The rich smell of blood suddenly rose up, and it was only at this moment that Lü Fei’s headless body fell heavily to the ground!

“Ahh… Killed…”

The maid outside the door screamed and covered her face in panic and fled!

“What? One move to kill Lü Fei in a second? ”

Qi Ziwen looked at everything in front of him in disbelief and asked in a loud voice to Ye Mo, “Who the hell are you?” ”

“Who I am, you dog slave is not qualified to know!”

Ye Mo smiled disdainfully, and immediately waved at Qi Ziwen like a dog!

“Get out, don’t disturb Ben Gongzi’s good mood here, you dog slave is not yet to die, if you dare to pestle here again, Hugh blames Ben Gongzi for killing you together!”

“You… You dare to kill people in my ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’, good! Hello bold! You give me waiting! ”

Qi Ziwen was frightened and cold, but he didn’t dare to stay in Ye Mo’s box for a long time no matter what, leaving a cruel word and fleeing with his tail between his legs!

And with his departure, the small box finally returned to calm!

But the calm didn’t last long.

“Son, hurry, this place is not suitable for staying for long, we hurry up and get out of here!” Pang Tu looked at the headless corpse on the ground, frightened and cold, and urged this leaf ink continuously!

“Go? Why should I go? Ye Mo still sat on the bench for a long time, not even moving!

“Gongzi, you just killed the heir of the Nine Yang Realm Strongman, and even if you don’t mention the leader of the Wild Shark Gang, Lu Fansha, you killed people in the Hon Hai Shang Alliance, according to the rules of the Hon Hai Shang Alliance, that Qi Ziwen will never let you go, presumably he has now sent out the news, he is dispatching the master, if we don’t leave again, it will be too late!” Pang Tu said anxiously!

“Haha, Pang Tu, no matter how you say it before, you are also the king of the mountains on one side, why can’t you hold your breath so much?”

Ye Mo waved his hand lightly and comforted, “Don’t be impatient, when it is time to leave, Ben Gongzi will arrange for you to leave first!” ”

“But Gongzi…” Pang Tu wanted to persuade again, but was interrupted by Ye Mo waving!

“Okay, are you finished?” Can you make this boy clean? ”

“The prince is angry, it is a small gaffe!”

Pang Tu had no choice but to sit down next to him.

At the same time, after Qi Ziwen left Ye Mo’s box, he first took out a strange charm from his arms and put it to his mouth, and hurriedly said, “Ninth Elder, someone is making trouble in the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ Heavenly Destiny City semicolon, and please come and preside over justice quickly!” ”

When the words fell, he shook his hand and threw out the charm in his hand!

The next moment, I saw that the charm turned into a stream of light, and the sound of “whizzing” disappeared!

After doing all this, Qi Ziwen glanced at the box where Ye Mo was behind him with a cold gaze, and couldn’t help but smile triumphantly in his heart: “Boy, dare to kill people in our Hon Hai Business Alliance, I want to see how hard your life is!”


A minute and a second passed, about half an hour later!


With a loud bell, the entire auction hall suddenly shone brightly, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Only to see outside the venue, Qi Ziwen strode in!

“Has it finally begun?”

Inside the box, Ye Mo, who was already bored, sat up straight and looked intently at the venue below.

At this time, I saw Qi Ziwen come to the auction stage, first coldly took a look at the box where Ye Mo was located, then withdrew his gaze, moistened his throat, and said loudly to the crowd below: “Everyone, welcome everyone to come to the auction house held by our ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’, I am Qi Ziwen, the big treasurer of the ‘Destiny City’ semicolon, and there must be many friends who know me!” ”

“Of course, friends who don’t know me don’t have to remember my name deliberately, the contempt is just a nobody, maybe the next auction, the treasurer of this ‘Destiny City’ semicolon will not be me!”

“Haha, Qi Treasurer’s words are heavy!”

“In this ‘City of Destiny,’ who doesn’t know the name of the Qi treasurer?”

There was a burst of laughter from everyone at the table, all of which were amused by Qi Ziwen’s humor, and it could be seen that the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But Qi Ziwen did not know that his seemingly momentary humorous words were already in one sentence…

“Thank you for your love!”

Qi Ziwen arched his hand to the surrounding area and said aloud again: “Everyone has been waiting for a long time, originally Qi should not continue to waste time, but before the auction starts, Qi still has to ask a question, there are any precious items that friends present want to auction, you can fully entrust us to Hon Hai Business Alliance, no matter what items are auctioned, we only charge a 10% commission to ensure that Tong Soo is not deceived!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd below were all in a flurry of heads!

When Pang Tu in the box heard this, he couldn’t help but blow up his lungs again, pointing at Qi Ziwen and scolding: “Gongzi, this bastard is obviously deliberately targeting me!” ”

“Well, I’ll help you get justice later, don’t worry!” Ye Mo smiled bitterly and reassured. _

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