Early the next morning, on the “Lianyun Mountains”.

The original great “Blood Village” was completely disappeared after a short period of one day!

In its place, countless towering buildings have risen from the ground!

In sight, the mountain is full of busy figures, horse thieves or boulders carrying thousands of pounds on their shoulders; Or punch the ground and hit the foundation; Or a jump back and forth to carry building materials, it is rare that no one is lazy, they are busy and happy, and they are in full swing!

Just as there will be brave men under the so-called heavy reward, in front of Ye Mo’s promise of the Peerless Divine Dan, all the horse thieves are full of strength, even do not eat or drink, sleep and work endlessly, just for the Bo family to smile, can give the reward again!

In just one day, under the meticulous command of Ram Kun and Chu Laowei, the original design of the “Invincible Battle Sect” and covering an area of more than 500 square miles of the outline of the mountain gate had already taken shape!

This is the terrifying efficiency of a group of warriors working together to fight for the same goal!

You must know that the vast majority of the more than five thousand horse thieves present have the cultivation of the Star Meteor Realm, and they not only possess the Ten Thousand Pounds Power of the Xuanwu Realm, the huge True Qi of the Earth Martial Realm, the condensed True Element of the Heavenly Martial Realm, and the unique “Heavenly Gang Cave” of the Star Meteor Realm’s strong people!

With so many strengths blessed together, it brought them not only a long breath and endurance, even a martial cultivation of the Heavenly Martial Realm could easily lift tens of thousands of pounds of things, which was simply equivalent to a walking “crane”, not to mention that the entire five thousand Star Meteor Realm Martial Cultivators worked together?

As a result, the mountain gate of the “Invincible Battle Sect” was almost visible to the naked eye, and it already had a rough outline!

At the moment when the crowd was in full swing!

Suddenly, a panicked figure crawled to the outside of the magnificent mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect that had not yet been repaired!

“It’s not good, big things are not good, let’s run, don’t do it!” The people who came to the house ran and shouted, and the anxiety on their faces could not be concealed at all, could it not be Pang Tu, the original owner of the “Blood Village”?


Outside the mountain gate, Ram Kun and Chu Lao, who were directing a group of horse thieves to divide their work and cooperate, immediately flashed around!

“Elder Pang, what happened to be so panicked?” Ram Kun asked with a frown!

“Yes, Elder Pang, what about Gongzi, didn’t he go to the auction with you ‘City’?” How did you come back alone? Chu Laowei also asked with a disapproving heart.

At this time, some horse thieves who were rushing to work also put down their work one after another and surrounded them curiously!

“Son? a fart.”

Pang Tu couldn’t help but scold, and jumped to his feet in anger, shouting loudly: “Ye Mo’s boy has broken into a catastrophe, and even Qi Ziwen, the great treasurer of the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’, has been killed by him!” ”


As soon as these words came out, the crowd was shocked!

“Pang… Lord Pangzhai, what you just said is true? Elder Chu asked in disbelief!

“Of course, I saw all this with my own eyes, and Ye Mo must be dead now!”

Speaking of this, Pang Tu added with an anxious face: “However, he has already reported the location of our mountain gate in full view of everyone before, and although the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ started with business, there are many masters in the league, and there have always been revenge, in my opinion, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will find this ‘Lianyun Mountain Range’ and kill all of us, I advise everyone to seize their lives and escape!” ”

“Not good!”

“If it’s really as the owner said, then we’re really in danger!”

“Yes, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time, we must hurry up and leave!”

“, Lao Tzu worked sleeplessly day and night, and in the end that Ye Mo actually died first?”

When the big men heard this, they were all frightened and their faces changed drastically, and they scolded loudly, and a few people saw that the opportunity was not good, and they directly threw down the tools in their hands and turned around and planned to flee!


Suddenly, Ram Kun reached out his hand to stop the crowd, looked at Pang Tu and asked in a deep voice, “Lord Pang Zhai, have you ever seen Gongzi killed?” ”

“This… Not really! ”

Pang Tu shook his head, he had seen Ye Mo actually flash into the auction hall before, and slapped Qi Ziwen to death, he was already frightened and scattered, where would he dare to stay in the same place for a long time? Almost even the rolling belt crawled back!

So the rest of the things, he didn’t see at all, all by his own guess!

Of course, if this kind of thing is changed to anyone, his guess cannot be wrong!

But how could Ye Mo, such a peerless demon, be treated with common sense?

“Ahem! Since you didn’t see Gongzi killed, on what basis do you conclude that Gongzi is dead? ”

Ram Kun asked coldly, although he knew what would happen to the big treasurer of the killer family at the auction house of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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