
Du Yan’s face changed drastically, and he was shocked!

The momentum of the people who came alone made him explode with sweat and hair, as if he were facing a great enemy!

If this is a sword, what kind of terrible divine power will it set off?

Du Yan couldn’t imagine it at all!

Saying that it was late and fast, the person who came took ten steps forward, almost in the blink of an eye, and went straight to the front of Du Yan!

I saw that he was tall and tall, his face was like a crown of jade, and he was carrying a simple long sword on his back, looking only in his twenties.

However, the sword qi in his body that wanted to break through the Qingtian could not be concealed in any way, even if it was as strong as Du Yan, under the erosion of this person’s sword qi, he could not raise a single heart of resistance!

“You are… ‘Sword Maniac’ Lonely Thousand Sails!”

Finally, Du Yan cried out in horror!

Although he had never seen the true face of Gu Qianfan, but now, if he still couldn’t guess the true identity of the person who came, then he had been in the “Land of Riots” for all these years!

Are you looking for me? ”

At this time, Gu Qianfan suddenly opened his mouth faintly, his voice was cold, without a trace of emotion, just like his sword, cold and ruthless, the sword must be killed!

“This… How would you know? ”

Du Yan asked almost subconsciously!

Of course, it’s no wonder he asked!

You know, he didn’t even go up to the top of the mountain, and no one had reported to Gu Qianfan in advance before!

But even so, the other party actually advanced his intentions in advance, how is this possible?


Gu Qianfan smiled proudly and said calmly, “This seat has been in the ‘Enlightened Sword Peak’ retreat for many years, and a body of sword qi has long been integrated with the majestic sword meaning of the entire mountain, and you, as early as the moment you went up the mountain, this seat felt your intentions!” ”

Speaking of this, Gu Qianfan suddenly turned his words!

“Tell me, what exactly is going on when you come to this throne, if you can’t get this seat interested, I’m sorry, you must stay on this ‘Peak of the Enlightened Sword’ forever and become a grudge under the sword of this seat, and this is the consequence of your interruption of this seat’s retreat and asceticism!”

As the words fell, a majestic murderous qi roared out, earth-shattering, and even the space was distorted and deformed by cutting, and a series of “creaking” sounds that made people’s teeth sour!

“Lord Swordsmania, I’m here to send you an invitation!”

Feeling this terrible murderous breath, Du Yan’s face changed drastically, and he quickly took out the gilded invitation from his arms and sent it with both hands!

“Huh? Invitations? ”

Gu Qianfan raised an eyebrow, but did not reach out to take it, but scolded impatiently: “Read! ”

“This… Be! ”

Du Yan did not dare to disobey, although he also had the Nine Yang Realm cultivation, Qian Fan stood in front of the top level of the Middle Martial Domain, he was not even much stronger than a newborn baby!

Word by word, he read out the contents of the invitation, and after reading it, Du Yan raised his head again and carefully looked at Gu Qianfan’s expression!

“The Invincible War Sect… The opening ceremony of the mountain, how dare to invite this seat? ”

After listening to the content of the invitation, Gu Qianfan couldn’t help but look stunned!

But then, he laughed, and the laughter rolled forward and backward, and even the tears came out!

Du Yan on the side saw the situation and said in his heart: “Lord, my son’s miraculous power, the various auxiliary treasures he refined, will never disappoint the adults, and please adults can go without stinginess, the small one can guarantee that the adults will definitely be worth the trip and return with a full load!” ”

“Haha, fun, fun!”

Suddenly, Gu Qianfan reached out and patted Du Yan’s shoulder, and the old god said, “Rest assured, I will definitely go to this opening ceremony of your mountain!” ”


As soon as these words came out, it was Du Yan’s turn to look confused, and he didn’t expect that Gu Qianfan, a “sword maniac” who had always been known for his eccentric and lonely personality, would be so good at talking!

But then, Gu Qianfan’s words made his whole person fall into an ice cave!

“On the day of the opening ceremony of your mountain gate, this seat will go to it personally, and then single-handedly slaughter your sect gate from top to bottom with a sword, leaving no chickens and dogs behind, and no grass grows!”



Finally, Du Yan could no longer resist the throbbing in his heart, and his legs collapsed to the ground as soon as his legs were soft!


Two days later, in the early morning, the sky was just dark, and the originally remote and barren “Lianyun Mountain Range” was completely lively!

I saw countless people and horses gathering here from all sides of the “Land of Riots” along the winding road, most of these people were the leaders of the gangs, families, gangs and other forces entrenched in the major cities and pools of the “Land of Riots”, and there were also some famous and surnamed masters of scattered cultivation in the rivers and lakes.

Under Ye Mo’s meticulous planning, coupled with the irresistible temptation of the “Divine Product Tripolar Dan”, the name of the “Invincible Battle Sect” spread throughout the entire “Land of Riots” almost overnight!

Everyone knows that a new sect gate has appeared in the “Lianyun Mountains”, and this sect gate also dares to invite the world’s heroes to blatantly open a sect in the “land of riots”!

What is this behavior?

It is simply brain damage plus intellectual retardation, looking for death does not pick a place ah!

As a result, almost all the major forces in the “Land of Riots” came as promised!

Of course, most of these people had come to destroy the Invincible Battle Sect!

And the rest of the part, some are planning to fight the autumn wind after the fall of the Invincible Battle Sect, and some are purely idle and have nothing to come over to see the liveliness!

But no matter what, Ye Mo’s plan was very successful, because he really attracted the major forces of the entire “Land of Riots” one after another, and as for the result, it was only possible to wait and see!

“Oh, this is not Xu Gang Lord, how come you came!”

“Haha, such a prosperous world, wouldn’t it be a pity not to come?” I would like to see who the suzerainty of this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ really is, whether he has three heads and six arms, and if he waits until tomorrow to come back, it is estimated that he will not see this person! ”

“Haha, it is also said that if you dare to open a sect in the ‘Land of Riots’, this person will definitely not live tomorrow!”

As they talked, they looked at each other and laughed, and then carried each other up the mountain.

The same scene is constantly playing out all over the “Lianyun Mountains”!

Among them, some forces are already friendly with each other, and some forces rarely interact with each other, and most of the forces hate each other!

But surprisingly, this time, everyone did not move with each other, but the goal was surprisingly the same, to destroy the Invincible Battle Sect!

Because Ye Mo’s actions had already violated the unspoken rules of the “Land of Riots”, he must kill a hundred people!

Therefore, a group of rugged warriors who licked the blood from the tip of the knife for many years and mixed in the “land of riots” presented a rare scene of happiness and harmony.

At this time, not long after the “Invincible Battle Sect” had just been built, covering an area of hundreds of acres, a group of disciples had already arranged a huge high platform with a radius of ten zhang overnight, and in addition to the position reserved for Ye Mo, there were four seats lined up left and right!

These four seats are naturally reserved for the four supreme powers of the “Land of Riots”, and they are now quietly waiting for the arrival of their masters. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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