I don’t know how long later, when Ouyang Xiu, Ram Kun, Pang Tu and Chu Laowei woke up again, the four of them couldn’t help but look at each other and smile bitterly, and helplessly accepted this unreasonable fact!

“Gongzi, originally I thought that what you said earlier about establishing a six-star sect gate in the land of riots was just a whim, a joke…”

Elder Chu looked at Ye Mo with a look of admiration on his face and trembled, “But only now did I realize that I was simply a frog at the bottom of the well, and I didn’t know that the sky was high and the earth was thick!” ”

“Yes dude!”

Ouyang Xiu also said in a voice next to him, “With your natural understanding, the old decay is almost foreseeable, and it won’t be long before Mo says that it is only a ‘land of riots’, only afraid that the ‘Zhongwu Domain’, and even the entire Xuanyun Continent, will be creeping and trembling under your feet!” ”


When the words fell, the four of them almost unanimously fell to their knees on the ground, and the excitement on their faces was even more expressive!

“All right, let’s all get up.”

Ye Mo smiled slightly and waved his hand lightly.

“Yes, son!”

When the four of them heard this, they carefully stood up from the ground and gathered around Ye Mo’s side.

“In fact, when I established the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I only wanted to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’ so as to find my way home, and I didn’t have any ambition to dominate the world!”

Ye Mo’s mouth opened slightly, and a familiar and kind face once again appeared in his mind!

But at this moment, his words suddenly turned sharply, and his heart was full of pride!

“However, since you have created the Sect Gate and established the forces, then I, Ye Mo, will definitely be responsible for you!”

“I assure you that our ‘invincible warrior sect’ will never be subordinated to others!”

“I don’t just want us to be the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ and become the first sect in the Zhongwu Domain, I also want our instructions to follow the law!”

“I want my disciples to have no one in the entire Zhongwu Domain dare to mess with, and I want to let the world know who is the real master of this ‘Zhongwu Domain’!”

These proud words were in his ears, and Ouyang Xiu and the others were all excited by blood, and they couldn’t help but fall to their knees again and shout loudly!

“The subordinates are willing to follow the footsteps of the prince to the death, in this life and in this life, and never betray them!”

Seeing the four people’s behavior like this, Ye Mo knew that at this moment, they were already completely surrendered to themselves, and even if there was no restriction of the “Star Demon Demon” in the future, these four people would never betray themselves! Ye Mo has this confidence and this ability!

At this time, as if thinking of something, Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh yes, didn’t I let you stay on the city wall before and monitor the cannibalism between the Wild Shark Gang and Yuwen Zhi within the formation?” Why did you all come to this ‘Ascending Pavilion’ to find me?” ”

“Oh, I forgot the right thing!”

Elder Chu heard the rumors, smiled bitterly at his forehead, and hurriedly said in a congratulatory voice, “Gongzi Yu, the people of the Wild Shark Gang, including the gang leaders Lü Fansha and Du Yan, have already begged for forgiveness and surrendered!” ”

“Oh? Surrender? ”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and asked, “What about Yuwen Zhi?” ”

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang Xiu and the others in front of them couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then they bit their teeth and fell to their knees on the ground once again!

“Gongzi, I waited for my inability to do things, and accidentally let Na Yuwenzhi and Tian Zhenyang escape and ascend to heaven, and also asked Gongzi to give him sins!” Ouyang Xiu shouted loudly, his face full of shame!

The Ramming Kun, Pang Tu and Chu Laowei on the side were also full of cold sweat, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

“What? Run? ”

Ye Mo frowned and asked in disbelief, “How is this possible, my ‘Bagua Trapped Array God’, even if it is the peak of the Nine Yang Realm, without my permission, will be trapped inside for seven days and forty-nine days and cannot come out, then can Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang still fly with wings?” ”

“Gongzi, it’s not that the two of them have much ability, but that Tian Zhenyang has a ‘Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm’ on his body, and if his subordinates don’t pay attention, they will take the opportunity and ask Gongzi to give him a sin!” Ouyang Xiu said again!

“‘Miles of Escape’? That’s right.”

Ye Mo suddenly realized that now that he had penetrated the Talisman Dao and possessed the terrifying understanding of the Ten Thousand Heavens, he understood the wonderful use of this “Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm” almost instantly!

The so-called “Ten Thousand Miles Void Rune” is also a magical rune of up to the Nine Yang Level, which can forcibly tear apart the space and allow martial cultivation to cross the distance of ten thousand miles in an instant, which is an extremely rare life-saving charm and is worth a lot of money!

Ye Mo didn’t even expect that Tian Zhenyang even had such a good thing on his body!

“Forget it, there is such a thing as the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm’, even if you want to stop it, you can’t stop it, this matter can’t blame you, get up!” Ye Mo said with a smile.

“Thank you very much!”

When the four heard this, it was as if they had been granted amnesty, and they stood up from the ground one after another, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

When Ye Mo saw their reaction, he shook his head with some ridicule: “Don’t be afraid, this prince is not such an unreasonable person, but this time, it is indeed my mistake!” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo suddenly turned around and rummaged through a large pile of runes beside him, and it was not easy to find an unknown rune with a silver gray body, and reached out and handed it to Ouyang Xiu!

“Son, what is this?” Ouyang Xiu looked at the rune in his hand with a curious face.

“This is the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Lock Void Charm’, which can strengthen the space barrier within the square circle, and it is also the nemesis of the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm’, you hold this thing, I am sure that Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang will never give up, and when they come again, you will throw this charm out to me first, I want to see how they still run!” Ye Mo said lightly!

“What?’ Miles Lock’? ”

Ouyang Xiu heard the words and frowned and pondered for a long time, but he still didn’t remember when the Xuanyun Continent had produced such a strange charm!

“Don’t waste your effort!”

When Ye Mo saw such an expression on his face, how could he not guess what he was thinking? I couldn’t help but shake my head and smile, “I created this charm myself, and there is no other semicolon in the whole world!” ”

“Create your own charms!!”

The four people were shocked again, but they had been shocked by Ye Mo too many times, and now when they heard Ye Mo create his own charm, the four people were only slightly surprised, obviously the nerves had been tempered by Ye Mo’s incomparably large bar……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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