“What a domineering and rude woman!”

Ye Mo’s brow frowned, and his palm was slightly forced!


The woman’s center of gravity was suddenly unstable, and even the people and horses smashed their heads on the ground, and they fell fiercely to eat!

“You’re looking for death!”

The woman struggled to get up from the ground, her face twisted to look at Ye Mo, and she actually raised the long whip in her hand again, and it was another whip that split Ye Mo’s head!

“Just an ant in the martial realm of the heavens, I would like to see who gave you the courage to dare to be so arrogant in front of this prince?”

Ye Mo smiled directly, he had never seen such a woman like a mad dog!

The next moment, only to see Ye Mo stretch out his hand, the woman’s long whip suddenly collapsed, and the whole person flew towards Ye Mo uncontrollably!


Ye Mo grabbed her neck and lifted her whole person into the air, looking at her coldly!

“Bastards! Who the hell are you, let go of me! I warn you not to mess around, I’m a member of the Yi family! The woman struggled desperately, but she couldn’t escape Ye Mo’s clamping, and finally realized that she had hit the iron plate, and she couldn’t help but hold her face and threaten!

“Yi family?”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow, and immediately shook his head and smiled!

He had no interest in caring at all what family and forces this woman came from, because looking at the entire Southern Domain, was there a family worthy of his Ye Mo’s concern?

However, some people around them listened to the woman’s self-reported home, and their faces changed and they whispered.

“What? Is this woman from the Yi family? ”

“Could it be the ‘Plain of the World’, the Yi family that married the Liu family?”

“It should not be wrong, otherwise why would this woman dare to be so arrogant!”

“No, it seems that this young man is going to suffer, and the Yi family is now in a good position, but I’m afraid I won’t let him leave alive!”

Ye Mo did not listen to the whispers of the surrounding crowd, and said lightly to the woman: “Count your luck today, this prince does not want to kill in front of the light dance, so he will punish you slightly, and Quan should educate and educate you for your father and mother!” ”

As the words fell, Ye Mo raised his palm, just trying to slap this woman who didn’t know if she was alive or dead!

“You dare!”

The woman’s face changed drastically, and she struggled even harder!

Just at this moment!


Suddenly, a voice suddenly rang out.

Looking up, I saw that at the back of the street, a huge convoy of hundreds of people was slowly approaching.

The first car was made of mahogany, carved dragon and phoenix, and on the luxurious carriage, a woman was standing at the front of the carriage.

Only to see her a sky blue light veil, her face is dusty, her figure is slender, and she is wearing a lot of expensive jewelry, which can be seen that she is not rich or expensive, so that people dare not blaspheme!

“This is… Yijia’s motorcade! ”

“Then this woman, is it Yi Meng, the eldest lady of the Yi family?”

“Miss Yimeng is the first beautiful woman in the ‘Plain of the World’, and when she sees her today, she really lives up to her name!”

In the crowd, some knowledgeable people recognized the origin of this woman at a glance and couldn’t help but exclaim!

“Who are you again?”

Ye Mo’s palm flickered slightly, but it did not fall, but looked at the woman on the carriage curiously.

There is no denying that this woman is very beautiful, and her posture and appearance can be called superior!

But that also depends on who you compare with!

At least compared with Mo Qingwu’s real appearance, this woman is really not a little worse!

“You can’t move her!”

Yi Meng’s tone was calm, but in the midst of this calm, Ye Mo heard an unquestionable smell!

“Oh, are you ordering me?” Ye Mo smiled and looked at Yi Meng interestingly.

“No, I’m saving you!” Yi Meng shook his head, still the appearance of the light cloud and the breeze!

“You… Save me? Ye Mowen’s face froze, and then he smiled, and the laughter turned forward and backward, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world!

Even Mo Qingwu on the side couldn’t help but be funny, she grew so big, it was the first time she had seen someone dare to say that she wanted to save Ye Mo!

Yi Meng saw the reaction of the two people, and she couldn’t help but frown slightly, but she still maintained this excellent cultivation and said lightly: “Yes, if you hit her today, I can guarantee that you will not live for three days!” ”

“Haha, this prince still doesn’t believe in this evil!”

Yi Meng didn’t say this well, as soon as he said this, Ye Mo was even more interested and raised his palm again!

“Sister save me!”

When the woman saw this, she hurriedly shouted for help to Yi Meng, who was not far away!

“Wait! Do you really want to be obsessed? ”

Yi dreamed that Ye Mo was not moved, and finally there was some change in his face, and he said in a deep voice: “Even if you want to beat someone with your hands, you must first find out her identity before you do it!” ”


Ye Mo stopped his hand again and looked at Yi Meng with an interesting face.

“Then tell me, who is she?”

“She’s the gold of our Yi family, Yi Xue!” Also my sister! ”

Yi Meng said truthfully, with a look of unconcealed pride on his face!

“If it is really the two thousand gold of the Yi family, no wonder they dare to be so arrogant in the ‘Heavenly Dao City’!”

“I heard that the Yi family has already accepted the dowry of the Liu family, and Yi Meng has become the fiancée of the prince, and since this young man knows the identity of the other party, he should not dare to do it again!”

The crowd whispered again, all looking at Yi Meng in awe!

Yi Meng, on the other hand, enjoyed the attention of the crowd and looked at Ye Mo condescendingly!

“I don’t care who you are, and I don’t care what kind of cultivation you have, believe me, I’m here for your own good, let go of my sister, I can act as if today’s events didn’t happen.”

“What if I don’t?”

The corners of Ye Mo’s mouth skimmed out a strange arc!

Yes, at this time, he is very happy!

Because he had forgotten how long he hadn’t come across anything so funny!

“My words have been said very clearly, dare to move her, you will die, as for the rest, I will not say more, the choice is yours!”

After Yi Meng said this, he simply raised his hands and looked determined that he was in control!

She believed that with the momentum of their Yi family now, as long as this young man was not stupid, he would never dare to move her sister!

Unfortunately, she obviously provoked the wrong person this time!


Ye Mo nodded heavily, and even did not forget to say to Yi Meng with a grateful face, “Thank you for reminding me!” ”

As soon as the words fell, a loud slap suddenly resounded throughout the audience!



Yi Xue was slapped in the face by Ye Mo, as if he had been hit by a speeding train, and the whole person who spat blood and flew backwards!

PS: Today’s sixth chapter, each chapter is more than 2,000 words, can’t hold back, please give some flower tickets, tomorrow I try my best to do more? Thank you!

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