“Roll, or die!”

Ye Mo’s head did not lift, and even changed a comfortable posture in Fu Hongyi’s arms, in fact, his fingertips had already pinched out a compressed Yang Yuan, and he had already made up his mind, as long as this Lü Zhaoxian dared to say a word, he would immediately kill him, or to give others a wake-up call – if he dared to beat his Ye Mo woman’s idea, then he must be enlightened in advance!

“You look for…”

Sure enough, Lu Zhaoxian was furious when he heard the words and was waiting to speak back!

Just at this moment, Liu Xunyang on the side quickly stood up and did not hesitate to block in front of him!


“Elder Liu, why did you stop me?” Lü Zhaoxian’s body trembled, thinking that he was the Fourth Order Supreme Heavenly Son, the Nine Yang Realm Triple Heavenly Cultivation, in the past, in the Sect Gate, even the Sect Master saw him, it was carefully accompanied by a smiling face, those ordinary Sect Gate disciples, that was even more hateful could not kneel and lick on the spot!

How did he ever suffer such humiliation?

“Ahem! If you two want to fight, wait outside and fight as you want, this is the ‘space passage’, if you break the protective cover of the ‘Broken Ark’, all of us will be caught up in the turbulence of space and be buried with you!” ”

Liu Xunyang said angrily, while not looking at Ye Mo coldly, he secretly said in his heart: This boy is simply a churning stick, and wherever he goes, he will provoke things wherever he goes, and he will not let people stop for a moment!

“This… Hum! ”

Hearing this, Lu Zhaoxian gave up in sorrow, but he still didn’t forget to stare at Ye Mo and said coldly!

“Today I will give Elder Liu a face, and I will not trouble you for the time being, but if you have a kind, then leave your name!”


Ye Mo didn’t even bother to look at Lu Zhaoxian, and after scolding this, he directly closed his eyes and began to close his eyes to recuperate!

Of course, this does not mean that he is afraid, but that he does not care about it at all!

Because of the different visions, such as Lu Zhaoxian, such a scumbag, he does not even have the qualifications to lift shoes with him, it is necessary to see him in general?


Lü Zhaoxian saw that Ye Mo was so arrogant that he almost ran away on the spot!

However, he was afraid of Liu Xunyang’s previous words, he still had to endure it, looked at Ye Mo with a look of resentment, and hissed: “Good! You’re fine, I remember you, and when you get to ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’, I must make you look good! ”

As the words fell, he walked into the crowd of “Supreme Heavenly Sons” again without looking back!

At this time, Fu Hongyi looked at Lü Hongyi’s back and said to Ye Mo with some concern: “Lord Patriarch, are you making enemies so many times, is it a little… Too irrational?

This “Lord of the Patriarch”, the Ye Mo bones were almost crisp!

However, after returning to his senses, Ye Mo immediately smiled with a dissatisfied face: “Make enemies everywhere? By them also deserve? ”

“This… And so it is!

Fu Hongyi smiled bitterly, with Ye Mo’s strength, these ordinary “Supreme Heavenly Sons” were really not qualified to be called enemies by him!

At the same time, after returning to his original position, Lü Zhaoxian did not forget to ask Liu Xunyang, “Elder Liu, who is that mud-legged man who is with Lady Fu?” ”

“You said he!”

Liu Xunyang glanced at Ye Mo silently and sneered, “His name is Ye Mo, he is a third-order ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ from the ‘Land of Riots’, and only the Nine Yang Realm Dual Heaven Cultivation!” ”

“What? Nine Yang Realm Dual Heaven? ”

When Lü Zhaoxian heard this, he smiled angrily on the spot, he had seen Ye Mo so arrogant before, and he thought that he had some incredible strength, but he did not expect that he was a scum that only had the Second Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm!

“Lü Gongzi, don’t underestimate this Ye Mo!”

At this time, Liu Xunyang lowered his voice and reminded him: “Although this mud-legged man cultivated himself to the ground, he didn’t know what kind of luck he took, and he actually got the favor of Lady Fu, and this is the fundamental reason why he dared to be so arrogant and had no one in sight!” ”

“That’s the way it is!”

Lü Zhaoxian suddenly realized that the rest of the “Supreme Heavenly Sons” also threw disdainful glances at Ye Mo one after another, and they all regarded him as a breed who ate soft rice…

“But how could Elder Liu, such an absolute celestial being as Lady Fu, look up to Ye Mo’s waste?” Lu Zhaoxian asked in puzzlement!

“Ahem! Although Lady Fu is amazingly talented, she is a native of the ‘Land of Riots’, and you don’t know the ghost place of the ‘Land of Riots’, which is pure and is some indiscriminate knife meat, where is there any flying prince? Miss Fu grew up in this environment from a young age, and when she met a slightly pleasing Ye Mo, of course, she couldn’t help but feel the spring heart sprouting, and her heart was secretly promised! Liu Xunyang simply repeated what Situ Sheng had said before to the crowd!

“, this mud-legged boy is like an ancestral grave smoking!”

Lü Zhaoxian gritted his teeth in anger, and the rest of the “Supreme Heavenly Son” were also jealous and hated not being able to immediately slash Ye Mo with a thousand swords!

Of course, there are also many clever people who can’t help but have such thoughts in their hearts: If I can get rid of this leaf of ink, will Fu Hongyi turn to me?

Thinking about it, their faces were full of mesmerizing smiles!

Liu Xunyang was so clever, seeing the expressions of these Supreme Heavenly Sons, he immediately guessed their thoughts and couldn’t help but say, “I know what kind of ghost ideas you are playing, but I advise you to die this heart!” Because Lady Fu already has a name and a master, it is not at all that you are qualified to touch it! ”

“Oh? What did Elder Liu say about this? ”

A group of Supreme Heavenly Sons heard the words and quickly frowned and asked.

“Oh, I’m not afraid to tell you that Lady Fu has been fixed by Situ Lingfeng, the son of Elder Situ, and you should have heard of the name of Ling Feng’s nephew, that is the Seventh Order ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’, the seventy-sixth Absolute Heavenly Pride in the Supreme Heavenly Son’s List!” Liu Xunyang said proudly!

“What? Is there such a thing? ”

When the Supreme Heavenly Sons heard the words, it was as if they had been poured down by a basin of cold water, and one by one they were as dejected as a defeated rooster!

Although these people were also “Supreme Heavenly Sons”, most of them only had third- and fourth-order talents, and compared with the seventh-order Situ Lingfeng, they were undoubtedly very different, not at all in a grade!

Seeing the crowd’s reaction, Liu Xunyang’s eyes rolled and he suddenly said, “However, if you only want to find this leaf ink to breathe, wait until you reach the Heavenly Fire Ridge and leave the range of Fengyun Mountain, absolutely no one will stop you!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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