At this moment, a group of horse thieves had already been loosened by Ramming Kun and Chu Laowei one by one, and let go of the shackles!

But none of the people present escaped!

Not only that, at this time, even if someone takes a whip and draws them in the back, they are afraid that they will not be willing to leave!

Reason without him!

Along with Ye Mo’s retreat, the entire “Blood Village” emitted an extremely strong medicinal fragrance every few hours on average!

And this stream of medicinal incense, just by the aroma, can make these big Han break through in place!

The big men present at the scene, on average, each of them broke through the double cultivation, and a few people even jumped three levels in a row, which made them how willing to leave half a step?

The sun rises and sets, and the day passes quickly!

At noon the next day, Ye Mo dragged his tired body and finally stepped out of the underground storehouse of the Blood Village!

But he had just arrived outside the storeroom, and then he saw a strange scene!

I saw more than 5,000 strong men, one by one, lying on the ground, pouting their butts, holding their heads, and sucking hard into the air!

“I’ll go, what are you going to do?” Ye Mo was suddenly confused!

“See Gongzi!”

Seeing Ye Mo come out, more than 5,000 big men reacted one after another, and even fell to their knees on the ground in unison, saluting Ye Mo!

This “Gongzi”, the big men shouted is happy and sincere, where is there a little bit of resistance?

In fact, as early as yesterday, not long after Ye Mo had just begun his retreat, Pang Tu had already informed his subordinates of all kinds of magical powers of Ye Mo!

In order to show their status, the two two goods, Ramming Kun and Chu Laowei, even blew up Ye Mo’s deeds of stepping directly from the Star Meteor Realm to the peak of the Star Meteor Realm within six days!

Strong combat strength, terrifying talent, anti-heaven Danshu…

How could a group of knife-headed blood-licking men have ever seen such a demon? At that moment, all of them worshipped Ye Mo as a god and willingly lowered their high heads!


Ye Mo was shocked to see that this group of unruly big men had changed their attitude towards themselves overnight!

But soon, he adapted to his current identity and waved faintly at the crowd!

“Let’s all get up!”

“Yes, son!”

When the big men heard this, they stood up from the ground one after another and looked at Ye Mo one by one!

“As Ben Gongzi said before, you are now a member of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, as long as you are loyal to the Sect Gate in the future, this Gongzi guarantees that the benefits will be indispensable to you!”

When the words fell, Ye Mo stretched out his hand, and when a huge sack flew up out of thin air, it smashed straight into Pang Tu’s arms!


The rich medicinal fragrance came to the nose, making all the big men present can’t help but widen their eyes and stare at the sack deadly!

“Son, this… Inside… What is it? ”

Pang Tu was even more trembling, although there was some speculation in his heart, but he still did not dare to confirm it, and immediately asked Ye Mo trembling.

“Of course, it is the elixir that Ben Gongzi personally refined!” Ye Mo said with a smile!

“What? A sack? ”

Pang Tu heard the words and almost didn’t faint!

Heaven can see pity, he has heard of Dan medicine in porcelain bottles, Dan medicine in jade boxes, but this is in a sack, he really encountered it for the first time in his life!

After weighing the weight of the sack in his hand, Pang Tu’s scalp was even more numb!

According to his estimation, this sack of elixirs, if not ten thousand, was at least eight thousand!

And Ye Mo actually refined so much in one day!

What a terrible technique it takes?

Pangtul couldn’t imagine it at all!

“Elder Pang, why are you still stunned, hurry up and send these elixirs to the disciples of the Sect Gate?”

Ye Mo pointed to a group of stunned big men around him and urged Pang Tu continuously!

“Long… Elder? ”

Pang Tu was stunned at first, and then he realized the true meaning of this word, and he almost wet his pants with excitement!

“Yes! Son! ”

After the words fell, Pang Tu took a bumpy step, came to the nearest big man, opened the mouth of the sack, and took out a star-shining elixir from it, and was planning to give it to the other party!

But then, he looked at the elixir in his hand, and the whole person was stunned!

“Huh? Good pure star power, son, what is this elixir? Pang Tu asked with a curious face!

“This is the ‘Nine Turning Star Dan’, which is similar to the ‘Nine Turning Moon Hua Dan’ you have taken before, except that this Dan Medicine is aimed at the Star Meteor Realm warrior!” Ye Mo said with a smile!

“What?’ Nine Turns of the Star Dan’? ”

Pang Tu was astonished, he didn’t expect Ye Mo to even be able to refine the elixir needed for the Martial Cultivation of the Star Meteor Realm, and the effect was actually the same as that of the Nine Turning Moon Hua Dan!

“Boss, ah no, Pang… Elder Pang, I don’t know what the magic use of this ‘Nine Turns Star Dan’ refined by Gongzi is? When a horse thief who was a former “bloody villager” saw Pang Tu’s reaction, he finally asked according to Nai’s curiosity.

“Ask so much why, do you know after eating it?”

Pang Tu said fiercely, only to feel that his heart hurt tremendously.

He really couldn’t figure out why Ye Mo wanted to give such a precious elixir to these horse thieves, if he kept it for auction, it would be a rhythm of getting rich overnight!

However, since it was Ye Mo’s command, he didn’t dare to say much, so he could only resist the urge to run away on the spot with the sack in his arms, and he distributed the elixir one by one with a bad look!

The next moment, the entire “Lianyun Mountain Range” was once again a burst of starlight, more than 5,000 big men, except for a few former “Tiger Gang” and “Heavenly Wolf Gang” gangs who were still in the Heavenly Martial Realm, the others without exception, all broke through! _

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