“Uncle Ye don’t have to worry, it’s okay to dance lightly.”

Mo Qingwu shook his head gently, but he had long lost the liveliness and cleverness of the past, leaving only endless haggardness and thoughts!

“I’m going to wait here for Brother Ye Mo to come back, I’m sure he’ll be back soon, he’ll be fine, are you right?”

Mo Qingwu’s eyes were miserable, like a dream, like a whisper, and the words that could be spoken made Ye Tianxing’s iron-beaten boy almost cry on the spot!

“Light dance, why are you so obsessed with it?”

Ye Tianxing shook his head sadly and sighed, “Since Mo Er was a child, no matter where he went, he would report to his family in advance, he had never left for so long without a word!” ”

“Coupled with the strange destruction of this Heavenly Dao Mountain, no one in the entire sect gate survived, although I didn’t know what happened in it, but…”

Speaking of this, Ye Tianxing paused, and finally gritted his teeth and said, “Mo Er, he is likely to have suffered an accident, and even died with the master of the Heavenly Dao Sect…”


Suddenly, Mo Qingwu stood up excitedly, and she, who had always been well-behaved, drank Ye Tianxing’s words rarely!

“Uncle Ye, please stop saying these unlucky words again, Brother Ye Mo, he has great powers, there is not even anyone in this world who can hurt him, let alone threaten his life, he must have gotten lost somewhere, and he can’t come back for the time being, but I believe that it won’t be long before he will definitely come back to me!”

Mo Qingwu raised his small face and said firmly, “After Brother Ye Mo returns, the first thing he wants to see must be me, so I will not leave here for half a step no matter what, I will wait for Brother Ye Mo to come back here, even if the sky is barren and the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!” ”

“Light dancing…”

Ye Tianxing sighed and saw that Mo Qingwu was so resolute, he didn’t know what to say, so he had no choice but to wave his hand behind him.

Not far behind, on the back of a golden-winged goshawk, Murong Zhengyang was carrying a delicate food box, and after seeing Ye Tianxing’s gesture, he quickly jumped off the eagle’s back and walked quickly.

“Light dance, since you are waiting for Mo’er here, then I will not stop you, but you will always eat this meal!” Ye Tianxing took the food box and carefully placed it next to Mo Qingwu.

“Yes, Miss Dance, you don’t want to wait for your husband to see a skinny you, that wouldn’t be pretty.” Murong Zhengyang was also persuading from the sidelines.

Mo Qingwu smiled miserably, but she still nodded her head softly and said softly, “Thank you for the kindness of the two uncles, I will eat later.”

“That’s right!”

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing and Murong Zhengyang were relieved one after another.

Just when the two were thinking about how to persuade Mo Qingwu to go home!

Suddenly, the void, which was originally as calm as water, suddenly began to twist and deform, and then it collapsed inch-by-inch!


The space shattered, revealing a space passage large enough to accommodate one person!

Immediately afterward, I saw a young man with a tall posture and a proud face step out of it!


Ye Tianxing and Murong Zhengyang’s faces changed drastically, and they immediately blocked in front of Mo Qingwu’s body!

Because the breath coming from this young man’s body made them both can’t help but raise an impulse to crawl to the ground immediately!

Not only that, but this young man actually smashed the space directly and appeared in the middle of the field in one leap!

This kind of mysterious way of appearing has never been seen before, and they have never even heard of it!

“Huh? Is this the Southern Domain? ”

As if he hadn’t heard the two men’s questioning, the young man looked around curiously.

At this moment, I saw him snap his fingers, and hit him not far away!


A brilliant golden light that was hundreds of meters long suddenly shot out from his fingertips, and everywhere he passed, even the space collapsed, the ground collapsed and sank, the surrounding wind suddenly rose, the wind and clouds swept in, the sun and moon had no light, and it was an earth-shattering scene!


The next moment, the golden light slammed into the ground, and a huge mushroom cloud rose out of thin air, and a huge pit that was tens of thousands of meters wide and bottomless appeared in the middle of the field!



Ye Tianxing and Murong Zhengyang inhaled a cool breath at the same time, looking at the distant scene with a look of disbelief!

“Ahem! Sure enough, it is a remnant of the stream! ”

Instead, the young man clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial matter, and finally set his eyes on the crowd below!

But then, the youth saw Mo Qingwu, who was hiding behind Ye Tianxing and Murong Zhengyang, who was trembling with fear, and his pupils couldn’t help but shrink suddenly!

“Well… Such a beautiful woman! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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