Lianyun Mountain Range, Invincible Battle Sect, inside the Great Hall of Deliberations!


A furious wave of air roared out in all directions, and everywhere it passed, even the hard ground was shattered by inches, and the bluestone round table in the center was completely cracked, and the “crackling” shattered to the ground!

“Son, what’s wrong with you?”

There was a chaotic sound of footsteps outside the door, and I saw seven or eight disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect push open the door and walk in with a nervous face!

They were the disciples who had been temporarily arranged by Ramming Kun before the Ye Mo Retreat, and who were responsible for guarding the Ye Mo Retreat, and at this time, when they heard such a violent movement in the Great Hall, they rushed in to inquire about the situation!

“I’m all right, you go out!”

A suppressed rebuke came from inside the Great Hall, and I saw that Ye Mo’s breath was disordered and his brows were tightly wrinkled together!

“Yes, son!”

Several people did not dare to refute it, so they quickly bowed down and withdrew, and casually closed the door of the council chamber.

Suddenly, the great council chamber once again restored its previous calm!

“What the hell is going on here? Why do I feel distraught? ”

Ye Moduan sat in the middle of the hall, pondering bitterly in his heart.

This retreat, he only lasted for three hours, and he could no longer continue.

Because as long as he had just entered the state of self-forgetfulness, an extremely palpitating feeling would immediately appear, as if something bad was happening, making it impossible for him to maintain his cultivation at all!

“Could it be… Light dancing? ”

Ye Mo’s pupils narrowed, and this thought had almost just floated, and he forcibly suppressed it!

“How is it possible that she is far away in the Southern Realm, and there are the entire Ye Family and the Four Great Demon Kings of the Broken Soul Mountain Range guarding the side, just one Southern Domain, even the Heavenly Daoist Sect has been destroyed by me, and who else can hurt her?”

Shaking his head, Ye Mo forcibly dispelled the distractions in his heart, wanting to calm down again, grasp the cultivation state, and improve his cultivation.

However, after several more attempts, he found that he was still completely similar to the previous situation, and with his transcendent talent, he couldn’t even settle down!

In desperation, Ye Mo could only stand up, planning to go out for a walk first, wait for a few hours, and try again.

Taking a step, Ye Mo flashed out of the Great Hall!

“I’ve seen the boy!” Seven or eight guard disciples outside the door saw him come out and hurriedly bowed down to salute.

“No courtesy.”

Ye Mo waved his hand and looked up, only to find that it was already night, and everywhere around the mountain gate, there was still a fiery scene.

More than 5,000 “Invincible Battle Sects” were working overtime, sweating hard!

And all kinds of magnificent buildings are almost rising from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, looking at this posture, at most in one day, his “invincible battle sect” can be completely completed!

Seeing such a scene, Ye Mo’s mood finally improved, and he was planning to take a step around the mountain gate.

Just at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly came from not far away, wasn’t it Ram Kun?

Soon, Ram Kun came to Ye Mo’s side and fell to the ground on one knee respectfully.

“See Gongzi!”

“Huh? Ram Kun, didn’t I ask you to go and procure materials, how did you come back so quickly? Ye Mo asked incomprehensibly.

“Gongzi, I have prepared everything you asked me to buy, please ask Gongzi to look over!”

As he spoke, Ram Kun took out a dozen of the Sumire Bags from his arms and reached out and handed them to Ye Mo.

“So fast?”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow, took the Sumire bag and examined it slightly, and sure enough, he found that he had needed as much material as before.

“Good job!”

Ye Mo did not hesitate to praise.

At this time, it was only three or four hours before he instructed Ramkun to go down the mountain to buy materials, and Ramming Kun was able to complete all the materials in such a short period of time, and it could be seen that he was indeed non-stop and doing his best to do things for himself.

“The prince has passed the prize, and this is what the subordinates should do.” Ram Kun hurriedly lowered his head and bowed his hand respectfully.


Weighing the Sumire bag in his hand, Ye Mo thought about it a little and immediately said, “You wait for me here for a moment.” ”

When the words fell, Ye Mo didn’t care what reaction Yan Kun had, he turned around again and returned to the council chamber and closed the door casually.

Ram Kun looked at the door of the council chamber in a daze, completely unaware of what medicine Ye Mo was selling in this gourd.

However, since it was the Gongzi who ordered it, he did not dare to ask more, and could only honestly wait in the same place.

After another half an hour, Ye Mo once again paced out of the Hall of Deliberations and waved directly at Ram Kun and several disciples in charge of guarding outside the Hall.

“Let’s go, let’s go out of town!”

“Yes, son.”

Ram Kun and the disciples agreed at the same time, and quickly stepped forward to follow him.

The crowd marched all the way, and soon came to the outside of the “Invincible Battle Sect” mountain gate.

Due to the extremely magnificent design of the Mountain Gate of the Invincible Battle Sect by Ramming Kun and Chu Laowei, it covers an extremely large area, covering almost the entire peak of the original Blood Village.

Therefore, after the people stepped out of the mountain gate, they came directly to the bottom of the mountain.

In sight, this is a vast plain, surrounded by grass, endless view.

Ye Mo looked at it for a moment, then groaned slightly, and then took out eight pieces of wooden discs from Sumire’s bag that were only the size of a palm, but were engraved with magical patterns and flashed with a ghostly light.

“Son, what is this?”

Ram Kun looked at the object in Ye Mo’s hand curiously, and subconsciously asked.

“Oh, this is the ‘array’ that Ben Gongzi personally refined based on Qingyun Wood!” Ye Mo said with a smile.

“Array?” Ram Kun’s face was confused, and several other Invincible Battle Sect disciples were also full of confusion.

They had heard of the formation, and they had seen the formation, but they had never heard of what the array was.

“In fact, it doesn’t hurt to tell you, the so-called ‘array’ is a portable formation that I personally created, of course, you can also think of it as a formation that has shrunk countless times, when needed, just smash this array on the ground, and the formation contained in it can instantly form a formation and play a variety of miracles!” Ye Mo said lightly! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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