“Great Elder, what is the origin of this ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’ Fu Hongyi?” Ye Mo pinched his chin and asked, the essence in his eyes flickering!

“This… Prince Yu, for the origin of this ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’ Fu Hongyi, the old man actually didn’t know much! Ouyang Xiu looked embarrassed and said with some hesitation!

“Oh? Even you don’t know? ”

Ye Mo’s brow frowned, Ouyang Xiu was a strong person of the older generation of the Nine Yang Realm in the “Land of Riots”, he had always been knowledgeable, and he was always responsive to Ye Mo’s problems!

Ye Mo didn’t even think about it, even he didn’t know the origin of this Fu Red Dress!

It is said that she only came to our ‘Land of Riots’ four years ago, and as soon as she came, she defeated the ‘Floating Butcher Knife Demon’, one of the four supreme powers of the ‘Land of Riots’ at that time, and killed him strongly, and then founded the ‘Blood Lotus Palace’, which only accepted women, did not give male disciples, and was even more reclusive in ordinary days, rarely participating in the disputes between the rivers and lakes…”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu laughed bitterly and added, “As for whether she belonged to the ‘Zhongwu Domain’ He Men He Sect before this, and why she fell into such a ghost place as the ‘Land of Riots’, then there is no way to know!” ”

“That’s right!”

Ye Mo suddenly realized, hearing Ouyang Xiu’s explanation, he was more interested in the origin of this Fu Hongyi!

However, now was not the time to consider these, because as the four supreme powers entered the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect one after another, Ye Mo knew that the good drama was about to begin!

“Senior Elder, Third Elder, you go and greet my guests first, I still need to make some final preparations!” Ye Mo said with a smile!

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu and Chu Laowei did not doubt that he had him, and they hurriedly arched their hands at Ye Mo and flashed back.

After the two of them left one after another, Ye Mo took a deep breath and then lightly wiped it on the Sumire bag around his waist!

The next moment, countless refining materials roared out, almost forming a hill behind him!

Ye Mo glanced at it cursorily, and then he felt the extraordinary nature of these refining materials, and he couldn’t help but secretly praise them in his heart!

“I ordered Ouyang Xiu to go and purchase refining materials, and gave him dozens of ‘Nine Yang Crystals’, which should not be able to buy so many good things!”

“It seems that Ouyang Xiu repaired to please me, and this time he also made a bloody effort!”

Thinking of this, Ye Mo couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh, and made a decision in his heart!

“Or, for the sake of his hard work, this time this time, Ben Gongzi will personally refine a handy blade for him!”

Sitting on the ground for a little pranayama, Ye Mo reached out and grabbed a refined spiritual weapon sword from around him, and immediately took a serious look!

In his mind, those ninety-thousand-fold terrifying understandings unfolded, and in just a few moments, the entire refining instrument was mastered by him with all the complicated and profound knowledge.

The next moment, Ye Mo put down his hand and began to immerse himself in the long refining steps!

At the same time, in the martial arts field of the “Invincible Battle Sect”

At this moment, the martial arts arena covering tens of thousands of acres is full of tens of thousands of seats!

In the very center of the martial arts arena, on the temporary high platform, the four powerful people of the Riot Land have also taken their seats one after another!

Although none of the four people spoke, the terrifying momentum that inadvertently emanated from their bodies still made the people present so frightened that they did not even dare to speak loudly!

“Even the four supreme powers of the ‘Land of Riots’ were invited, I really don’t know why this ‘Invincible War Sect’ made such a big move, although the opening ceremony is solemn, it will not be such a big blood!”

“There must be a purpose, otherwise how could they be willing to come up with such an anti-heavenly elixir as the ‘Divine Product Tripolar Dan’?”

The crowd in the audience whispered, all speculating about the purpose of the “Invincible Battle Sect” in doing so!

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded in the crowd!

“Oh, although the effect of this ‘Divine Product Tripolar Dan’ is good, not everyone dares to eat it!”

It was a middle-aged man who was talking, and he was sitting in the crowd, like standing out from the crowd, which was impossible to ignore!

As soon as these words came out, everyone else couldn’t help but frown, and one of them stood up and bowed to the middle-aged man and asked, “This brother, I don’t know what you just said?” ”

“Oh, you probably don’t know it yet!”

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, “Don’t hide from you, I learned from some gossip that it is said that Ouyang Xiu, the ‘bloodthirsty Dan God’, was originally because he ate a pill that was personally refined by Ye Mo, the leader of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, that the whole person was controlled, and he had no choice but to become the Great Elder of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’!” ”

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man added: “That’s why I said that although this elixir is good, before taking it, everyone still weighs and weighs their own pounds and a few pounds!” ”

“What? Is there such a thing? ”

When the crowd heard this, they all stood up violently, screaming in anger!

“This damn ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I just said that they were so kind to give us free Dan Medicine, it turned out to be uneasy and kind!”

“That’s right! We came thousands of miles to attend their ‘opening ceremony’, and they actually used this poisonous elixir to fool us, which is simply a crime that deserves death! ”

“Fuck, Lao Tzu will be at odds with this invincible warrior in the future!”

“This bullshit opening ceremony, Lao Tzu did not participate!”

“I’ll go too!”


The crowd was excited, one by one, they wanted to go, if it weren’t for the “Invincible Battle Sect’s” mountain protection array was too bullish, at this moment, this group of outlaws was afraid that they would have been unable to bear to go up together from the knife!

And the middle-aged man who started the initiator saw the situation, felt that the fire was almost over, and was thinking of getting up and adding another fire!

That’s when it happened!

“You don’t need to worry, this seat guarantees with personality, the Divine Product Tripolar Dan in everyone’s hands is absolutely not adulterated with anything else, and there are absolutely no side effects!”

As the words fell, a dragon-like figure strode into the middle, wasn’t it Ouyang Xiu?

‘Ahem!’ Bloodthirsty Dan God’, although I respect you as a senior, but you are now also a part of this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, how do we know whether your guarantee is true or false? ”

“Yeah, yeah, in case you and that Ye Mori are together, aren’t we all going to get to the Tao?”

In the crowd, several voices sounded one after another!

But Ouyang Xiu was not at all confused, but arched his hand at everyone and said lightly, “You don’t believe me, don’t you even believe in the ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’?” ”

“‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’?”

When the crowd heard the words, they couldn’t help but shrink their pupils!

At this time, I saw Ouyang Xiu take a few steps forward, come to the high platform in the middle of the martial arts field, and arch his hand at Fu Hongyi, who was sitting on the seat at that end, and refused to be thousands of miles away: “Lord Fu Palace, please don’t hesitate to give a hand, and return my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ a clean slate, and my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ will have a heavy thanks!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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