
A terrifying and tremendous pressure descended from the sky!

The next moment, just listening to the series of “crackling” of the knees falling to the ground, everyone present, including Wu Wenshan, the Seventh Elder of the Heavenly Dao Sect, who had cultivated to the highest level, all of them, without exception, fell to their knees shocked by this terrible pressure!


The crowd was shocked, and their keen eyes fell directly on the only two people in the field who did not fall to their knees!

One of them is Mo Qingdan!

And the other person, who else but Ye Mo?

As the three princes were restrained one after another, the pressure around the little girl’s body suddenly cleared, and finally she saw the figure that made her think about the twilight not far away, and she couldn’t help but pounce on it at once!

“Brother Ye Mo!”

The little girl buried herself in Ye Mo’s arms, feeling the breath that made her incomparably stable, she finally couldn’t hold back the grievances in her heart anymore, and the tears in her eyes slid down like a kite with a broken line!

“Brother Ye Mo, they bully me!” Woohoo…” Mo said softly while crying!

“Dance softly, don’t cry, it’s not beautiful when you cry!”

Ye Mo softly comforted, and then reached out and gently wiped it on her face!

Suddenly, a beautiful face of the country was finally completely exposed to the air, making the heavens and the earth lose their color, and the sun and moon were dimmed!


The crowd was stunned when they saw it, how could they not have imagined that the mysterious woman with ordinary facial features would have such a beautiful appearance that was overwhelming the country, it was simply breathtakingly beautiful!

“You… Who the hell are you? ”

At this time, Wu Wenshan couldn’t help but let out a loud roar, because even if he was as strong as him, he couldn’t resist the pressure on Ye Mo’s body, and he struggled on the ground for a long time, still unable to stand up!

As the seventh core elder of the Heavenly Dao Sect, Wu Wenshan was certainly not a fool!

A character who can crush him with momentum alone!

What does this mean?

It shows that Ye Mo’s strength has long exceeded his imagination!

For Wu Wenshan’s questioning, Ye Mo turned a deaf ear, because at this moment, his heart was all hanging on Mo Qingwu’s body.

“Dance softly, tell me, what the hell is going on?” Why are they besieging you? ”

Ye Mo asked lightly, but in this blandness, there was a anger that was enough to destroy everything!

“They… They said that I cheated and took the first place, and they also threatened me to hand over the ‘Falling Flower Girl Gong’…” Mo said with tears in his eyes!


Ye Mo was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood the cause and effect of the incident!

“Light dance, do you listen to Brother Ye Mo’s words?”

Wiping the tears from Mo Qingwu’s face, Ye Mo asked softly.

“Mm-hmm, of course, the light dance is the most well-behaved!” The little girl almost didn’t think about it, and quickly nodded!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his hand and shot a furious True Yuan towards the sky!


The violent True Element exploded in the sky, turning into a brilliant star, and the sky against which it was reflected was as bright as day!

“You are… Heavenly Martial Realm Strong?! ”

At this moment, the surrounding crowd was all shocked, even the “Three Princes of the Southern Region” was no exception!

Although the crowd had already speculated, Ye Mo was probably a Heavenly Martial Realm Extreme Dao Master!

But his face was so young that he looked fifteen or sixteen years old!

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old Heavenly Martial Realm Master?

Even if you say this, I’m afraid few people will believe it!

Until this moment, Ye Mo struck out that majestic True Yuan!

The crowd finally accepted this incomparably cruel fact!

Ye Mo was really a strong person in the Heavenly Martial Realm, and he was definitely not entering the Heavenly Martial Realm for the first time, otherwise, how could even the Seven Elders of the Heavenly Dao Sect not be able to resist his coercion?

For the crowd around him, Ye Mo ignored it from beginning to end, he just quietly hugged Mo and danced, and there was no sorrow or joy on his face.

Because he’s waiting!

As for what to wait, the answer is about to be revealed!

