Poor Lu Zhaoxian hadn’t even hummed before he could react to what was going on, and he was directly blasted into pieces by this unmatched mysterious force!


This sudden change made the surrounding “Supreme Heavenly Sons” can’t help but change their faces and exhale!

Although this attack was extremely fast and powerful, it only targeted Lu Zhaoxian alone, but it did not harm the innocent, and although all the Supreme Heavenly Sons who were closer were frightened, they were not attacked by half a wave of aftershock!

At the same time, a vague sound rolled in, as if far and near, as if it were virtual and real, slowly lingering in the ears of everyone, enduring!

“Fighting is forbidden on the ‘Wind and Cloud Mountain’, and those who violate the order will be killed without mercy!”

The words fell and the shadows were ethereal!

From beginning to end, the crowd did not see where the person who shot the shot was, but only a “humanoid trace” left on the ground, but it was clearly telling everyone that what they had just seen was not illusory!

“This person is definitely not a Three Talents Realm Martial Cultivator, it is very likely to be a Titled Martial Figure!”

Ye Mo’s heart was slightly cold, in fact, as early as before, the moment he had just stepped into this Fengyun Mountain, he felt that he was enveloped by a mysterious force, and he knew that someone was in the dark to inspect the Mountain of the Inspectors!

However, he still did not expect that the strength of this person who shot would be so terrifying!

You know, the purple streamer that had just been practicing, the power contained in it, even he couldn’t help but raise a feeling of fear and trepidation!

Especially at such a distance, this mysterious power could only target Lu Zhaoxian alone, and the other “Supreme Heavenly Sons” around him were not even affected by the slightest touch!

This precise grasp of his own strength alone was enough to make Ye Mo sigh to himself!

“Huh? What’s going on? ”

At this time, Liu Xunyang and Situ Sheng heard the movement here, and also ran out one after another, after hearing the narration of a Supreme Heavenly Son, the two almost fainted on the spot, and Situ Sheng couldn’t help but scold: “This fool, how dare he fight on the Fengyun Mountain?” ”

“! It makes perfect sense! Liu Xunyang was also not lightly angry, saying that the “West Pole Ridge” that the two of them were responsible for did not have many “Supreme Heavenly Sons”!

But this “Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking War” had not yet begun, and it was particularly confused that the two died in a row!

How could the two of them not be angry?

What was even more hateful was that the deaths of these two people were still with Ye Mo

Thinking of this, Situ Sheng couldn’t turn around in anger, stared at Ye deadly, and roared!

“Ye Mo! Can you give me a pause? ”

“me, he’s not bothered, and I’ve never fought back, I don’t believe you can ask!” Ye Mo spread his hands innocently.



Situ Sheng clenched his fists fiercely, but he also knew that Ye Mo really didn’t move, because if he did, the elders of the Shujie Divine Sect would never spare him, and they would inevitably kill him and Lü Zhaoxian together, and there would never be half a point of mercy!

Thinking of this, Situ Sheng turned around breathlessly and shouted at the stunned Supreme Heavenly Son, “Fighting is forbidden on the ‘Fengyun Mountain’, if you dare to disobey the order, this Lu Zhaoxian is your end, do you understand?!” ”

“Thanks for the reminder, we wrote it down!”

All the “Supreme Heavenly Sons” hurriedly surrendered their hands and said yes, and one by one they were all frightened and trembling, and their hands and feet were cold!

It was really that the masters behind the “Shujie Divine Sect” were too fierce and fierce, and they did not care about their honorable “Supreme Heavenly Son” status, that is to say, they would kill if they killed, and there was no sign of it in advance!

This made a group of “Supreme Heavenly Sons” who were pampered and treated in the Sect Gate on weekdays and were accustomed to being mighty and blessed for a while, still a little unable to adapt to it!

“Of course, this ban is only valid on the ‘Fengyun Mountain’, and once you leave the jurisdiction of the ‘Fengyun Mountain’, even if you go to the sky, no one will care!”

At this time, Situ Sheng did not forget to add a sentence, and took a deep look at Ye Mo, and the words were full of deep meaning!

When the words fell, he saw him take out dozens of golden nameplates from Sumi’s bag in succession, and distribute them one by one to the “Supreme Heavenly Sons” under his command, explaining: “This is the identity plate of our ‘Shujie Divine Sect’ named disciples, and it is also your pass on the mountain, don’t blame me for reminding you that if anyone loses this identity plate, not only will he not be able to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’ in two days, but he will also be obliterated by the Sect Elders as a foreign enemy, and there will never be any mercy!” ”

“Thank you Elder for reminding me!”

The “Supreme Heavenly Sons” heard the rumors and hurriedly and carefully collected this identity plate closely, not daring to have the slightest carelessness!

Ye Mo also got an identity nameplate, only to see that this nameplate is like gold instead of gold, like wood not wood, and I don’t know what material is refined, and the touch of the hand is also cold!

On the back of the nameplate, a magnificent mountain is vividly carved, which is the Fengyun Mountain; On the front is a large character engraved with the four dragons flying and phoenix dancing of “Shu Jie Shen Zong”, and the end is exquisitely crafted and cleverly designed!

“At this time, there are still two days left before the opening of the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle’, during these two days, you can hold the nameplate and cultivate freely in the Sect Gate, of course, you can also go to the ‘Wind and Cloud City’ under the mountain, which belongs to our ‘Shu Jie Shen Sect’ city and pool, which is not open to the public on weekdays, and the various mysteries contained in it should be able to open your eyes!”

Speaking of this, Situ Sheng said in a deep voice, “However, I still have to remind everyone once again that before the Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle begins, you try not to clash with other Supreme Heavenly Sons, and now the Fengyun Mountain has almost gathered the elite of the entire Zhongwu Domain, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, it is inevitable to lose your life in a vacuum, you had better stay on the mountain and find a quiet place to meditate for two days!” ”

After saying these words, Situ Sheng asked again, “Is there anything you don’t understand?” ”

“Elder Situ, I don’t know where I am waiting?” A “Supreme Heavenly Son” asked!


Situ Sheng shook his head and laughed, “Even we, the elders, don’t have a fixed residence in the Shujie Divine Sect, let alone you?” Anyway, two days is not long, you just find a place on the ‘Wind and Cloud Mountain’ and you will take a look! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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