mu planned to exit the spaceship while thinking.

Float to the surface of the lake.

Clean up your harvest this time.

Add a few more layers of concealment.

Waiting for the rescue from the Martial Arts Academy...... This is Chu Mu's current plan, there is nothing wrong with it.

If it weren't for a sudden change that happened immediately after.


Just when Chu Mu was about to turn his head and leave.

Without warning.

The hatch in front of him actually opened directly — since the spaceship can still maintain a stable internal environment, it is obviously normal that the spaceship hatch can still be used normally.


Why does the hatch open by itself?

Chu Mu was a little surprised and uncertain.

All he felt was a blood-curdling thrill.

Could there be living aliens in the spaceship?

This was Chu Mu's subconscious reaction, but he quickly denied this idea, if there were really living aliens in the spaceship.

The alien couldn't have stayed in the ship for so long.

Since the spaceship can still operate.

There must be survivors.

It is estimated that he went out tens or hundreds of years earlier, how could he stay in the spaceship all the time, and he is not a senior-level alien dead fat house.

Thinking of the horror of the alien corpse in the corridor, Chu Mu didn't think that the alien who survived would be afraid of the king beast guarding the lake.

There must be no surviving aliens... just this it just a very ordinary automatic door?

The kind that turns itself on and off when a life comes close?

Don't need to check the identity information?

Alien doesn't make sense to be so low.

Chu Mu was a little uncertain about what was going on with the hatch, and he was already prepared to use all his strength to escape if something went wrong.

And just under the vigilance of 100,000 points.

Chu Mu carefully glanced inside the hatch.

Immediately, his pupils shrank suddenly again, and his eyes turned red a lot in this instant!

"No way……………"

Chu Mu was stunned.

It almost didn't absorb all the cold air in the spaceship.


Eye-catching scene.

It's no longer something that can be described as terrifying.


So scary! So scary! So scary!

Say important things three times in a row!

I see.

Inside the hatch is a space that is more than ten meters high and hundreds of meters long and wide. The rows of instruments look like the main control room of this spaceship.

The high-tech main control room is not something that shocked Chu Mu.

The reason why his eyes were red... was that in the main control room, there were three huge corpses that were crystallized like the one outside!


Or a corpse with a rather strange shape!

They are all in human form.

Comparable to humans.

There are many differences.

The appearance of the three corpses is still different, and one of the corpses is very similar to the one found next to the entrance passage, and its size is similar to that of a huge human with a huge body.


Whether it is the skin of the head or the body, there are layers of dense bumps, which look like the unique appearance of some kind of skin.

The battle armor on this corpse has also been crystallized, which is unbelievable to be true, and it is completely indistinguishable from the crystallization of the body.

This point made Chu Mu feel quite difficult to understand.

Because the body outside had already been smashed to pieces by the king beast, and Chu Mu was busy collecting crystals, he didn't find such an unbelievable situation.

But now I saw the complete corpse and the outline of the battle armor on the complete corpse.

There is one thing to say, Chu Mu just feels that it is completely difficult for him to understand this kind of thing.

Why does Warframe also crystallize?

And is it also called life crystal?

[The absorbable life crystal was detected, which can greatly strengthen the life level of the host. 】

Chu Mu just approached the corpse, and then put his hand on the shape of the corpse's battle armor, and also received a notification sound from the system.


Chu Mu set his sights on the second corpse.

The body of this corpse is also similar to that of a human being, but its height is about three meters. Although it is also huge, it is not as huge as the previous corpse.


Scale-like lines can still be seen on the body of this corpse, and there is an extra eye growing up from the forehead, which looks like a humanoid alien.

It is more in line with the film and television image of aliens.

Look at the third body.

The body shape is even less human, not only has four arms, but also has a height of about seven or eight meters, and the skin of the whole body also looks smooth.

Although it has become a crystallized corpse, it is not difficult to imagine that this alien must have enjoyed silky smooth skin before.

It's just that the head that looks like a lizard man is really a bit creepy.

Chu Mu watched the three corpses carefully.

He had no intention of smashing the corpse.

Even leaving aside the fact that he has been unable to take away more life crystals.

In fact, Chu Mu didn't know if he could crush these corpses. The life crystals collected outside were just the broken parts.

An intact corpse of Chu Mu may not be able to be damaged—yes, lack of strength in the world of high martial arts is really embarrassing and helpless.


Chu Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Compared with the damaged one outside, the crystalline corpse here is simply lifelike, like a work of art carved out of crystal.

Coupled with that huge size.

The visual impact is undoubtedly huge.

The bodies were all standing on the ground.

They seemed to be still maintaining the last movements they had made before they were alive, and the expressions on their faces were also vivid. The three corpses all maintained an expression that seemed to be very frightened.

It was like encountering something extremely terrifying.

The three of them were all facing the direction of the cabin door, and they walked forward, as if they were trying their best to escape from this place at the last moment of their lives.


Needless to say, what happened to the three aliens.

Before they had time to escape, they had already become crystal sculptures that had stood standing in this spaceship for an unknown number of years.

Death must be dead.

Chu Mu didn't feel any breath of life from these three corpses.


It may also be because Chu Mu's life level is low, and he doesn't understand how tenacious the vitality of higher life is, but if he can still live in this state.

The corpse at the door probably won't be the "bait" of the king beast.

It is even less likely to be damaged.

Even if Chu Mu doesn't use his brain to think, he can judge how strong these aliens were before... Although these aliens have been dead for a long time, but the corpses turned into

The power contained in the crystallization is still beyond the scope of human understanding by many times.

"There is actually a fourth corpse in this control room?"

Chu Mu walked around this place, and on the seat in front of an instrument, he found another small corpse that had been covered by the seat before.

Although it is a small corpse, it is only compared to other corpses. In fact, this corpse is about the same size as humans on Earth.

About two meters or so.

They can even be considered tall among the earthlings, but they are like children in front of other crystal corpses in this area.

It has also completely turned into a crystal.

"Can this still be called... a human being!?"

Chu Mu looked at the alien who had two heads, eight hands, and an extremely weird appearance. Except for his body shape, he had nothing in common with humans.

His eyes flickered slightly.

I just feel that I have learned too much. The species in the universe and starry sky seem to be much more complicated than he thought.

Four completely different alien life forms were seen in one spaceship.

One can imagine.

These aliens may not come from the same planet... It is impossible for so many different intelligent groups to be bred on one planet.

The laws of nature should apply on any planet.

Survival of the fittest.

Only one overlord will inevitably be born in a planet. If two completely different species fight against each other, it will only be the same as the current situation on the earth.

It is impossible to say that everyone will work together and go on an adventure together in the universe... A civilization that has not developed to such a high level must have only one overlord left.

Think about it.

In the era of modern technology in the old age, there was still discrimination between humans of different skin colors. If it was placed on different species, how could it be possible for everyone to live in harmony?

Looking at several alien species that are completely different in the hall.

Chu Mu can only guess.

There is likely to be a federal civilization in the universe, and these aliens all come from different civilization planets.

There is one thing to say.

This is a good thing for the earth. Although the federation in the universe may not be friendly [but it is always better than Starry Sky II under the law of the dark forest.

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