
Yuwen Zhi’s face was first stunned, and then he couldn’t help but scold!

Because it was only then that he remembered the “Blood Lotus Pure World”, which had the miraculous effect of debunking all the charms!

And he had been defenseless before, and he was even confused and his identity was exposed, and it was really not a light injustice!

“Ouyang Xiu, although I have some grudges with Ye Mo, the Sect Leader of your ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I can’t get on the table, but your opening ceremony is open to guests, there is no reason why I will not be allowed to participate!” Yuwen Zhi asked in a daze, since his identity was exposed, he didn’t bother to continue hiding!

“Of course not!”

Ouyang Xiuyan shook his head and grinned, “My family prince said that a wronged leader like you who came to give money to our sect gate, the more you come, the better, we will definitely be honored as guests, welcome is not too late, where are you willing to drive you away?” ”


Yuwen Zhi almost exploded his lungs, although as Ouyang Xiu said, he had also come to participate in the auction of the Invincible Battle Sect this time, because Ye Mo’s skills he had seen before, and he knew that at the auction of this Invincible Battle Sect, there would definitely be a lot of Ultimate Treasures with Effect Against the Heavens!

Can you imagine when the Ninth Elder of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance” in his hall needs to run to someone else’s house to participate in the auction with a dead face?

This Nyima itself is a great shame!

Moreover, Ouyang Xiu’s bastard still didn’t open which pot to mention, and didn’t leave him any face at all, so how could he not be angry?

“Ahem! If you want me to be willing to take out the money, then we must see if your ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ has this ability! Yuwen Zhi cried out angrily!

“Brother Yuwen, although rest assured, if we talk about strength alone, you and I may still be between five and five, but if we simply dry up your family foundation, I have a 10% certainty!” Ouyang Xiu said lightly!

“Ahem! Such a big breath! Yuwen Zhi clenched his teeth in anger, but Ouyang Xiu didn’t bother to pay any attention to his reaction!

Because Ouyang Xiu had absolute self-confidence, once his own prince appeared, he would take out those auxiliary Dao Treasures that he had personally refined, Mo said that there was only one Yuwen Zhi, and everyone present was afraid that they would be crazy for it, without exception!

“Brother Yuwen, we’ll see!”

Leaving this sentence down, Ouyang Xiu directly turned around and did not continue to ink with Yuwen Zhi!

“Ouyang Xiu, when will Ye Mo, the leader of your ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, come out?”

At this time, Chu Qingtao, the “Wild Wave Butcher”, suddenly opened his mouth to ask, obviously impatient with waiting!

“Lord Chu, please wait, it should be soon.”

Ouyang Xiu hurriedly arched his hand toward the other side.

Not long after his voice fell!

Suddenly, a rapid breaking wind roared out from the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect, stepped into the air, and almost instantaneously, fell into the high platform in the field!

Everyone stared at it, only to see that the person who came was in a straight posture, his face was like a crown jade, and his hands were back, although he was just standing there without any movement, but the confidence and momentum that soared straight into the sky on his body could not be ignored by anyone, it was Ye Mo!

“Hahahahaha! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to the opening ceremony of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, Ye Mo has lost his way to welcome, and please forgive me! ”

As soon as Ye Mo landed in the middle of the entry, he took the lead in facing the surrounding martial artists and laughed loudly!

“Dude, you’re finally here!”

Ouyang Xiu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the lover, and hurriedly went forward to bow down and salute.

“What? Is he that Ye Mo? The suzerainty of the enemy war? ”

“I’ll go and see his bone, he’s only sixteen or seventeen years old!”

At the same time, tens of thousands of strong people in the entire martial arts arena also focused their eyes on Ye Mo’s body at the first time, most of them were lamenting Ye Mo’s youth, and a small number of people desperately wanted to perceive Ye Mo’s true cultivation!

Unfortunately, how talented is Ye Mo?

His breath, as early as the “Southern Domain”, had already reached the realm of returning to the basics!

The cultivation of the martial artists present was uneven, but if it wasn’t for Ye Mo’s initiative, even the Nine Yang Realm strong people would not want to see his depth!

“You are that Ye Mo?”

At this time, the arrogant heartless person on the high platform suddenly looked at Ye Mo and asked!


Ye Mo turned to look at the other party and nodded with a smile!

“Ahem! You are such a big shelf that you dare to let this seat wait for you for so long! The arrogant and cold tone was already a decision to give Ye Mo a dismount!

“Haha, look at this brother’s strange appearance, if this prince is not bad, I think you are the famous ‘White Bone Old Ancestor’ in the ‘Land of Riots’ arrogant and heartless!” Ye Moyun asked lightly!

“Since you know the identity of the old man, why don’t you hurry up and kneel down and salute?”

Arrogant and heartless, he waved his sleeve and drank proudly!

“Oh, if you want Ben Gongzi to kneel down and perform the ritual, even if you go back and cultivate for another ten lifetimes, you don’t have this qualification!” Ye Mo laughed dismissively, not even bothering to look at the arrogant heart!

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the middle of the field!

The crowd all looked at Ye Mo in disbelief, how could they not expect that in the face of the arrogance of the “White Bone Old Ancestor”, Ye Mo dared to say such a big rebellious word!

Isn’t this looking for death?

“It’s over!”

Only Ouyang Xiu covered his forehead in pain and looked at Pride and Heartless with pity!

“You… What did you say? ”

Arrogant and unintentional heard that his face was first stunned, and then he reacted, and the terrifying killing qi suddenly roared out of his body, almost drowning the heavens and the earth!

“Be bold! You looking for death! ”

“I think it’s you who are looking for death!”

Ye Mo’s eyes were also deadly, and as the words fell, he slammed his hand into his arms and took out a golden array of flags and waved them violently!

The next moment, the sky is dark, the sun and moon are dark!

The terrifying killing machine roared from all directions, and in an instant, it was completely overwhelmed with arrogance!


Feeling the terrifying pressure around him, he was arrogant and screaming, how could he not see that Ye Mo was threatening himself with a formation?

“Boy, don’t you think that with the protection of a formation, you can do whatever you want in front of your husband?”

“That’s right, this is the head of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and as the suzerainty of the ‘Invincible War Sect’, I want to do whatever I want, what can you do to me?”

Ye Mo’s face was frantic, and after saying these words, he shouted at the other people in the field: “Ben Gongzi put his words here today, on the land of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I don’t care how famous you were before, and no matter how advanced your cultivation is, but anyone who dares to make trouble on my turf, then you must do a good job of the consciousness of death without a corpse!” ”

When the words fell, Ye Mo didn’t care what the others reacted to at all, and violently waved the formation flag in his hand!

Next moment!


A thunderclap on the flat ground!

In the sky, a thousand swords loomed!

Beneath the ground, hidden knife mountain! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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