Ignored the mouths of these big men.

At this time, Ye Mo waved his hand at the crowd again and shouted, “Ramming Kun, come here!” ”

“Male… Son! ”

Hiding in the back row of the crowd, Ram Kun, who didn’t even dare to breathe in the atmosphere, heard Ye Mo’s voice, couldn’t help but tremble and almost wet his pants on the spot!

Only to see that at this time, he was almost all over his body, and he couldn’t find an inch of complete skin on his body, which was ten times worse than the other big men’s injuries!

This was Ye Mo’s previous violent process, because he secretly hated this cargo for fooling himself into joining the Sirius Gang, so he took extra “care” of him!

Fortunately, Ye Mo did not lay down a dead hand, but just pointed to the end, so that this goods suffered a little outside the skin!

“What are you still doing?” Come here! ”

Seeing that the pestle did not move in place, Ye Mo drank impatiently!

“Yes! Son! ”

Ramming Kun was so frightened that he ran to Ye Mo’s side almost with a rolling belt!

Looking at the frightened Ram Kun, Ye Mo couldn’t help but feel a sense of ridicule in his heart.

However, he still forgot the right thing, and immediately asked, “I remember that you said before, that ‘Primitive War Sect’ is located in the ‘Tianxu Ridge’ of the ‘Zhongwu Domain’, how far is the ‘Tianxu Ridge’ from our ‘Land of Riots’?” ”

Although he knew that he was likely to not be able to return to the “Southern Domain” in a short period of time, Ye Mo still wanted to make plans early and find out the specific location of this “Primitive War Sect” first!

After all, Ye Mo had absolute confidence in his own talent, and he believed that it wouldn’t be long before he could have enough cultivation!

At that time, he would definitely come to the “Primitive War Sect” in person, and if the other party did not tell him the method of returning to the “Southern Domain”, he would not mind completely removing this so-called Six Star Sect Gate from the “Zhongwu Domain”!


Ram Kun was stunned when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth became more and more bitter.

“How? You don’t know? Ye Mo saw that he was stunned in place, and he couldn’t help but frown!

“Son, this… I do know… It’s just that I don’t know if I should say it or not…” Ram Kun hesitated slightly, carefully looking at Ye Mo’s face.

“But it doesn’t hurt to say it!” Ye Mo waved his hand hurriedly.

“All right!”

When Ram Kun heard this, he said with a hard scalp: Gongzi, ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’ is far from our ‘Land of Riots’, which is enough… 98,470 miles! ”



The murderous qi on Ye Mo’s body roared violently, directly twisting the group of big Han Zhen around him!

And the Ram Kun, who was close at hand, was even more frightened and sweating like rain, and even pleaded: “Gongzi stop angry, Gongzi stop angry!” ”

Ye Mo did not speak, but looked at Ram Kun again and said coldly, “Let me ask you one more question, in this ‘Middle Martial Domain’, what realm do you have to cultivate to ‘Void Degree’?” ”

“‘Void’?” Ram Kun looked confused!

“It’s just flying!” Ye Mo explained!


Ram Kun suddenly realized, but the bitterness on his face became more and more intense.

“As far as Xiao Xiao knew, even the peak strength of the ‘Nine Yang Realm’ could not soar the void in the ‘Middle Martial Domain’…”

“You bastard!”

Ye Mo was furious, and he violently stretched out his hand, and with a slap, he flew out of the ramming kun!

“Oh boy, let it go!”

The group of big men below were trembling with fear, they had no idea why Ye Mo was so angry!

Only Ram Kun knew the inside story, Ye Mo, from one side of the “Remnant Domain”, and was extremely eager to go home!

However, the “Heavenly Fire Ridge” was more than 98 million miles away from the “Land of Riots”, such a long distance, coupled with the inability to fly, even if there were demon beasts to walk, there was no time for three or five years to arrive, which was not counting the various emergencies that needed to be suffered on the way, as well as unpredictable dangers!

And this was the root cause of Ye Mo’s angry attack!

It would take three or five years for him to just hurry, so when he really returned to the “Southern Domain”, wouldn’t Mo Qingwu even have cold bones!

At this time, Ram Kun barely got up from the ground again, and a stream of blood spewed out of his mouth!

“Why did you tell me about this before?”

Ye Mo looked at Ram Kun angrily, because this was the first time in his life that he had experienced the taste of despair!

“I… I…”

Ram Kun hesitated for a long time, but he didn’t know how to explain it!

After all, he had only wanted to trick Ye Mo into the “Sirius Gang” before, so he deliberately didn’t say it so clearly, and wanted to leave him some room for fantasy!

Seeing that the killing machine in Ye Mo’s eyes was getting more and more abundant, Ram Kun’s heart sank, and he quickly shouted: “Gongzi Mo is anxious, I still have a way, so that Gongzi can rush from the ‘Land of Riots’ to the ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’ within a day!” ”


Ye Mo’s pupils narrowed when he heard this, and he couldn’t wait to ask, “Is this true?” ”

“Where dare I lie to you?”

Ram Kun smiled bitterly and said, “It’s just that this method is relatively harsh, and it is difficult for ordinary people to do it!” ”

“Ahem! Let’s hear it first! ”

Ye Mo waved his sleeve and directly withdrew the killing qi on his body!

“Yes, son!”

Hearing this, Ram Kun hurriedly took the first two steps, and after a little thought, he said, “I wonder if Gongzi has ever heard of the once-in-a-decade prosperity of the ‘Zhongwu Domain’ – the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’?” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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