Just at this moment, three more imposing and majestic figures swept out from within the mountain gate of the Heavenly Daoist Sect one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the exit of the sword array, it was the Heavenly Cryption, Gongsun Nameless, and Mu Wuxi!

The three of them saw that everyone was subdued by Ye Mo in the tower, and they knew that Ye Mo was not an idle person, so they rushed to help him!

“Great Elder!”

As soon as Wu Wenshan saw the Heavenly Hell Son, he couldn’t help but loudly remind, “This boy is not easy to deal with, please be careful with the Great Elder!” ”


Tianmuzi raised an eyebrow, and then he felt the all-pervasive terror around him, and his face changed from the next!

“What kind of person are you, and why are you making trouble in our ‘Heavenly Dao Sect’?”

Ye Mo still didn’t answer, just quietly looked at the sky!

“Be bold! Our elders are asking you, are you deaf or dumb? ”

Gongsun saw the situation namelessly, and without saying a word, he punched out a punch, obviously wanting to probe Ye Mo’s bottom line!


The majestic True Yuan was like a meteor chasing the moon, roaring forward, and even the space was squeezed inches apart, and one dark space crack after another appeared!

Feeling the strong wind blowing in his face, Ye Mo just waved his hand gently!

The next moment, Gongsun Nameless’s majestic fist power suddenly disappeared in mid-air!


Gongsun Nameless’s face changed drastically, and the Heavenly Hell Zi and Mu Wuxian beside him were also cautious!

All three of them were Heavenly Martial Realm peak cultivators, and although Ye Mo’s coercion was terrifying, it could not restrict the movements of the three people!

But Ye Mo had just waved his hand to disperse the True Yuan attack of the Heavenly Martial Realm Peak Strongman, and they asked themselves, even if they couldn’t do it!

At this moment, people can’t help but have a question in their minds!

Who is this young man?

Why doesn’t he speak?

And what is the purpose?

Just when the crowd was full of confusion!



With the cry of a high-pitched goshawk, a huge creature with wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun slammed down from the sky!

“This… What is this again? ”

The crowd was stunned again, and a few less daring youths even scared their pants on the spot!

It was really the behemoth that was falling rapidly in the sky that was too terrifying, and the ferocious beast breath that permeated its body was simply earth-shattering!

“This is the ‘Golden-winged Eagle King’, one of the four demon kings of the ‘Broken Soul Mountains’!”

Finally, Tianmuzi recognized the identity of this behemoth at a glance and couldn’t help but exhale!

“Great Elder, what is this ‘Golden-winged Eagle King’ doing in our Heavenly Daoist Sect?” Gongsun asked cautiously!

“I don’t know!”

Tianmuzi shook his head and commanded the two of them again, “Second Elder, Third Elder, come up with me to see!” ”

As the words fell, he was planning to soar into the void and go up to ask the Golden-winged Eagle King’s intentions!

Just at this moment, the Golden-winged Eagle King shook his wings and fell towards their location first!

Seeing this, Tianmuzi stopped his steps, looked at the Golden-winged Eagle King who was about to land with a cautious face, and asked loudly, “Golden-winged!” The well water of your ‘Broken Soul Mountains’ and our ‘Heavenly Daoist Sect’ does not violate the river water, and you do not know what backbone you have when you come to our Heavenly Daoist Sect? ”

This was the Heavenly Rank Peak Demon Beast of the Eight Classics of Zheng’er, and its strength was so strong that even the Heavenly Hell Zi could not wait to ignore it!

Behind him, Gongsun Wuming and Mu Wuxian also had a dignified face, and they were already secretly condensing the True Yuan, planning to fight with all their strength as soon as there was something wrong!

However, the Golden-winged Eagle King didn’t even look at Tianmuzi and the others, only to see that his wings fluttered, and he landed straight in front of Ye Mo!

“Golden-winged See Gongzi!”

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