“That’s the way it is, I see!”

At this point, Ye Mo finally realized it!

No wonder, this “Shujie Divine Sect” was rumored to be a god in the Zhongwu Domain, and it turned out that this sect was not the power of the “Zhongwu Domain” at all, but the power of the “Sacred Martial Domain”!

And this also just explains why the “Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle” held by the “Shujie Divine Sect” will attract all the forces of the entire “Zhongwu Domain” to actively participate and respond, because no one dares to ignore it at all!

“I didn’t expect that the Xuanyun Continent actually had so many secrets, but this is also good, now that I can hardly find an opponent in the entire Zhongwu Domain, it is better to go to this Sacred Martial Domain to have a look, hoping that those powerful people with titles can bring me some fun, so that I will not be so bored!”

The corners of his mouth skimmed out a faint and untraceable arc, and Ye Mo’s eyes shone with a twinkle in his eye, and he quickly made up his mind, Saint Martial Domain, he was imperative!

But before that, he had to go home and report to his relatives that he was safe.

Of course, the best way was to bring them to the Zhongwu Domain together.

After all, the “Southern Domain” is only a remnant of a party, nestled in that kind of place, and even if their relatives are highly talented, they will never want to achieve how advanced they will achieve in their lifetime.

And martial cultivation together can not only make the martial artist have a powerful force to compete with heaven and earth, but also increase the inherent shackles of the human body and increase people’s longevity.

For example, Ouyang Xiu, this product is now more than one hundred and twenty years old, but on the surface, he is still a mature man of thirty or forty years old.

This is because the Nine Yang Realm Martial Cultivation, its life expectancy is generally more than three hundred years, and some strong people who have reached the peak of the Nine Yang Realm can even live to be five hundred years old.

Ye Mo never considered himself a gentleman, nor was he a miserable warrior.

He also has his own selfish intentions, and wants his relatives to live a long life, of course, it is best to live forever…

Therefore, he had already made up his mind that before going to the “Sacred Martial Domain”, he must settle the family and ensure that he had no worries before going to break into him!

Moreover, now, he had created a six-star sect sect “Invincible Battle Sect”, with the current strength of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, even in the Zhongwu Domain, he could completely guarantee the safety of his family and relatives, so Ye Mo was not too worried.

“By the way, Elder Elder, I don’t know what kind of strength these three powerful people really have?” How different are the Nine Yang Realm Peak Strongmen from them? ”

At this time, Ye Mo raised his head again and looked at Ouyang Xiu and asked.

“Nine Yang Realm Peak Strong?”

Ouyang Xiu was stunned at first, and then he laughed, “Gongzi, how can the ‘Three Talents Realm’ martial cultivation be compared with the ‘Three Seals Realm’ strong one?” There’s not one in between at all.”

“What do you mean by that?” Ye Mo was curious.

“Gongzi, you may wish to think about it, I am waiting for the Three Talents Realm Martial Cultivation, although I plunder the heavens and the earth, but in fact, I am still cultivating all over the flesh, and I have not gotten rid of the innate.”

Ouyang Xiu patiently explained, “But the Three Seals Realm Martial Cultivation, that is an anti-heavenly existence that has been recognized by the Xuanyun Continent, in other words, once they launch an attack, that is, the entire Xuanyun Continent is helping them to fight together, and we are mere mortal flesh, why should we be compared with their terrifying and powerful people who have integrated into the heavens and the earth?” ”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu did not forget to add a sentence: “It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is a hundred Nine Yang Realm peak strongmen, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the slap of the Sealed Martial Lord, this is the absolute gap between the strength levels, if we compare the strength of our three talents to tofu, then the power of the Sealed Powerful is the sharp knife, do you take the tofu to scare the sharp knife, is there a possibility of victory?” ”


Ye Mo was dumbfounded, although Ouyang Xiu’s metaphor was very rough, but the words were not rough, which could not help but make him even more fascinated by the strength of the strong person with the title!

“One more thing, can you tell me what kind of magic powers these powerful people have mastered?” Ye Mo opened his mouth again, only this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, obviously intending to inquire!

“Magic?” Ouyang Xiu frowned incomprehensibly!

“It’s something like… ‘Imperial Domain’ or something!” Ye Mo asked in a deep voice!

“‘Imperial Domain’!!!”

Ouyang Xiu was shocked and asked in a trembling voice, “Gongzi, where did you hear this name?” “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, you just have to answer my question.” Ye Mo scolded coldly!

“This… Yes, son, it is the subordinates who have lost their words! ”

Ouyang Xiu hurriedly confessed his guilt, and only then did he explain: “As far as his subordinates know, after obtaining the ‘Gift of Xuan Yun’, the ‘Sealed Strong’ can possess an extremely powerful divine power, such as the Title Martial Zun, after obtaining the title, he can cast a divine power called ‘Zun Wu Daotai’; and the Title Martial Emperor can cast a divine power called the ‘Heaven and Earth Crown’. ”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiucai raised his head again and looked at Ye Mo.

“As for the Imperial Domain that Gongzi just said, it is a top divine power that only Emperor Wu can perform, known as the ‘Eternal Imperial Domain’!”

“‘Eternal Empire’!”


A roar came from Ye Mo’s mind!

Because he clearly remembered that when the mysterious person communicated with Fu Hongyi before, he clearly said words such as “Huangquan Imperial Domain”, “Nine Youyou Imperial Domain” and “Blood Lotus Imperial Domain”!

Could it be that Fu Hongyi was actually a subordinate of the “Emperor Wu”?

But now he was only the peak cultivation of the Nine Yang Realm, and the Eight Rods could not fight with the absolute strong people who stood at the peak of the Xuanyun Continent, and it was clear that they had nothing to do with it!

But the other party deliberately approached herself, what kind of purpose did she have?

Ye Mo pondered for a long time, but he still found nothing, which could be described as a mystery!

Time passed minute by minute, and then, Ye Mo chatted with Ouyang Xiu for a long time.

It wasn’t until the sky was dark that he waved away Ouyang Xiu and flashed away!

At ten o’clock in the morning, the dawn is born.

Invincible Warlord, a quiet room in the courtyard.

Fu Hongyi pushed open the door, walked into the courtyard, looked at the warm sunshine outside, sniffed the fresh and comfortable air, only to feel that the mood was very good, and a beautiful smile could not help but appear on his face.

Just then, there was a slight knock at the door. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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