“Be careful!”

“There are demon beasts coming!”

“Everybody be on guard!”

“Get ready to meet the enemy!”

At the same time, all the Ye Family members were in a hurry to draw their blades, staring dead at the behemoths in the sky, one by one, their faces pale with fear, and their bodies trembled slightly!

In the face of such a ferocious beast, if it weren’t for Ye Mo at the front of the crowd who had never moved, these people would have been afraid that they would have fled around with a stream of urine and urine long ago!

The ferocious force was monstrous, and the fierce wind suddenly blew up, pulling a group of Ye Family members backwards uncontrollably!

Finally, the Golden-winged Eagle King landed heavily on the ground!

However, it did not launch an attack on the crowd, but instead fell to the ground with one claw and lowered its high eagle head to Ye Mo!

“Son, can you go on the road?” The Golden-winged Eagle King spoke in human speech and asked respectfully!

“What? This beast… Is it actually the mount of the prince? ”

When everyone in the Ye family heard this, they reacted to what was going on, and they were shocked and almost dislocated their jaws!

Ye Mo nodded, before he could speak, Mo Qingwu on the side took the lead in jumping out, and Le Zizi looked at the Golden-winged Eagle King and asked, “Little Sparrow, I haven’t seen you for a long time, do you miss this girl?” ”

“Dancing girl?!”

The Golden-winged Eagle King’s face changed, and he was almost scared to pee on the spot!

He didn’t expect that this little demon king of the mixed world was actually here!

Thinking of the miserable fate of the “Red Arm Ape King” King Kong half a month ago, the Golden-winged Eagle King carefully trembled his liver and hurriedly said, “The light dancing girl has not come to my ‘Broken Soul Mountain Range’ as a guest for many days, and the golden wing certainly misses it tightly, but since the girl plans to go to the Heavenly Dao Sect to cultivate with her son, the little demon still hopes that the girl can focus on cultivation…”

Although on the surface it is polite, but the meaning of the Golden-winged Eagle King’s words is simply obvious, aunt and grandmother, how far you hurry to go, don’t come back into no…

“Yo, do you wish I had stayed in the ‘Heavenly Daoist Sect’ forever?”

How clever the little girl was, she immediately heard the words of the Golden-winged Eagle King, and asked with a dissatisfied face!

“Where’s it, the little demon has been wronged…” The Golden-winged Eagle King’s face changed and he quickly denied it!

“Ahem! I see that’s what you mean! “Mo lightly danced a pinch of willow waist, and there was a great tendency to vow not to give up!”

“Okay, light dance, don’t make any more trouble.”

Finally, Ye Mo shook his head helplessly and opened his mouth to rebuke a word.


Mo Qingwu’s favored heaven was not afraid, but he was only afraid that Ye Mo would be angry, so he spat out his delicate little tongue and obediently closed his mouth.

“Goldenwing, it’s not too early, you can go on the road.” Ye Mo waved.

“Yes, son!”

Receiving the order, the Golden-winged Eagle King let out a long sigh of relief, and only then did he bend his claws and open his thick back ridge in front of Ye Mo.

Ye Mo stepped on his feet, flew to the back of the Golden-winged Eagle King with Mo Qingwu, and turned back to arch his hands to the Ye Family members.

“Uncles and elders, Ye Mo is going too!”

As the words fell, the pair of huge wings of the Golden-winged Eagle King shook violently, and then dragged the two of them out of thin air, and soon disappeared into the sky!

“Son, the old slave wishes you success this time!”

Looking at Ye Mo’s fading back, Murong Zhengyang murmured in his mouth.

At this moment, he still didn’t realize what earth-shaking changes Ye Mo’s departure would bring to the entire Southern Domain!


“Heavenly Dao Sect”, the “Heavenly Dao Mountain” far away in the far west of the southern region, is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the “Ten Thousand Miles Hundred Cities”!

If under normal circumstances, the young talents of the Southern Region who generally go to the “Heavenly Dao Sect” to participate in the introductory examination must embark on the journey a whole month in advance, because the road is long, in order to avoid missing this biggest prosperity in the Southern Domain, everyone must prepare early.

But for Ye Mo, this is not a matter at all!

The day of the examination of the Heavenly Daoist Sect is the early morning of the ninth day of August.

And Ye Mo simply set off on the evening of the eighth evening of the beginning of August, because with the assistance of a demon king who was good at flying like the “Golden-winged Eagle King”, he traveled millions of miles a day, and there was no need to be in such a hurry!

The wind whistled in his ears, Ye Mo hugged Mo and sat on the back of the Golden-winged Eagle King, and the two of them enjoyed the warmth of this moment while looking at the scenery that was rapidly passing below.

“Light dance, I asked you to cultivate the ‘Falling Flower Xuannu Gong’, how heavy have you practiced?”

At this time, Ye Mo suddenly opened his mouth and asked lightly.

“Uh… This…”

The little girl blushed when she heard the words, and hesitated for a long time before she said, “One weight…”

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