“Light Dance!!!!”


Finally, Ye Tianxing burst into tears, and in an instant, as if he were ten years old, the whole person collapsed powerlessly on the ground!

“Miss Dance!!!!”

The dozen or so Ye Family members in the back couldn’t help but cry loudly, tearing their hearts and lungs apart and going dark!

“Huh? Actually cut off your heart? ”

Situ Lingfeng put one hand in the air, looking at Mo Qingwu, who had no trace of life next to him in disbelief, and was stunned for a long time before he reacted, and he couldn’t help but be furious!

“You stupid woman! Even in the Zhongwu Domain, there are countless women who try their best to get the favor of this prince! ”

Speaking of this, Situ Lingfeng looked at Mo Qingwu’s poignant and peerless glory again, and he was even more angry and jumped to his feet!

“But you’d rather kill yourself than let Ben Gongzi touch you?”

“It’s obscure!”

Situ Lingfeng burst out scolding and directly threw Mo Qingwu’s delicate body from mid-air!

“Light dance!”

Ye Tianxing below could see clearly, and almost even crawled towards the direction where Mo Qingwu fell!

Fortunately, Situ Lingfeng saw Mo Qingwu die, and for a while he forgot to continue to maintain the pressure on his body!

Only then was Ye Tianxing able to get out of his predicament and catch the delicate body in a flash!

“Dance, how are you?” Don’t scare me!! Ye Tianxing’s old tears flowed, and his body trembled slightly!

The Ye Family behind them also swarmed, surrounding the Mo Light Dance Troupe!

“Miss Dance, you are about to wake up!”

“Miss Dance, don’t pretend to be asleep, I know you’re kidding us again, right?”

“Miss Dance, if the prince doesn’t see you when he returns, he will definitely be furious, he will open our asses and flowers, you don’t make a fuss!”

With a sound and a sentence, all the boys of the Ye family were in tears, crying like a child!

“, it’s hard to meet a superlative, I didn’t think my brain was not good!”

“Obscure! It’s obscure! ”

Situ Lingfeng scolded a few more words, as if he was afraid that continuing to the south would be contaminated with bad luck, he waved his hand again to open a space passage, stepped into it, and disappeared!

Just shortly after he left!

Suddenly, an endless roar of fury came from all directions, and more and more, mixed with a rich aroma, it was actually a brain that rushed towards Mo Qingwu, who had long lost his chance!

“Huh? What’s going on? ”

This was seen in the heartbroken Ye Tianxing, and he couldn’t help but look at it with a blank stare!

“Where did these petals come from?”

The other Ye Family members around them also looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief!

More and more petals flew around, almost merging into a dazzling sea of flowers!

Not only that, but the petals, as if they were spiritual, were successively clinging to Mo Qingwu’s soft body, one after another, layer after layer!

Soon, Mo Qingwu was completely enveloped by countless petals and turned into a cocoon of flower condensation!

“It’s as if … Gongzi’s ‘Falling Flower Lady Gong’! ”

At this time, there was a weak exclamation not far away, and it was Murong Zhengyang who woke up at some point, and was looking at the changes that had happened to Mo Qingwu in horror!

“Elder Murong, how are you?” Ye Tianxing saw the situation, hurriedly took a few steps forward, and asked with a concerned face!

But Murong Zhengyang was in a trance, still looking at the strange appearance on Mo Qingwu’s body!

“Home… Lord, what just happened? Murong Zhengyang asked with a pale face and a weak face!

He had just taken a blow from Situ Lingfeng, and not only was he seriously injured, but he also lost consciousness.

Fortunately, Situ Lingfeng did not kill him, it was not that he had any good intentions, but that he did not bother to kill Murong Zhengyang at all!

Because in his opinion, killing these ants is simply dirty his own hands!

Therefore, Murong Zhengyang was able to get away with it!

“Dance her lightly… Self-cut heart! Ye Tianxing said a word, and couldn’t help but have red circles in his eyes again!


Murong Zhengyang was shocked and hurriedly pressed the question, and Ye Tianxing explained to Murong Zhengyang what had happened before!

After listening to Ye Tianxing’s explanation, Murong Zhengyang slammed his eyes open!

“That’s the way it is, I see!”

“Got it? Understand what? Ye Tianxing asked with a sad face!

“The owner of the house does not need to worry, Miss Light Dance should not have fallen yet!” Murong Zhengyang said hurriedly!


As soon as these words came out, not only Ye Tianxing was stunned, but all the Ye Family people around him were also shocked in unison!

“Elder Murong, are you serious about this?”

Ye Tianxing took the lead in reacting and couldn’t wait to ask!

“It shouldn’t be wrong…” Murong Zhengyang said with some uncertainty!

“Elder Murong, don’t sell Guanzi, tell me what the hell is going on?” Ye Tianxing urged again and again.

“Cough, that’s right!”

Murong Zhengyang pondered for a moment, and finally said, “I remember Gongzi once said to me that the ‘Falling Flower Xuannu Gong’ he created for Miss Light Dance contained a set of extremely magical secret techniques, named: ‘Falling flowers become cocoons’!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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