
Arrogant and inattentive to a frown, curiously took the gilded invitation, opened it!

The next moment, his ugly face was first stunned, and then he couldn’t help but look up to the sky and laugh, and the sharp laughter was like a thousand ghosts wailing, making the figure creeping on the ground can’t help but get goosebumps!

“In these years, there are still people who dare to open a sect in such a place as the ‘Land of Riots’, and even dare to distribute invitations to the old man.

Arrogant Wuxin shook his head and said with a determined face, “I dare to conclude that the day of the opening of this bullshit ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ is the time when this sect is destroyed!” ”

“Old Ancestor, why don’t we go to this so-called opening ceremony?”

The creeping figure heard the words and asked tentatively.

“Go, why not go?”

Arrogant and gloomy, grinned, “The old man has been cultivating in retreat for many days, his hands have not been stained with blood, and it is time to go out and open the meat, I just don’t know how many people and horses this ‘Invincible War Sect’ can have, and whether he can let the old man kill it to the fullest!” ”

Hearing this bold words full of murderous chances, the figure creeping on the ground was trembling again, not doubting the authenticity of the arrogant words at all!

Because the other party is the “White Bone Old Ancestor”, not only is it one of the strongest of the four Pole Dao Strongmen in the “Land of Riots”, but also the peak of the Nine Yang Realm, but also known for his murderous nature, and his reputation is great, but even if he is identified by him, even if he escapes to the end of the world, he cannot escape the fate of death!

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away, on the shore of the North Sea of the “Land of Riots”, a hidden cave house adjacent to the boundless sea!

Outside the cave house, more than a dozen figures were throwing themselves on the ground, respectfully kneeling on the top, as if waiting for something, obviously!

At some point, just listen to the “rumble” of an explosion!

Rubble was scattered, Yang Yuan ran away, a burly middle-aged man jumped out of the cave house violently, bringing up dust, and the majestic momentum on his body was like a deep sea, even the sea was calmed down, and the heavens and the earth were lost for it!

The figures on the ground who were crawling on the ground saw this person appear, all of them raised their heads and shouted in unison: “Congratulations to the Lord for breaking through the barrier, and his cultivation has improved, and he will surely dominate the entire ‘land of riots’ in the near future!” ”


The middle-aged man laughed wildly, and the wild laughter spread out, and once again let the sea that had just subsided turn up the monstrous waves and roll up the furious sea winds!

This person was one of the four strongest people in the “Land of Riots”, Chu Furious Roar, known as the “Wild Wolf Venerable” by the Jianghu people!

“Let’s all get up!”

Chu roared and laughed, and immediately waved a big hand!


The dozen or so figures on their stomachs were suddenly amnesty, and they quickly stood up from the ground!

“Tell me, during my absence, can the other three guys still be safe?”

Chu Fanxiao asked lightly, although he did not name names, but as his subordinates, how could these dozen figures not know who he was talking about?

An old man at the head quickly stood up,

“The adults don’t need to worry, those three, like the adults, don’t ask about the world, the ‘land of riots’ is still quiet during the time when the adults are closed.”

At this point, the old man continued, “But there is one thing that adults should be interested in. ”

“Oh? What’s up? Chu asked curiously.

The old man did not speak, did not take a gilded invitation from his arms and handed it up.

“Please look at the adults.”

“What is this?” Chu Furious took the invitation, swept it slightly, and the reaction was almost the same as the arrogance, and he couldn’t help but smile and lean forward and backward!

“A good ‘invincible war sect’ dared to take the name of ‘invincible’ and take such a big breath!”

Chu screamed and shook his head and laughed, but immediately after, he saw such a passage!

“But all participants can get a ‘Three Pole Dan’ of the corresponding realm, which can double the cultivation speed in one day!”

“Tripolar Dan? Joke! ”

Chu Fangxiao raised an eyebrow, and the smile on his face was even worse, because he didn’t believe that the “Three Pole Dan” could have such an anti-heaven effect!

What a joke, the Kuang Shi Dan Medicine, which can double the cultivation speed of the warrior, he has never said it in his life, he has never even heard of it!

Moreover, even if this elixir is true, as long as the Invincible War Sect is not a fool, it must try its best to hide it, where dare to boast about such a sea mouth, and everyone in the meeting has one?

Nyima This is a cabbage on the street!

“It seems that in order to attract the audience, this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ really does everything to the extreme, even such a big lie dares to lie, I would like to see how they will still round the field in front of the world!”

Speaking of this, Chu Fanxiao almost subconsciously asked, “By the way, who sent this invitation?” ”

“Your Honor, the invitation sent is Ouyang Xiu, the famous ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’ in the ‘Land of Riots’!” The old man said hurriedly!

“What? An invitation sent by Ouyang Xiu personally? ”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Furious couldn’t help but feel a stir in his heart!

“Yes, I heard that Ouyang Xiu also joined this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ and became the Great Elder of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’!” The old man added.

“Ouyang Xiu is a true ‘Nine Yang Level’ Dan Master, and Honza has repeatedly sent him invitations before, but he politely refused, and he didn’t expect to join this unknown ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ now?”

Chu Fangxiao’s brow wrinkled deeper and deeper!

“Could it be that this ‘Three Pole Dan’ was refined by Ouyang Xiu himself?” If this is the case, then the truth or falsity of this elixir needs to be considered! ”

Thinking of this, Chu Furious immediately made a decision, and commanded the crowd: “Prepare for this, this seat will personally go to this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ to see what is so remarkable about this sect that even people who can’t be recruited by this seat can be snatched away!” ”

“Yes, sir!”


In the far east of the “Land of Riots”, there is a magnificent palace that occupies a vast area and is full of golden splendor!

At this time, in this palace.

The palace lights are lit, the satin is like brocade, the candles are flickering, and the water is babbling.

Behind a peacock screen, a silhouette is gently stretching its arms, sprinkling a little milky white water droplets, the fog rises, as if the privacy is present, and the wonderful arc that reflects it makes people can’t help but think about it.

Suddenly, the figure seemed to sense something, reached out and took off the clothes on the screen, and walked out barefoot, revealing a pretty face that had fallen into the country.

Only to see her —

Bright eyes look around, brilliant as the stars and the moon,

Clear skin and long hair, pure as the wind and snow on the top of the mountain.

Do not apply powder, beautiful as the Nine Heavenly Virgins,

Not stained with mortal dust, clear as Yao pond fairy lotus.

But then, this beautiful otherworldly woman spoke softly, and there was a wisp of cold in her tone that refused to be nine days away!


Cold voices passed through. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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