There was no way, everyone in the field could die, but Ye Mo could not die, after all, if he died, everyone else would ascend to heaven with Hiccup, how could the big men not understand this truth, so one by one did not think about it, so they all blocked Ye Mo behind them!

“Is this breath the Nine Yang Realm Strong?”

Pang Tu was worthy of being the leader of a gang, he was knowledgeable, and he recognized the cultivation behavior of the person at a glance, and he was so frightened that he almost fainted on the spot!

Only Ye Mo waved his hand lightly and said lightly to the crowd, “Don’t be afraid, here is my newly acquired little brother!” ”

“Sh… What the? ”

The big men heard the rumors and did not react to what was going on!

Immediately afterward, I saw a blood-soaked figure finally step out of the mountain forest, one step a thousand meters, like a soaring goshawk, just a few breaths, it fell less than thirty meters in front of everyone!

“You are… ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’ Ouyang Xiu!”


As soon as Pang Tu saw the face of the person who came clearly, his jaw was completely dislocated, and he almost fainted on the spot!

“What? He is the First Dan Master of the ‘Land of Riots’, known as Ouyang Xiu, who loves to kill the most and has a moody personality. ”

“He… What did he come to our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ for? Is it to destroy our sect? ”

“How could we provoke such a murderer?”

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

When the big men heard this thunderous name, they were even more frightened and trembled, if it were not for the restriction of the “Star Demon Demon”, at this time, they would have turned around and fled long ago, and scattered!

Click, click!

Watching Ouyang Xiu step by step, that steady step was like a heavy hammer, smashing into the chest of everyone!

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, one meter…

Finally, Ouyang Xiu came to the place of the crowd, and all the big men were even ready to do their best!

But the next moment, I saw Ouyang Xiu’s right leg bend and fall to the ground towards Ye!

“The subordinates did not do a good job, failed to leave Uro Crazy Sand, and asked the prince to give him sin!” Ouyang Xiu said in a deep voice!


Finally, the big men around them couldn’t resist this series of huge stimuli, and they fainted when their eyes rolled over…


The Invincible War Sect has just been fully built, and it has not yet had time to decorate the chamber!

Inside the dusty hall, on a huge round table made of bluestone, Ye Mo sat in the chief with a big swing!

Beneath him, Ouyang Xiu, Ram Kun, Chu Laowei, and Pang Tu lined up, and the last three all looked at the former with a look of awe, obviously not realizing that they could one day sit with such a famous and surnamed master in such a “land of riots”!

At this time, Ye Mo looked at Ouyang Xiu, who was covered in blood and his breath was disordered, and was obviously injured, and asked lightly, “Ouyang Xiu, you took Ben Gongzi’s ‘Nine Turning Yang Yuandan’ before, and with the Nine Yang Realm Fourfold Heavenly Cultivation, you couldn’t even keep that Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha?” ”


Ouyang Xiu laughed bitterly and said helplessly, “Gongzi, although I am one year higher than them in Heavenly Cultivation, but they are two people working together, the old man is one against two, it is inevitable that the strength will not be caught, even if he fights for his life, he will only bomb the two of them into serious injuries, but he will not be able to stay in any way, and ask the Gongzi to forgive his sins!” “Oh, that’s true, too!”

Ye Mo heard the words and scratched his head with some embarrassment!

He had thought that Ouyang Xiu was taller than Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha Xiuwei, and he could easily kill them!

However, he ignored an extremely serious fact, not everyone had a terrifying ninety-thousand-fold talent like him, his combat strength was extraordinary, the challenge of crossing the level was as simple as eating and drinking, and it was simply easy to crush the martial cultivation that was lower than his cultivation!

And Ouyang Xiu was undoubtedly just a normal person, and he could force two opponents who were equal to him into serious injuries with one enemy and two, which was already a very good result!

“Forget it, anyway, those two grandsons are going to die early, but they are not in a hurry at this time!”

Ye Moyun said lightly, as if the two Nine Yang Realm Strongmen were paper paste in his eyes, which caused Ouyang Xiu to laugh bitterly!

“Tell me, you are in such a hurry to find me, what do you want to report?”

At this time, Ye Mo asked with a curious face, because before Ouyang Xiu said that there was something to report, he wanted Ye Mo to find a quiet environment, and under the leadership of Ram Kun, everyone came to the Sect Gate Hall that had just been repaired.

“Cough, that’s right!”

Ouyang Xiu moistened his throat, and then looked at the Ram Kun and the others below him, and did not open his mouth directly!

Ye Mo saw this and waved, “They are all my confidants, but it doesn’t matter!” ”

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu heard that he quickly agreed, and then he said in a deep voice, “Gongzi, this time Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha suffered a big loss after you were injured, and with the personalities of the two of them, I think they will never give up and give up, and ask Gongzi to make preparations early!” “_

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