Because when Ram Kun first introduced the “Shu Ji Divine Sect” to him, he clearly said that he could reach the “Heavenly Fire Ridge” in an instant!

But only then did he finally realize that these two goods of Ramming Kun just didn’t know how to pretend to understand!

“All right!”

Helplessly shaking his head, Ye Mo also learned from Liu Xunyang and Situ Sheng, sitting cross-kneeled on the ground, while admiring the Xuanqi scenery in the space passage!

But soon, he lost his nature and began to yawn in boredom!

Just at this moment, Ye Mo suddenly saw Fu Hongyi, who had been holding the pestle on the side, and couldn’t help but move!

“Red, sit here!”

Patting the position next to him, Ye Mo said with a strange smile!

“What’s going on?”

Fu Hongyi raised an eyebrow and looked at him puzzled.

“If you sit down, you sit down, and ask why so much?” Ye Mo waved his hand impatiently!

“Oh, okay!” Fu Hongyi was helpless and could only sit down beside her according to his words.

But then, Ye Mo’s move almost made her explode her lungs!

Seeing that this ass was crooked, he lay down properly, the whole person was like a slug, and his head was unceremoniously resting on her thigh!

What is even more excessive is that this cargo is lying down, and it is still dishonest and vigorously drilled into the arms of others, until Fu Hongyi’s face is full of red, and he is uncomfortable, and he simply hates to slap the head in his arms into a pig’s head on the spot!

“! Kiss me in public, Ye Mo, do you still want your face? ”

Finally, Situ Sheng in front of him couldn’t look at it any longer, stood up and scolded!

You know, with the conversation with Liu Xunyang yesterday, at this moment, he has already regarded Fu Hongyi as his daughter-in-law!

His daughter-in-law was so flirted with by a man, how could Situ Sheng, who had always been highly respected, endure?

“I’ll go, I’ll lie on my own woman, shut you old guy fart?” If you’re envious, go back to your chaff wife! Ye Motou did not look up a word, and after he was finished, he stretched out his hands like a show, and unceremoniously wrapped his arms around Fu Hongyi’s small waist, and a face was almost pasted on the belly of the girl…


When Situ Sheng saw this, he was even more angry and screamed, and the violent killing machine in his heart almost reached the point where he couldn’t stop it!

“Brother Situ, don’t be impatient!”

At this time, Liu Xunyang quickly stood up, blocked in front of Situ Sheng, and said in a low voice: “When we get to the ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’, we have the opportunity to deal with this boy, and we are in a hurry?” ”


Situ Sheng heard this, and only then did he reluctantly suppress his heart and kill the machine, and he sat down breathlessly!

However, after sitting down, he didn’t dare to look back at a glance, because he was afraid that if he saw that shameless scene again, he would really can’t help but run away on the spot and chop Ye Mo into pieces!

“This old thing dares to oppose me at every turn, and it seems that there is no need for this ‘primitive war sect’ to continue to stay in this world!”

At the same time, Ye Mo also raised his head from Fu Hongyi’s arms and coldly glanced at Situ Sheng’s back!

In fact, if he wasn’t worried that Liu Xunyang wouldn’t take him to the “Heavenly Fire Ridge”, with his temper, he would have sent this Situ Sheng into Huangquan long ago, how could he have endured until now?

However, for the sake of the overall situation, Ye Mo still did not dare to take an easy shot after all!

But what Situ Sheng had done was still included in the list of those who must be killed, and he had already made up his mind that after finding an opportunity, he would definitely send this old thing back to the west immediately!


Zhongwu Domain, West Pole Ridge!

Among the rolling hills, there is a majestic and majestic gate rising from the ground, standing on the top of the highest mountain peak, quite a domineering view of the mountains!

This sect gate is shrouded in dense clouds and fog all year round, like a fairyland.

In the mountains, all kinds of spiritual plant treasures can be seen everywhere, piled up like mountains, and almost every few feet is rooted in a rare spiritual root.

But with so many spiritual roots, none of them came to pick them!

Reason without him!

This Sect Gate is the famous Six-Star Sect Gate “Infinite War Sect” in West Pole Ridge!

And this mountain is exactly the “Immeasurable Mountain” to which the “Immeasurable War Sect” belongs, and the whole belongs to the sphere of influence of the “Immeasurable War Sect”, and ordinary martial artists must carefully put away the sharp edges on their bodies even when they pass by the Immeasurable Mountain, for fear of offending the disciples of the Six Star Sect Sect, and how dare they go up to the mountain to collect medicine?

At this moment, in the deepest part of the “Infinite War Sect” mountain gate, a vast martial arts arena was inside!

Countless Sect Gate disciples were sitting in all directions, one by one, not even daring to breathe a sigh of relief, all staring dead at the middle of the martial arts arena, a circular stone that emitted a cold breath throughout, as if waiting for something, obviously!

At this time, at the forefront of the martial arts arena, two imposing elders were standing side by side, it was Murong Wuliang, the suzerainty of the “Immeasurable War Sect”, and Murong Wuwei, the Great Elder Murong Wuxi!

“Sect Lord, Ruifeng should be able to break through to the Fourth Heaven of the Nine Yang Realms this time!” Murong Wuxi looked at the magical cobblestone in front of him and asked tentatively!

“Haha, although the Great Elder is assured, Ruifeng is a rare fourth-order ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ for tens of thousands of years, and it has been several years since he understood the ‘Ice Path’, and this time, Zongmen did not hesitate to do his best to find the ‘Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Stone’ for him, let him retreat cultivation, with his talent, this time will never let us down!”

Murong Wuwei smiled, and although he looked indifferent on the surface, his slightly trembling fingers still revealed that his heart was not at peace!

“I just don’t know how long it will take for Rui Feng to get out of the customs, we have previously agreed with the worshippers of the ‘Shu Ji Divine Sect’ to leave today, but don’t miss the opportunity!” Murong Wuliang added another sentence!

“It should be fast!” Murong WuXian murmured in his mouth, his voice just dropped!

Just then, just listen to the “click”!

In the middle of the martial arts arena, a line suddenly cracked on the strange circular stone!


The countless disciples who were watching around them exclaimed in surprise, and they all couldn’t help but stand up from their seats and stare fiercely at each other!

Next moment!

Click, click…

Another series of dense soft noises came out one after another, visible to the naked eye, on the round stone, one after another lines began to spread outward like cobwebs, and more and more, more and more dense! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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