Speaking of this, Lu Fansha added: “However, his injury this time is not lighter than mine, with his feather-loving personality, he will certainly heal the injury before he dares to act, so we must rush ahead of him and capture that Ye Mo in one fell swoop!” ”

“But Brother Lü, although I am not afraid of that ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’ Ouyang Xiu, if he really advances to the Fourth Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm, with my cultivation of the Ninth Yang Realm Triple Heaven, I am afraid that I am not yet his opponent, plus you are injured again…” Du Yan said with some concern!

“Haha, Brother Du doesn’t need to worry, you just need to help me drag that Ouyang Xiu along, there is no need to fight with him at all, as long as you can win me a moment of incense, with the inferior cultivation of Ye Mo’s Star Meteor Realm peak, I can easily capture him with my little finger!” Lu Fansha said confidently!

Du Yan thought about it a little, and also felt that this matter was foolproof, and immediately nodded his head at a little thought!

“So good!”

“Since Brother Du agreed, it shouldn’t be too late!”

Lu Fansha’s face turned red with excitement, and he almost couldn’t wait to shout at the door!

“Come on people!”

“The subordinates are in!”

As soon as the words fell, a member of the Wild Shark Gang pushed the door in and fell on one knee in front of Lu Crazy Sha!

“Helper, what’s the command?”

Lü Fansha waved his sleeve and said heroically: “Pass on the order, help everyone in the group, but anyone who can pick up a knife and kill people, no matter how high or low the cultivation, will follow me to the ‘Lianyun Mountains’, there must be no mistake!” ”


At the same time, the “Invincible Battle Sect” of the Lianyun Mountains!

Inside the council hall, Ye Mo was still sitting in the chief, paying attention to Ouyang Xiu and Chu Laowei, who had just returned early in the morning.

“Tell me, what did you gain from this trip?” Ye Mo asked lightly!


Ouyang Xiu took the lead in standing up and arched his hand, “I have already spread the news that you asked me to publish, and I think it will not be long before the entire land of riots will know the opening ceremony of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and ask Gongzi to make preparations as soon as possible!” ”

“Oh? So fast? ”

Ye Mo looked at him puzzled and asked again. As far as I know, this place of riots should be extremely vast and have many cities, and you have only been gone for a short night. ”

“Gongzi, the land of riots is so big, I am definitely not able to do it alone, I bought some scattered cultivation in the nearby wasteland city, let them help me walk the news, although those streams are acting inferiorly, but when it comes to this walking rumor, they are definitely first-class and first-class good hands, so Gongzi does not need to worry at all!” Ouyang Xiu patiently explained.

“That’s right!”

Ye Mo suddenly realized what he was saying, and couldn’t help but praise: “Good job, there is nothing for you at the moment, you should stay in the Sect Gate to rest!” ”

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu was immediately relieved when he heard this.

After settling Ouyang Xiu, Ye Mo set his eyes on Chu Laowei again and asked, “What about you, how did you come back, and what about the disciples I let you recruit?” ”

“Son… This…”

Elder Chu hesitated for a while, not knowing how to speak!

“You don’t mean to tell me that you went all day and didn’t even recruit a single disciple?” Ye Mo frowned and asked.

“Son, it’s not that none of them have been recruited, it’s… It’s too much…” Elder Chu cried and mourned, and finally helplessly told the truth!

“Too much?” Ye Mo’s face was stunned!

“Gongzi doesn’t know, it’s really the treatment you gave too good, I went to ‘Shuluo City’ that is not too far away from our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, that is the most populous city within a 100,000 miles of the vicinity, the small ones recruited disciples in the streets according to your instructions, they didn’t want to be overcrowded at once, no matter how old and small men and women all came to sign up, no matter what kind of cultivation we had, whether we were old enough… Some people even fight for a position! ”

Speaking of this, Chu Laowei sighed deeply!

“Son, from a small point of view, they don’t really want to join our sect, but purely to get your entry reward…”



Ye Mo covered his forehead in pain, although he had thought well before, he had ignored the most serious fact!

The land of riots, but the “gathering of heroes” of the entire Kyushu Eighteen Ridges in the Zhongwu Domain, this ghost place has no best quality, only more superb!

In order to get his introductory reward, this group of three indiscriminate people will definitely do whatever it takes!

“Forget it, I’ll find a way to do it later.”

Ye Mo pinched his sore eyebrows, in fact, if he just established a six-star sect and gathered enough 100,000 disciples, he didn’t have to pay any attention to what kind of goods these beginner disciples were!

But he’s not going to overdo it!

Because in Ye Mo’s view, either don’t do it, since you did it, you must do the best!

Even when Ye Mo was worried about recruiting disciples!

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and I saw a disciple of the Invincible Battle Sect pushing the door in a fiery manner, and then loudly reported: “Gongzi, a large group of unidentified warriors have appeared at the bottom of the mountain, and they are rushing in the direction of our sect!” “_

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