He gave the old man a good look at the contents of this cup, and almost instantly realized the extraordinary nature of this wine!

“Oh, this is the Dan wine that Ben Gongzi has nothing to do, and uses the Dan embryo left over from the alchemy, which contains the power of the three pure talents, and drinking a cup can withstand several days of asceticism!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo took the lead in raising the wine glass on the table, and laughed at the surrounding crowd: “Today is the day of the opening ceremony of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I Ye Mo, as the suzerainty of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, of course, cannot hide my secrets, simply take out this ‘Dan Wine’ to share with the kings, I hope that everyone can drink happily, come with pleasure, and return with pleasure!” ”

“What? Is there such a good wine in the world? ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and they looked at the wine glass in their hands with a shocked face!

Chu Fangxiao’s eyes lit up, and he almost couldn’t wait to raise his wine glass and drink a sip!


The next moment, a stream of pure “three talents” rushed straight into his chest, and Chu Fury’s face was flushed, and he couldn’t help but let out a long roar!

“Good wine, good wine!”

“Brother Ye is really a high wind and bright festival, such a fine wine, even willing to take it out to share with us, Chu Mou is really admired for Brother Ye’s character, come, I will toast you first!”

Chu Fangxiao raised his wine glass again and issued an invitation to Ye Mo, already unconsciously, he changed the title of “Ye Sect Lord” to “Ye Brother”, which showed Ye Mo’s various magical powers, and even such a powerful person as him could not help but be impressed by it!

“Well, then let’s raise a glass together and wish Brother Ye a grand plan to dominate the Zhongwu Domain!” Gu Qianfan changed his mouth when he saw Chu screaming, of course, he did not want to succumb to the back of others, and immediately stood up and invited him warmly.

“I wish the Ye Sect Leader a happy and healthy life, and the Invincible Battle Sect has a grand plan!”

The next moment, including Fu Hongyi, everyone present took the initiative to stand up, raise a glass to drink, the scene was harmonious, not lively!

Ye Mo did not refuse to come, while pushing the cup to change cups with the toasters, he wanted to talk with all the heroes very happily!

For a time, the opening ceremony of the entire “Invincible Battle Sect” was completely pushed to a climax with a small cup of Dan wine!

It is really Ye Mo who is too generous, entering the sect to send the best divine elixir, even the wine of the side dishes is a rare treasure, which makes everyone look at Ye Mo with disdain, and he feels more and more that he has the ability to reach the sky, unfathomable, and can’t help but rise to the heart of friendship.

Of course, all of this is based on absolute strength!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the “Invincible Battle Sect” did not have the protection of the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array” today, this group of unstoppable people in the land of riots would only be afraid that the white knife would have entered and the red knife had come out, where would it give you a good look?

Ye Mo knew this very well, so he planned to wait for this matter, and immediately go to continue the retreat cultivation, and strive to raise his strength to the Nine Yang Realm Peak as soon as possible!

At that time, even if there was no “Ten Directions Heavenly Array, he was confident that even if the four strong men in the land of riots went up together, they would not be his enemies in one!”

And Ye Mo’s last retreat, the reason why the cultivation realm was heavy in the heavens, he directly stopped, was because the speed of his breakthrough was too fast, and his state of mind was inevitably a little unstable, if he forcibly greedy and aggressive, he was afraid that it would have an impact on the cultivation foundation in the future!

Therefore, after advancing to the Nine Yang Realm, he decisively stopped cultivating, planning to adapt for a while before continuing to improve!

As time went on, the atmosphere in the venue remained warm!

Wine over three rounds, dishes over five tastes!

“Guys, excuse me!”

Suddenly, Ye Mo, who was sitting on the chief, let go of the cup in his hand, got up again, and laughed at the crowd around him!

The crowd heard his words, and the originally noisy martial arts arena gradually became quiet.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Ye Mo smiled slightly, and finally said his original purpose!

“Cough, it’s like this, don’t hide from you, this prince has been a little tight lately, so there are a few small things that I want to take this opportunity to show everyone a look, I don’t know if you are interested?”

“Of course I’m interested!”

“Haha, Lord Ye Zong’s miraculous powers are vast, and the things he takes out are definitely not ordinary products!”

“Yes, Lord Ye Zong, if you want to take something out of it, don’t hang our appetite!”

The crowd roared, and they couldn’t wait to look over!

At this moment, they had already seen Ye Mo’s extraordinary, whether it was the “Nine Turns Recreating Dan”, “Divine Three Pole Dan” or “Dan Wine”, they were all rare treasures in the world!

Coupled with the “Artifact Thunder Raid” that haunted the sky not long ago!

Everyone knows that Ye Mo was already prepared, and the next thing is the play!

“Brother Ye, I don’t know what you’re going to do?”

On the high platform, Chu Furious took the lead in asking, and the other three strong people couldn’t help but lift their spirits and stare at Ye Mo tightly.

“Oh, it’s not really a precious thing.”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, his right hand was already on the Sumire bag around his waist, and he was thinking about taking something out.

During this time, in addition to cultivation, he had been refining almost non-stop at other times, whether it was elixirs, spirit weapons, runes or arrays, he now had a lot of inventory!

Coupled with his terrifying anti-heaven understanding, those things that were refined, even if they were taken out casually, I was afraid that they would cause quite a stir!

However, Ye Mo did not intend to take out the things at the bottom of the pressure box, after all, those present were all outsiders, just as the so-called fertile water did not flow to the fields of outsiders, this auction, he not only wanted to collect wealth in a big way, but also took this opportunity to fight out the name of his “Invincible Battle Sect”, at least it had to spread throughout the “Land of Riots”!

Only in this way will there be an endless stream of disciples coming to visit, and he can successfully build the Invincible Battle Sect into a six-star sect in the shortest possible time!

After a little hesitation, Ye Mo finally made up his mind and lightly wiped it on the bag of Sumire!

The next moment, a “array” the size of a palm and covered with strange patterns appeared in his palm!

“Huh? What is this? ”

Chu screamed in surprise and couldn’t help but frown!

He originally thought that Ye Mo would come up with some amazing Divine Dan or artifact, but he didn’t expect to come up with such an inconspicuous gadget, this was not thunder and rain! _

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