Yuwen Zhi, who was originally recuperating from his injuries in a retreat, after receiving the news that the “Wild Shark Gang” had made a big move to kill the “Lianyun Mountain Range”, where could he continue to recuperate? Almost the front foot was attached to the back foot, afraid that Lu Fansha would take the lead!

“When you get to the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ of Narausch, as long as you leave Na Ye Mo alone, the rest of the people will all be killed for me!”

As Yuwen Zhi hurried along, he gave orders to his men behind him!

“Yes, Nine Elders!”

All the hearts should be together, the sound is nine times!

After saying this, Yuwen Zhi asked Tian Zhenyang next to him again: “Brother Tian, I heard that this time, that Lü Fansha invited the ‘Blood Claw Eagle King’ Du Yan to come to help, if they really seized the opportunity, they also asked Brother Tian not to hesitate to take back that Ye Mo!” ”

“Rest assured, if that boy really can refine such an anti-heavenly elixir as you said, then even if Honza fights for this life today, he will never let him fall into the hands of others!”

Tian Zhenyang swore that he also knew how valuable those magic elixirs refined by Ye Mo really were, and he did not dare to have the slightest carelessness in his heart!

“Then there is Brother Laotian!”

Yuwen Zhi was grateful and arched his hand towards the other side!

After a few moments of effort, the brigade finally came to the realm less than thirty miles away from the Invincible Battle Sect.

“Huh? What about Lu Crazy Sha and the people of his ‘Wild Shark Gang’, didn’t they already come? ”

Looking at the empty plain in front of him, Yuwen Zhi frowned, and subconsciously ordered the people and horses behind him to stop first!

At this time, Ye Mo on the city wall had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Yuwen Zhi leading the crowd to come, he did not entrust the big one, and directly ordered a group of disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” to strictly guard the city wall and close the city gate, and he jumped on the gate tower first, posing as if he were facing a great enemy!

This time, Ye Mo was drawing on the experience of luring the “Wild Shark Gang” to the enemy before, after all, sometimes pretending to be too much will reveal the clues, but it is better to fight steadily, but it is easier to let people relax their vigilance!

Sure enough, after Yu Wenzhi came to the outside of the city, he saw Ye Mo at the head of the city and a group of “Invincible Battle Sect” disciples who were like a great enemy, and immediately couldn’t care about where the people of the “Wild Shark Gang” went, and shouted directly at the city wall: “Ye Mo Xiao’er, when you see this seat coming, you still don’t obediently open the city gate for me, and tie your hands to avoid suffering from the flesh and skin in vain!” ”

“Ahem! Want to let Ben Gongzi tie his hands? White, Day, Doing, Dreaming! ”

Ye Mo said word by word, his face was brilliant, and his eyes still showed a will to see death as a homecoming, and he shouted loudly: “Our sons and daughters of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ are all covered in iron bones, and they would rather die standing and die than kneel down, Yuwen Zhi, if you have the ability, you will attack it, it is a big deal that we fought with you today!” ”

“I went, Gongzi’s acting skills, it is simply fascinating…”

Behind them, Ouyang Xiu, who knew the inside story, and others looked at Ye Mo, who was performing selflessly on the city wall, and they were all goosebumps that were aroused, and the admiration for their own sons in their hearts was like a gushing river.

Yuwen Zhi saw the situation, and his heart was certain, and the cold seat first destroyed your ridiculous sect door, and then captured you alive. Slowly concoct! ”

The words fell, Yuwen Zhi did not doubt it, and waved a big hand!

“Kill me in!”


Behind them, Yuwen Zhi’s henchmen heard the rumors and did not hesitate to take a step, unfolding their bodies and attacking in the direction of the “Invincible Battle Sect” city gate!

Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang were even more in the lead, both of them were strong in the Nine Yang Realm, the gods were mighty, almost every step they took, they could step out of a cracked pit on the ground, and the speed was as fast as streaming!

When Yuwen Zhi and a large number of people and horses finally stepped into the range of the “Bagua Sleepy God Array”, Ye Mo put away his hands in a dashing manner, and scolded disdainfully in his mouth!


Say nothing, take out the flag and wave it gently!

The next moment, thousands of enemies on the plain disappeared with a direct “bang”!

At the same time, the Wild Shark Gang is still trapped in the “Mist Array” and struggling to move forward!

Just at this moment, a shout of death came from not far away, causing Delu Fansha’s scalp to explode, and he hurriedly shouted, “What person?” ”

Before the words were finished, the crowd crashed into each other with a “bang” and fell backwards and forwards!

“Bastards! Who are you? ”

“Could it be Ye Mo’s men?”

“Wow, you dare to go into battle to find death, what a boldness!”

“Let’s all do it together and kill this bunch of bastards!”

Cracking sound!

The visibility in the “Mist Array” was extremely low, and the people of Yuwen Zhi and the gang of the Wild Shark Gang could not see each other’s faces at all!

In addition, Yuwen Zhi’s people were caught off guard and instantly trapped in the formation, and now they still maintain a charging posture!

The people of the Wild Shark Gang were suddenly attacked, and naturally thought that the other party was Ye Mo’s subordinate!

As a result, the two parties almost closed their eyes and stuffed their heads together, rolling up a monstrous wave of blood!


I heard the screams coming from the plains below, and the selfless fighting between the two sides completely disregarded!

On the city wall, whether it was Ouyang Xiu, Pang Tu, Chu Laowei, Ram Kun, or other disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect, everyone was wide-eyed and small-eyed, looking at this amazing scene with a look of disbelief!

“I’ll go, how did this group of two goods fight on their own?”

Even Ye Mo looked at this strange scene under the city wall with a confused face!

Originally, he planned to wait for the two teams to be trapped in the lineup, and then clean up together!

But he didn’t expect that before it was his turn to strike, the people of the Wild Sand Gang and Yuwen Zhi would do it first…

This was a big surprise to him!

But soon, Ye Mo reacted, shook his head and smiled: “This is good, but it saves me a lot of trouble!” ”

At the same time, the two sides of the formation below are still fighting for their lives!

“Shark bite!”


Sensing that the evil wind behind him was not good, Yuwen Zhi raised an eyebrow, almost subconsciously raising his palm to resist!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “boo”, the person who attacked snorted and was shocked to retreat! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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