“It’s okay for you, but you have to get the money out first!” Ye Mo held out his hand lightly!

“Rest assured, just a hundred pieces of ‘Nine Yang Crystals’, the old man is not in his eyes!”

Ouyang Xiu laughed triumphantly, while taking out a Sumire bag from his arms, he did not hesitate to throw it to Ye Mo!

In his opinion, anyway, his bag of “Nine Yang Jing” was just a formality, and he had to return to his hands early and night, so he didn’t feel any pain!

Ye Mo took the Sumiya bag and opened it, and suddenly, a large piece of brilliant golden light roared out, and he almost couldn’t open his eyes!

“Is this the Nine Yang Crystals?” Good pure Yang Yuan power! Ye Mo couldn’t help but praise!

“Boy, is there a mistake in quantity?” Ouyang Xiu asked at the side!

“That’s right!”

Putting away the Sumiya bag, Ye Mo grinned!

“Then can you give me the elixir now?” Ouyang Xiu’s eyes were fiery and he asked!

“Of course, Ben Gongzi counts!” Ye Mo had a harmless smile on his face, and immediately snapped his fingers!


A brilliant golden light pierced through the void and shot steadily towards Ouyang Xiu!


Ouyang Xiu had been waiting for a long time, and he grabbed the elixir sent by Ye Mo!

“What? This boy really gave the elixir to Ouyang Xiu! ”

“Alas! This leaf Mo Dan technique is good, but unfortunately the brain is not very good! ”

“Yes, yes, that ‘Nine Turning Yang Yuandan’ is his only bottom card, and now that he has given it to Ouyang Xiu, under the surround of the three Nine Yang Realm Strongmen, it is impossible for him to leave here alive!”

“No, Ouyang Xiu, they are absolutely not willing to kill this Ye Mo, they will definitely capture this Ye Mo alive and then force him to ask him about his alchemy skills!”

“That’s right! Those three elixirs were simply amazing, no matter who got them, they could be proud of the entire Zhongwu Domain! ”

“In any case, this leaf ink is now the meat on the board!”

The crowd whispered, all of them casting schadenfreude glances at Ye Mo, as if they had foreseen his next tragic situation!

And after Ouyang Xiu took over the “Nine Turning Yangs”, he did not rush to take it, but took it in his hand and carefully observed it!

Just as the so-called ginger is still old and spicy, Ou Xiu has been walking in the land of riots for many years, and has developed a cautious and cautious character, even if the elixir is in hand, he must check it first, afraid of what moths the leaves are!

After a few breaths, after noticing that the Dan Medicine Dan in his hand was round, the medicinal fragrance was pure, and there was nothing unusual, Ouyang Xiu finally couldn’t wait to lift the Dan Medicine, and then swallowed it into his abdomen under the gaze of Lu Yuwenzhi’s envy and jealousy to the point of fainting!

The next moment, just listen to the “bang”!

Nine golden pillars of light as thick as buckets of water suddenly fell from the sky, and they even opened a skylight directly on the roof of the auction house, and rushed towards the Baihui Cave above Ouyang Xiu’s head!

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

The terrifying Yang Yuan power swept everywhere, the monstrous heat wave roared out, the smoke rose from the entire row hall of the roasting hall, the crowd was frightened and retreated, and the sweat was even more soaked by the terrible heat wave!


Ouyang Xiu, who was bathed in the Nine Pillars of Light, let out a series of terrible screams!

Fortunately, these nine pillars of light did not last long, just for a moment, they dissipated into invisibility again!

At the same time, an endless golden radiance of a naked figure carrying a figure stepped out, wasn’t it Ouyang Xiu?

“Nine Yang Realm Fourth Heaven, the old man finally broke through, hahahahaha!”

Ouyang Xiu laughed maniacally, and the breath that had not yet been rounded after the breakthrough just now spilled out, shaking the surrounding tables and chairs floor to pieces, and the momentum was terrifying!

“Brother Ouyang, did this elixir really help you break through?”

On the side, Yuwen Zhi couldn’t help but ask loudly, and Lu Fansha’s eyes widened!

“Yes, this elixir is indeed true, he not only helped me break through the cultivation, but also deepened my understanding of heaven and earth!”

Ouyang Xiu was so excited that he wanted to go crazy and let out a long roar!

“The old man has a premonition that this Nine Yang Realm Fourth Heaven is still far from my limit, I can go one step further, I can go further, hahahahaha!”

“What? Can it really expand the limits of the human body? ”


Suddenly, Yuwen Zhi clenched his fists, turned around violently, and looked at Ye Mo, who was still behind the auction table, and the clouds were light and breezy!

“Ye Mo, follow me!”

When the words fell, Yuwen Zhi suddenly stretched out his hand, and he was about to take down Ye Mo!

But then, another figure was restricted, tightly blocking Ye Mo’s body!


The palms of the two men intersected, rolling up a series of terrifying golden lights, and even the space was distorted everywhere they passed, and the hard floor directly turned into powder!

“Lu Fansha, do you dare to stop me?” Yuwen Zhi saw the people coming clearly and couldn’t help but be furious!

At this moment, with Ouyang Xiu’s smooth breakthrough after swallowing the “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan”, how could he not understand what kind of terrible value Ye Mo contained?

“Brother Yuwen, this boy killed my son, he should have gone back with me, but you promised me in advance!” Lu Fansha was not moved, and said in a deep voice! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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